documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6


To answer the question of which parts of a graph are reachable from other parts by following the edges (respecting or ignoring their direction), the different connectivity algorithms are of good help.

They offer services to check if a graph is connected, strongly connected or even biconnected or how the nodes could be distributed to two or more partitions containing only nodes that are not connected to each other. In addition, there is an algorithm that detects the subgraphs components where each node has at least a user-specified minimum degree.

Connected Components

Colored connected components, for instance, shows a graph with two connected components.

Colored connected components
analysis connected

Calculating connected components and coloring the nodes and edges shows the code used to calculate the connected components and color their nodes and edges:

Calculating connected components and coloring the nodes and edges
// calculate connected components
const connectedComponentsResult = new ConnectedComponents().run(graph)
// color the nodes and edges of each component
let colorIndex = 0
connectedComponentsResult.components.forEach((component) => {
  // get the next color from a given array of colors
  const color = colorArray[colorIndex++]
  const fill = new SolidColorFill(color)

  // color the nodes
  const nodeStyle = new ShapeNodeStyle({
    shape: ShapeNodeShape.ELLIPSE,
    fill: fill,
    stroke: new Stroke(fill, 2)
  component.nodes.forEach((node) => graph.setStyle(node, nodeStyle))

  // color the edges
  const edgeStyle = new PolylineEdgeStyle({
    stroke: new Stroke(fill, 2),
    targetArrow: new Arrow({ color, type: ArrowType.DEFAULT })
  component.inducedEdges.forEach((edge) => graph.setStyle(edge, edgeStyle))

Colored strongly connected components shows the same graph instance but with colored strongly connected components.

Colored strongly connected components
analysis strongly connected

Calculating strongly connected components shows the code used to calculate the strongly connected components which is analogue with calculating the connected components. The code coloring the nodes and edges works the same as well, so it was omitted here.

Calculating strongly connected components
// calculate strongly connected components
const stronglyConnectedComponentsResult = new StronglyConnectedComponents().run(graph)

Colored biconnected components shows again the same graph instance with colored biconnected components.

Colored biconnected components
analysis biconnected

Calculating biconnected components shows the analogue code used to calculate the strongly connected components.

Calculating biconnected components
// calculate biconnected components
const biconnectedComponentsResult = new BiconnectedComponents().run(graph)

Independent Sets

The Bipartition and the more general IndependentSets algorithms calculate partitions of unconnected nodes. This can for example be used when some limited resources (like pc working spaces) are required by entities/nodes (like employees) and there are restrictions/edges which entities/nodes may not use the same resource (employees working at the same time).

Colored independent sets shows a graph instance where each node is colored with the color of its set. No two adjacent nodes have the same color, and the number of colors is minimized.

Colored independent sets
analysis independent sets

Calculating Independent Sets shows the code used to calculate the independent sets.

Calculating Independent Sets
// calculate independent sets
const independentSetsResult = new IndependentSets().run(graph)

K-Core Components

The KCoreComponents algorithm calculates the k-core of an undirected graph. The k-core consists of the subgraph components where each node has at least degree k. Note that iterating the graph and simply removing all nodes with degree less than k is not sufficient to obtain the k-core because removing a node also reduces the degree of its neighbors. Thus, a node with degree larger than k in the initial graph may also be removed. The k-core algorithm can be applied to reduce a large graph structure to its core.

K-Core of a graph shows an example where the red colored nodes indicate the k-core of the graph for k = 3.

K-Core of a graph
analysis kcore3