documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Migrating to 2.6 from 2.5

API Changes

  • Removed class inheritance. Type checks and type guards must now refer to the exact type.
    • The HoveredItemEventArgs class is now an independent class and no longer a subclass of the unrelated ItemEventArgs class.
    • The TreeNodeSource and AdjacencyNodesSource classes no longer inherit from NodeSource.
  • Renamed types and members. Please use the new names:
    • The defaultNodeComparator property of CactusGroupLayout has been renamed to defaultNodeComparer.
    • The StarSubstructureStyle enum has been renamed to OrganicLayoutStarSubstructureStyle.

Changes of Default Behavior

  • IEnumerable.orderBy and IEnumerable.orderByDescending now sort numbers based on their numerical value when called without a comparison function. To restore the previous behavior, a comparison function should be passed that performs string comparison on numbers.
  • The ItemDroppedInputMode.DragDropped event is now raised after the drop gesture has been completed, in line with how similar events are raised in other parts of the code.
  • The moveInputMode, moveLabelInputMode, and handleInputMode sub-modes of GraphEditorInputMode no longer have a pre-set snapContext. Instead, they now take the SnapContext instance from the input mode context. As a result, changing the GraphEditorInputMode.snapContext property will also affect these sub-modes. If this is not desired, the GraphEditorInputMode.snapContext property should be explicitly set to the sub-mode’s snapContext properties during initialization.
  • EdgePathLabelModel and EdgeSegmentLabelModel now provide increased visual stability when there is not enough space on the edge path to avoid label overlap with nodes. This may result in slightly different label positions in such cases.
  • In GroupNodeStyle and WebGL2GroupNodeStyle, the corner radius of the style’s outline and content area is now different from the previous behavior if the tab width is set to 0.
  • The TextRenderSupport.addText method now consistently returns a string that includes line breaks for wrapped texts.
  • By default, the EdgeRouter class now ignores inner node labels. To revert to the old behavior, set the ignoreInnerNodeLabels property to false.
  • The layout-radial module now has a dependency on the layout-tree module.

Removed unused methods and properties

  • YObject.referenceEquals has been removed because it can simply be replaced with the === operator.


  • The GraphModelManager.labelLayerPolicy property has been marked as deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Instead, use the more specific properties nodeLabelLayerPolicy, edgeLabelLayerPolicy, and portLabelLayerPolicy.