documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Demos and Tutorials

yFiles for HTML comes with many source code demo applications and tutorials to help you get started. All of these demos are available in JavaScript and TypeScript. They are located in the demos-js directory and the demos-ts directory, respectively.

In the course of this Developer’s Guide, many sections will contain links to corresponding source code demos and tutorials.

The top-level directory of the yFiles for HTML package contains pre-configured projects for JetBrains IDEs and Visual Studio Code. In these projects, you can run the demo applications that are included in the package, and inspect their source code to learn how to implement the features you want to use. Of course, you can also browse the extensive API documentation and the developer’s guide from there.

The pre-configured project settings include startup tasks for installing the yFiles for HTML NPM module and starting a local demo server that serves the yFiles for HTML demos.In current JetBrains IDEs, you need to explicitly allow these tasks to be executed.