documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6


In yFiles for HTML a Theme is used to define the general look and feel of its interaction visualization.

The theme contains a primaryColor, a secondaryColor, and a backgroundColor that are used in different combinations by the visualizations.

In the following figure the primary color (orange) is used by node selection and handle stroke, the secondary color (light blue) is used by the snapline and the background color (dark blue) is used as handle fill.

A theme with orange primary color, dark orange background color, and light blue secondary color.
customizing view theme colors

When and how those colors are used is determined by the variant that also defines the general visualization style. The following ThemeVariants are available:

Available ThemeVariants
ThemeVariant Description
SIMPLE_ROUNDThe simple round variant uses a more simplistic styling with round shapes where applicable and hairline indicators.
SIMPLE_SQUAREThe simple square variant uses a more simplistic styling with rectangular shapes where applicable and hairline indicators.
CLASSICThe classic variant uses the well-known styling of previous yFiles for HTML versions. Since this styling doesn’t fit into the set of options provide by the Theme class, only some features can be colored in this variant. For example, snap lines do not use the secondaryColor but a hardcoded blue stroke. This can still be adjusted by CSS or by the related resource keys.

The theme’s scale property is independent of the variant and is used as a factor to scale the size of IHandles and IPortCandidates.

Handle sizes for different scale values
scale = 1
scale = 2
scale = 3

Using a Custom Theme

A custom theme can easily be used by assigning a new instance to the theme property:

Using a custom theme
// set a new Theme using the round variant,and orange and blue colors
graphComponent.theme = new Theme('simple-round', '#ff6c00', '#b5dcee', '#662b00')

Setting this custom theme results in the following visualization:

Visualization using the custom theme example
customizing view theme custom

A custom theme should be set before usage (e.g. immediately at or shortly after instantiating the GraphComponent).

Effects on Selection

Table Effects of ThemeVariants on item selection shows which visualization of selected items is used depending on the ThemeVariant. An orange primary, light blue secondary and dark blue background color is used in the example figures.

Effects of ThemeVariants on item selection
INodeA rectangle with a stroke using the primaryColor.A rectangle with a hatched indicator using the primaryColor and backgroundColor.
IEdgeEdge path with a stroke using the primaryColor.Edge path with a hatched indicator using the primaryColor and backgroundColor.
IBendsCircle filled with backgroundColor.Diamond filled with backgroundColor with a stroke in primaryColor.Diamond filled with backgroundColor with a stroke in primaryColor.
ILabelA rectangle with a stroke using the primaryColor.A rectangle with a hatched indicator using the primaryColor and backgroundColor.
IPortA circle filled with the primaryColor with a stroke using the backgroundColor.
IStripeA rectangle with a semi-transparent fill using the secondaryColor and a stroke using the secondaryColor.A rectangle with a semi-transparent black fill and a black stroke.

Effects on Focus

The focus visualizations of the currentItem for nodes and edges use a dashed stroke using the primaryColor.

An orange primary color is used in the example figures below:

Focused items
Focused node
Focused edge

Effects on Highlight

Table Effects of ThemeVariants on item highlight shows which visualization of highlighted items is used depending on the ThemeVariant. An orange primary, light blue secondary and dark blue background color is used in the example figures.

Effects of ThemeVariants on item highlight
INodeA rectangle with a stroke using the secondaryColor.A rectangle with a double-stroked border using the primaryColor with the backgroundColor in-between or just the corners of this rectangle depending on the zoom level.
IEdgeEdge path with a stroke using the secondaryColor.Edge path with a dotted hatched indicator using the primaryColor and backgroundColor.
ILabelA rectangle with a stroke using the secondaryColor.A rectangle with a hatched indicator using the primaryColor and backgroundColor.
IStripeA rectangle with a stroke using the secondaryColor.A rectangle with a double-stroked border using the primaryColor with the backgroundColor in-between or just the corners of this rectangle depending on the zoom level.

Effects on Lasso and Marquee

The visualizations of the current region of the LassoSelectionInputMode and MarqueeSelectionInputMode edges use an outline in secondaryColor and a half-transparent fill using the secondaryColor.

A light-blue primary color is used in the example figures below:

Selection regions
Lasso selection
Marquee selection

Effects on Overview

The visualizations of the viewport of the GraphOverviewComponent use an outline in secondaryColor and a half-transparent fill using the secondaryColor.

A light-blue primary color is used in the example figure below:

Overview viewport
customizing view theme overview

Effects on Handles

Table Effects of ThemeVariants on handles shows which handle visualization is used for each Variant type depending on the ThemeVariant. An orange primary, light blue secondary and dark blue background color is used in the example figures.

Effects of ThemeVariants on handles
RESIZE with VARIANT1Circle with fill using the backgroundColor and a stroke using the primaryColor.Square with fill using the backgroundColor and a stroke using the primaryColor.Square with fill using the primaryColor and a stroke using the backgroundColor.
Other handle types with VARIANT1A fill using the primaryColor and a stroke using the backgroundColor.
Handles with VARIANT2A fill using the backgroundColor and a stroke using the primaryColor.
Handles with VARIANT3A dark-gray fill and a light-gray stroke.
Handles with VARIANT4A light-gray fill and a dark-gray stroke.

Effects on Label Candidates

When dragging an ILabel to a different location provided by its ILabelModel using the MoveLabelInputMode, the possible label location candidates are visualized and the one that would currently be chosen is highlighted.

Table Effects of ThemeVariants on Label Candidates shows how label candidates are visualized depending on the ThemeVariant. An orange primary, light blue secondary and dark blue background color is used in the example figures.

Effects of ThemeVariants on Label Candidates
Non-highlighted CandidateA rectangle with rounded corners with a stroke using the secondaryColor.A rectangle with a stroke using the secondaryColor.A rectangle with a light-gray stroke.
Highlighted CandidateA rectangle with rounded corners with a stroke using the primaryColor.A rectangle with a stroke using the primaryColor.A rectangle with a dark-gray stroke.

Effects on Port Candidates

When creating new edges or reconnecting existing ones the valid and invalid IPortCandidate are visualized and the one that would currently be chosen is highlighted.

Table Effects of ThemeVariants on Port Candidates shows how port candidates are visualized depending on the ThemeVariant. Highlighted port candidates use the same visualization as not highlighted candidates, but are increased in size. An orange primary, light blue secondary and dark blue background color is used in the example figures.

Effects of ThemeVariants on Port Candidates
VALID: Highlighted (left) and not highlighted (right)A green circle with a stroke using the backgroundColor.A green square with a stroke using the backgroundColor.A green rectangle with a stroke using the backgroundColor and additional corners using the primaryColor.
INVALID: Highlighted (left) and not highlighted (right)A gray circle with a stroke using the backgroundColor.A gray square with a stroke using the backgroundColor.A red rectangle with a stroke using the backgroundColor and additional corners using the primaryColor.

Effects on Snap Lines

The Snapping feature supports easy alignment of moved or resized graph items. When an item is snapped, the SnapResult is visualized using one or several Snap Lines that indicate, where the item is aligned.

These snap lines use a blue color (CLASSIC) respectively the secondaryColor (SIMPLE_ROUND and SIMPLE_SQUARE) and additional crosses are added at important locations when CLASSIC is used.

An orange primary, light blue secondary and dark blue background color is used in the example figures.

Snap Lines

When snapping to Grid points, those Grid points are visualized with plus signs that use a green color (CLASSIC) respectively the secondaryColor (SIMPLE_ROUND and SIMPLE_SQUARE)

Grid Points