documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Customizing the Graph Outline

By default, nodes and edges are visualized in the GraphOverviewComponent as simple rectangles and lines as described in the Graph Outline chapter. You might want to change these visualizations, either because you want them to look differently, or because you want some items to be visually hidden, e.g. because they are less important for an overview.

GraphOverviewComponent uses the GraphOverviewSvgVisualCreator set to its GraphOverviewComponent.graphVisualCreator to visualize its nodes and edges.

Default Graph and Graph Overview Visualization
Default Graph Visualization
Default Graph Overview Visualization

Customizations of the outline can include adjusting the OverviewGraphVisualCreator, using a second GraphComponent or adjusting the viewport rectangle decoration.


The GraphOverviewSvgVisualCreator iterates over the nodes and edges:

This provides three levels of customization:

Change Style Properties

If a certain style for all items of a type (node, group node, edge) shall be used, it is sufficent to change the style properties:

Setting different node, group node and edge styles
const overviewGraphVisualCreator = graphOverviewComponent.graphVisualCreator
overviewGraphVisualCreator.nodeStyle = new ShapeNodeStyle({ fill: 'orange' })
overviewGraphVisualCreator.groupNodeStyle = new ShapeNodeStyle({
  stroke: 'blue',
  fill: null
overviewGraphVisualCreator.edgeStyle = new PolylineEdgeStyle()

const overviewGraphVisualCreator = graphOverviewComponent.graphVisualCreator as GraphOverviewSvgVisualCreator
overviewGraphVisualCreator.nodeStyle = new ShapeNodeStyle({ fill: 'orange' })
overviewGraphVisualCreator.groupNodeStyle = new ShapeNodeStyle({ stroke: 'blue', fill: null })
overviewGraphVisualCreator.edgeStyle = new PolylineEdgeStyle()

Customized style properties
customizing view overview styles

Override Style Provider Methods

The style provider methods get the node or edge as parameter so custom implementations can return different styles depending on the individual node or edge instance.

The following example uses different colored edge styles depending on whether the source and target node of the edge are group nodes or not.

Overriding the edge style provider
class MyOverviewGraphVisualCreator extends GraphOverviewSvgVisualCreator {
  $nodeToNodeStyle = new PolylineEdgeStyle({ stroke: '2px solid red' })
  $nodeToGroupStyle = new PolylineEdgeStyle({ stroke: '2px solid limegreen' })
  $groupToGroupStyle = new PolylineEdgeStyle({ stroke: '2px solid royalblue' })

   * @param {!IGraph} $graph
  constructor($graph) {
    this.$graph = $graph

   * @param {!IEdge} edge - The edge to render.
   * @returns {!IEdgeStyle}
  getEdgeStyle(edge) {
    const sourceIsGroup = this.$graph.isGroupNode(edge.sourceNode)
    const targetIsGroup = this.$graph.isGroupNode(edge.targetNode)
    if (sourceIsGroup && targetIsGroup) {
      return this.$groupToGroupStyle
    } else if (sourceIsGroup || targetIsGroup) {
      return this.$nodeToGroupStyle
    } else {
      return this.$nodeToNodeStyle
}class MyOverviewGraphVisualCreator extends GraphOverviewSvgVisualCreator {
  private $nodeToNodeStyle = new PolylineEdgeStyle({ stroke: '2px solid red' })
  private $nodeToGroupStyle = new PolylineEdgeStyle({ stroke: '2px solid limegreen' })
  private $groupToGroupStyle = new PolylineEdgeStyle({ stroke: '2px solid royalblue' })

  constructor(private readonly $graph: IGraph) {

   * @param edge - The edge to render.
  getEdgeStyle(edge: IEdge): IEdgeStyle {
    const sourceIsGroup = this.$graph.isGroupNode(edge.sourceNode)
    const targetIsGroup = this.$graph.isGroupNode(edge.targetNode)
    if (sourceIsGroup && targetIsGroup) {
      return this.$groupToGroupStyle
    } else if (sourceIsGroup || targetIsGroup) {
      return this.$nodeToGroupStyle
    } else {
      return this.$nodeToNodeStyle
Use red style for node-to-node, green style for node-to-group and blue style for group-to-group edges
customizing view overview get style

Override Visual Creator Methods

As third option the getNodeVisualCreator methods can be overridden to return IVisualCreator implementations when no suitable style is available.

Second GraphComponent

When the outline of the graph shall look exactly like the original view, the easiest way is to just use a second GraphComponent instead of a GraphOverviewComponent:

Using a second GraphControl as outline
const graphOverviewComponent = new GraphComponent({
  selector: '#overviewComponent',
  graph: graphComponent.graph,
  inputMode: new OverviewInputMode({
    canvasComponent: graphComponent

Viewport Rectangle

One visual decoration of the graph outline is not rendered by the GraphOverviewSvgVisualCreator but added by the OverviewInputMode: A rectangle indicating the current viewport of the OverviewInputMode.canvasComponent.

This rectangle can be customized with a custom data template:

Directly set the custom data template visualizing the viewport rectangle
Define a custom data template using the corresponding template key

Using a custom viewport template
const overviewComponent = new GraphOverviewComponent('overviewComponent')
overviewComponent.graphComponent = graphComponent

// create a custom viewport template with a green border and fill
const viewportTemplate = new (class extends BaseClass(IVisualTemplate) {
   * @param {!IRenderContext} context
   * @param {!Rect} bounds
   * @param {*} dataObject
   * @returns {?SvgVisual}
  createVisual(context, bounds, dataObject) {
    const rect = document.createElementNS('', 'rect')
    rect.width.baseVal.value = bounds.width
    rect.height.baseVal.value = bounds.height
    rect.rx.baseVal.value = 5
    rect.ry.baseVal.value = 5
    SvgVisual.setTranslate(rect, bounds.x, bounds.y)
    rect.setAttribute('stroke', 'darkgreen')
    rect.setAttribute('fill', '#006400')
    rect.setAttribute('fill-opacity', '0.25')
    return new SvgVisual(rect)

   * @param {!IRenderContext} context
   * @param {!SvgVisual} oldVisual
   * @param {!Rect} bounds
   * @param {*} dataObject
   * @returns {?SvgVisual}
  updateVisual(context, oldVisual, bounds, dataObject) {
    const rect = oldVisual.svgElement
    rect.width.baseVal.value = bounds.width
    rect.height.baseVal.value = bounds.height
    SvgVisual.setTranslate(rect, bounds.x, bounds.y)
    return oldVisual

// register the template to be used for drawing the selection indicator of nodes
overviewComponent.resources.set(OverviewInputMode.VIEWPORT_TEMPLATE_KEY, viewportTemplate)

const overviewComponent = new GraphOverviewComponent('overviewComponent')
overviewComponent.graphComponent = graphComponent

// create a custom viewport template with a green border and fill
const viewportTemplate = new (class extends BaseClass(IVisualTemplate) {
  createVisual(context: IRenderContext, bounds: Rect, dataObject: any): SvgVisual | null {
    const rect = document.createElementNS('', 'rect')
    rect.width.baseVal.value = bounds.width
    rect.height.baseVal.value = bounds.height
    rect.rx.baseVal.value = 5
    rect.ry.baseVal.value = 5
    SvgVisual.setTranslate(rect, bounds.x, bounds.y)
    rect.setAttribute('stroke', 'darkgreen')
    rect.setAttribute('fill', '#006400')
    rect.setAttribute('fill-opacity', '0.25')
    return new SvgVisual(rect)

  updateVisual(context: IRenderContext, oldVisual: SvgVisual, bounds: Rect, dataObject: any): SvgVisual | null {
    const rect = oldVisual.svgElement as SVGRectElement
    rect.width.baseVal.value = bounds.width
    rect.height.baseVal.value = bounds.height
    SvgVisual.setTranslate(rect, bounds.x, bounds.y)
    return oldVisual

// register the template to be used for drawing the selection indicator of nodes
overviewComponent.resources.set(OverviewInputMode.VIEWPORT_TEMPLATE_KEY, viewportTemplate)

Default vs. customized viewport templates
Default viewport template
Customized viewport template