documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Technical Requirements

During Development

We suggest using a modern IDE with HTML5 support like JetBrains WebStorm, JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA, Microsoft Visual Studio Code, NetBeans, Microsoft Visual Studio, or Eclipse.

The Getting Started chapter has detailed descriptions and tips for developing with yFiles for HTML in these IDEs.

For running the tools that are included in the package, Node.js version 10 or newer is required.

For running the demo server that is included in the package, npm version 7 or newer is required.

TypeScript Typings

The TypeScript type definitions that come with yFiles for HTML require at least TypeScript version 3.1.

Deployed Applications

Running yFiles for HTML applications, including the provided demo applications, requires an HTML5-capable browser with adequate SVG support.

The demos included in the yFiles for HTML package make use of modern ECMAScript features for developer convenience. This means that they will not work in any versions of Internet Explorer.

ECMAScript 5

The library files themselves are ECMAScript 5 compatible and do not require a separate transpile step. This is also true for the ES module variant of the library. The only non-ES5 feature in this variant are the import statements that are typically already removed by the bundling.

In order to make full use of the library in Internet Explorer, an implementation of Promise object is required, though. A shim for Promise can be found in the library directory.

Supported Browsers

At the time of its release, this version of yFiles for HTML has been tested with the following browsers:

  • Google Chrome 92 and newer
  • Mozilla Firefox 91 and newer
  • Apple Safari 15 and newer
  • Microsoft Edge 92 and newer (based on Chromium)
  • Microsoft Edge Legacy 12 and newer (based on EdgeHTML)
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 9, 10, 11

In general, yFiles for HTML works in any modern, standards-compliant browser, including all Chromium-based browsers.

The WebGL2-based features of the library work on all modern browsers with WebGL2 support. As the WebGL2 support of all browsers is still being developed rapidly, and depends strongly on good driver support of the OS, there may be minor rendering artifacts on older devices and browser. More details and known issues for WebGL2 rendering are listed in the WebGL2 section.

Server side requirements

Since yFiles for HTML runs exclusively on the client side, e.g., in a web browser, there are no special server side requirements. Any solution that can deliver JavaScript to a web browser is sufficient to run yFiles for HTML applications, e.g., any web server that can serve content over HTTP(S).