A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  
label — Property, class com.yworks.canvas.input.LabelPositionHandler
Gets the label instance.
label — Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.StripeEvent
The label which was affected.
LABEL — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.canvas.input.HitTest
Hits on labels should be tested
LABEL — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.canvas.input.ModelItemMouseEventKind
Indicates that the event concerns a label.
LABEL — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.GraphItemTypes
Constant for all kinds of labels.
labelAdded — Event, interface com.yworks.graph.model.ITable
Dispatched when a new label has been added to a stripe (column or row).
labelAdded — Event, class com.yworks.graph.model.Table
Dispatched when a new label has been added to a stripe (column or row).
LABEL_ADDED — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.GraphEventKind
A label was added.
LABEL_ADDED — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.StripeEvent
Event which is dispatched when a new label has been added to a stripe (column or row).
LabelCandidateDescriptor — class, package com.yworks.graph.model
A simple mutable default implementation of the ILabelCandidateDescriptor interface.
LabelCandidateDescriptor(externalCandidate:Boolean, profit:Number) — Constructor, class com.yworks.graph.model.LabelCandidateDescriptor
Creates a new instance of LabelCandidateDescriptor.
labelChanged — Event, class com.yworks.graph.input.GraphEditorInputMode
Dispatched when a label is changed by the user (after pressing F2 key).
labelChanged — Event, class com.yworks.graph.input.TableEditorInputMode
Dispatched when a label is edited by the user (after pressing F2 key).
labelChanged — Event, interface com.yworks.graph.model.ITable
Dispatched when the label of a stripe (column or row) has been changed.
labelChanged — Event, class com.yworks.graph.model.Table
Dispatched when the label of a stripe (column or row) has been changed.
LABEL_CHANGED — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.graph.input.GraphEditorEvent
Dispatched when a label has been edited.
LABEL_CHANGED — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.GraphEventKind
A label was changed.
LABEL_CHANGED — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.StripeEvent
Event which is dispatched when the label of a stripe (column or row) has been changed.
LabelConfiguration — class, package com.yworks.graph.input
Simple implementation of the interface ILabelConfiguration.
LabelConfiguration(parameter:com.yworks.graph.model:ILabelModelParameter, style:com.yworks.graph.drawing:ILabelStyle, preferredSize:com.yworks.canvas.geom:ISize) — Constructor, class com.yworks.graph.input.LabelConfiguration
Creates a new instance with the given model parameter, style and preferred size.
labelCreated — Event, class com.yworks.graph.input.GraphEditorInputMode
Dispatched when a label is added by the user (after pressing F2 key).
labelCreated — Event, class com.yworks.graph.input.TableEditorInputMode
Dispatched when a label is added by the user (after pressing F2 key).
LABEL_CREATED — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.graph.input.GraphEditorEvent
Dispatched when a new label has been created.
labelDecorator — Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.GraphDecorator
A LabelDecorator instance that can be used to decorate the lookup of the ILabel instances in the graph that this decorator has been created for.
LabelDecorator — class, package com.yworks.graph.model
A subclass of the ItemDecorator that is specifically tailored for ILabels.
LabelDecorator(decorator:com.yworks.support:ILookupDecorator) — Constructor, class com.yworks.graph.model.LabelDecorator
Creates a new instance that uses the given decorator.
labelDeleted — Event, class com.yworks.graph.input.GraphEditorInputMode
Dispatched when a label has been deleted by the user.
LABEL_DELETED — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.graph.input.GraphEditorEvent
Dispatched when a label has been deleted by the GraphEditorInputMode.
labelEditableItems — Property, class com.yworks.graph.input.GraphEditorInputMode
Determines which types of items may have their labels edited.
labelEditableItems — Property, class com.yworks.graph.input.TableEditorInputMode
Determines which types of items may have their labels edited.
LABELED_ITEM — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.GraphItemTypes
Constant for labeled items.
labelEditingAllowed — Property, class com.yworks.graph.input.GraphEditorInputMode
Gets or sets the LabelEditingAllowed property that determines whether the label editor will be automatically invoked if the F2 key is pressed.
labelEditingAllowed — Property, class com.yworks.graph.input.TableEditorInputMode
The LabelEditingAllowed property that determines whether the label editor will be automatically invoked if the F2 key is pressed.
LabelEvent — class, package com.yworks.graph.model
A sub class of GraphEvent which is dispatched when a label changes.
LabelEvent(type:String, item:com.yworks.canvas.model:IModelItem, oldOwner:com.yworks.graph.model:ILabeledItem, kind:String, graph:com.yworks.graph.model:IGraph, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean) — Constructor, class com.yworks.graph.model.LabelEvent
Creates a new instance.
labelFunction — Property, class com.yworks.ui.tree.HierarchyTreeView
A user-supplied function to run on each item to determine its label.
LabelInputHandler — class, package com.yworks.io.graphml.reader
This class manages the deserialization of all labels in the graphml input.
labelInsetsColor — Property, interface com.yworks.graph.drawing.IPanelNodeStyle
The base color to use for drawing the label insets background (as RGB).
labelInsetsColor — Property, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.PanelNodeStyle
The base color to use for drawing the label insets background (as RGB).
labelLayerPolicy — Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.GraphModelManager
The policy to decide at which visual layer labels shall be inserted.
LabelLayerPolicy — class, package com.yworks.graph.model
Enumeration which determines at which visual layer node and edge labels shall be inserted by the GraphModelManager.
LabelLayerPolicy(policyName:String) — Constructor, class com.yworks.graph.model.LabelLayerPolicy
LABEL_MODEL_NAME — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.io.graphml.GraphMLConstants
labelModelParameter — Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.DefaultLabel
Gets the label model's parameter that determines the positioning of this label.
labelModelParameter — Property, interface com.yworks.graph.model.ILabel
Gets the label model's parameter that determines the positioning of this label.
labelModelParameter — Property, interface com.yworks.graph.model.IStripeDefaults
The label model parameter to use for labels.
labelModelParameter — Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.StripeDefaults
The label model parameter to use for labels.
labelModelParameterFinderDecorator — Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.LabelDecorator
The LookupDecorator that decorates the ILabelModelParameterFinder type for ILabels.
labelModelParameterProviderDecorator — Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.LabelDecorator
The LookupDecorator that decorates the ILabelModelParameterProvider type for ILabels.
LABEL_MODEL_POSITION — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.io.graphml.GraphMLConstants
labelModels — Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.CompositeLabelModel
A Collection of the ILabelModels that shall be combined.
LabelOutputHandler — class, package com.yworks.io.graphml.writer
An IOutputHandler implementation that writes labels for graph objects.
LabelPositionHandler — class, package com.yworks.canvas.input
An implementation of IPositionHandler that shows the various label position candidates and lets the user move a label to one of those candidate positions.
LabelPositionHandler(graph:com.yworks.graph.model:IGraph, label:com.yworks.graph.model:ILabel) — Constructor, class com.yworks.canvas.input.LabelPositionHandler
Initializes a new instance of the LabelPositionHandler class.
labelRemoved — Event, interface com.yworks.graph.model.ITable
Dispatched when a label has been removed from its stripe (column or row).
labelRemoved — Event, class com.yworks.graph.model.Table
Dispatched when a label has been removed from its stripe (column or row).
LABEL_REMOVED — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.GraphEventKind
A label was removed.
LABEL_REMOVED — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.StripeEvent
Event which is dispatched when a label has been removed from its stripe (column or row).
labels — Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.AbstractLabeledItem
The collection for the labels.
labels — Property, interface com.yworks.graph.model.ILabeledItem
Provides access to a collection of ILabels that are owned by this instance.
labelStyle — Property, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.NodeStyleLabelStyleAdapter
Gets the LabelStyle that is used for rendering the foreground of the label.
labelStyle — Property, interface com.yworks.graph.model.IStripeDefaults
The default style to use for labels.
labelStyle — Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.StripeDefaults
The default style to use for labels.
LabelStyleDescriptor — class, package com.yworks.graph.drawing
An ICanvasObjectDescriptor implementation that casts the userObject to ILabel and uses it's style to get implementations for the various interfaces.
LabelStyleInstaller — class, package com.yworks.graph.drawing
A style installer for labels that have a specific IVisualStyle in their lookup.
LabelStyleInstaller() — Constructor, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.LabelStyleInstaller
labelTextChanged(label:com.yworks.graph.model:ILabel, oldText:String) — method, interface com.yworks.graph.model.ILabelTextChangedListener
Called when the text of a label has changed.
landscape — Property, interface com.yworks.canvas.ICanvasPrintContext
Whether to print in landscape mode
last — Property, interface com.yworks.canvas.ICanvasObjectGroup
Returns the last item in the rendering list of this group.
last — Property, class com.yworks.support.YList
Returns the last element in this list.
lastCanvasMouseEvent — Property, class com.yworks.canvas.CanvasComponent
Gets the last CanvasMouseEvent that was dispatched by this instance.
lastCell — Property, class com.yworks.support.YList
Returns the last cell in this list.
lastContainer — Property, class com.yworks.io.graphml.GraphMLContext
Return the last container object stored in this context.
_lastEvent — Property, class com.yworks.canvas.input.StateMachineInputMode
The last Event that has been delivered to this instance.
lastGesture — Property, class com.yworks.graph.input.ReparentStripePositionHandler
_lastMouseEvent — Property, class com.yworks.canvas.input.MouseHoverInputMode
_lastMouseEvent — Property, class com.yworks.canvas.input.StateMachineInputMode
The last MouseEvent that has been delivered to this instance.
lastMouseEvent — Property, class com.yworks.canvas.input.StateMachineInputMode
Returns the last mouse event.
_lastParameter — Property, class com.yworks.graph.input.PortLocationModelParameterHandle
lastState — Property, class com.yworks.support.StateChangeEvent
_layout — Property, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.AbstractLabelStyleRenderer
Holds the layout of the current label.
layout — Property, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.AbstractLabelStyleRenderer
Retrieves the current layout.
layout — Property, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.AbstractNodeStyleRenderer
Returns the INode.layout of the node this renderer is currently configured for.
layout — Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.DefaultColumn
A live view of the relative layout of the stripe.
layout — Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.DefaultLabel
Provides access to the layout of a label.
layout — Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.DefaultNode
Returns a live view of the layout of the node.
layout — Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.DefaultRow
A live view of the relative layout of the stripe.
layout — Property, interface com.yworks.graph.model.ILabel
Provides access to the layout of a label.
layout — Property, interface com.yworks.graph.model.INode
Returns a live view of the layout of the node.
layout — Property, interface com.yworks.graph.model.IStripe
A live view of the relative layout of the stripe.
layout — Property, interface com.yworks.graph.model.ITable
The relative layout of the table.
layout — Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.Table
The relative layout of the table.
LayoutGraphMLIOHandler — class, package com.yworks.io.graphml
A GraphMLIOHandler that writes only geometric information.
LEADING_HEADER — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.StripeSubregion
Flag for the leading stripe header.
LEFT — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.canvas.input.snapLines.SnapLineSnapType
Describes snap lines to which the left sides of rectangular elements will snap.
LEFT — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.SliderParameterLocation
Left of the edge.
length — Property, class com.yworks.canvas.drawing.GeneralPath
Gets the number of drawing operations stored in this instance.
length() — method, class com.yworks.canvas.model.DefaultCollectionModel
Returns the number of elements in this collection.
length — Property, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.ArrowPaintable
The length of the arrow.
length() — method, class com.yworks.graph.model.BendList
Returns The number of bends in the list.
length — Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.DefaultArrow
Returns the length of the arrow, i.e.
length — Property, interface com.yworks.graph.model.IArrow
Returns the length of the arrow, i.e.
length() — method, interface com.yworks.graph.model.IBendList
Returns The number of bends in the list.
length() — method, class com.yworks.support.ArrayList
Returns the number of elements in this collection.
length() — method, interface com.yworks.support.Collection
Returns the number of elements in this collection.
length — Property, class com.yworks.support.CompoundUndoUnit
The number of units that are contained in this compound unit.
length() — method, class com.yworks.support.EmptyList
Returns the number of elements in this collection.
length() — method, class com.yworks.support.HashSet
Returns the number of elements in this collection.
length() — method, class com.yworks.support.ReadOnlyList
Returns the number of elements in this collection.
length() — method, class com.yworks.support.SingletonList
length() — method, class com.yworks.support.YList
Returns the number of elements in this collection.
length() — method, class com.yworks.util.CompositeCollectionModel
Returns the number of elements in this collection.
length() — method, class com.yworks.util.FilteredCollectionModel
Returns the number of elements in this collection.
license — Property, class com.yworks.mxml.LicenseTool
The license as XML.
LicenseError — class, package com.yworks.util
LicenseError(message:String, id:int) — Constructor, class com.yworks.util.LicenseError
LicenseTool — class, package com.yworks.mxml
Utility class to register the license using a MXML element.
limitedMinZoom — Property, class com.yworks.canvas.CanvasComponent
Returns the minimum zoom value for the current canvas size and viewport limits
limitViewport(canvasComponent:com.yworks.canvas:CanvasComponent, suggestedViewport:com.yworks.canvas.geom:IRectangle) — method, class com.yworks.canvas.ViewportLimiter
Inspects the desired or suggested new viewport for the given control and returns a valid viewport to use.
LINE_1 — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.compat.LineType
A solid line with width 1.0
LINE_2 — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.compat.LineType
A solid line with width 2.0
LINE_3 — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.compat.LineType
A solid line with width 3.0
LINE_4 — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.compat.LineType
A solid line with width 4.0
LINE_5 — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.compat.LineType
A solid line with width 5.0
LINE_6 — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.compat.LineType
A solid line with width 6.0
LINE_7 — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.compat.LineType
A solid line with width 7.0
LINEAR_MOVE — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.graph.input.snapLines.MoveTypes
The element moves linearly with the mouse in both directions.
LINEAR_MOVE_X — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.graph.input.snapLines.MoveTypes
The element moves linearly with the mouse in horizontal direction.
LINEAR_MOVE_Y — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.graph.input.snapLines.MoveTypes
The element moves linearly with the mouse in vertical direction.
lineContains(x1:Number, y1:Number, x2:Number, y2:Number, testX:Number, testY:Number, epsilon:Number) — Static Method , class com.yworks.canvas.geom.GeomSupport
Determines whether a given line is hit by a point given an epsilon.
lineFrom — Property, class com.yworks.canvas.drawing.FixedLinePaintable
The start point of the SnapLine.
lineGradientStyle(type:String, colors:Array, alphas:Array, ratios:Array, matrix:flash.geom:Matrix, spreadMethod:String, interpolationMethod:String, focalPointRatio:Number) — method, class com.yworks.canvas.drawing.YGraphics
Specifies a gradient for the line style that Flash Player uses for subsequent calls to other Graphics methods.
lineIntersectsView(p1:com.yworks.canvas.geom:IPoint, p2:com.yworks.canvas.geom:IPoint) — method, class com.yworks.graph.input.snapLines.GraphSnapContext
LINES — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.canvas.GridSnapType
Elements shall be snapped to horizontal and vertical grid lines.
lineStyle(thickness:Number, color:uint, alpha:Number, pixelHinting:Boolean, scaleMode:String, caps:String, joints:String, miterLimit:Number) — method, class com.yworks.canvas.drawing.YGraphics
Specifies a line style that Flash uses for subsequent calls to other Graphics methods (such as lineTo() or drawCircle()) for the object.
lineStyle — Property, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.compat.JavaShapeNodeStyleRenderer
Get the stroke that is currently used by this renderer.
lineStyle — Property, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.compat.LineType
The line style that is used by this instance.
LINE_SYTLE — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.compat.LineType
Line style specifier that describes a solid line.
lineTo — Property, class com.yworks.canvas.drawing.FixedLinePaintable
The end point of the SnapLine.
lineTo(x:Number, y:Number) — method, class com.yworks.canvas.drawing.GeneralPath
Appends a PathType.LINE_TO operation to the path elements.
lineTo(x:Number, y:Number) — method, class com.yworks.canvas.drawing.YGraphics
Draws a line to given location after applying the current graphics transformation to the given location.
LINE_TO — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.canvas.drawing.PathType
The type that is used to add a line from the current position to the next position.
lineType — Property, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.compat.AbstractJavaNodeStyle
The style's line type.
LineType — class, package com.yworks.graph.drawing.compat
LineType(width:Number, cap:String, join:String, miterLimit:Number, dashPattern:Array, style:uint, pixelHinting:Boolean) — Constructor, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.compat.LineType
LineTypeDeserializer — class, package com.yworks.io.graphml.reader.deserializer
Deserializer implementation that deserializes LineType instances.
List — Interface, package com.yworks.support
ListCell — class, package com.yworks.support
The cells used inside YList
ListCell(o:Object) — Constructor, class com.yworks.support.ListCell
Creates a new instance with the given object as content.
ListLabelCollection — class, package com.yworks.graph.model
A simple implementation of the ILabelCollection interface that is backed by a list
ListPortModel — class, package com.yworks.graph.model
A simple implemenation of an IMutablePortCollection that is backed by a list.
ListPortModel(nodeModel:com.yworks.graph.model:INode, ports:com.yworks.support:List) — Constructor, class com.yworks.graph.model.ListPortModel
load(graph:com.yworks.graph.model:IGraph, defaultFileName:String) — method, class com.yworks.remote.LoadHandler
Opens the file browser to load a file.
load(url:String, swf:Boolean) — method, class com.yworks.util.ImageLoader
Try to load an image from the given url.
loadBase64(base64:String, digest:String) — method, class com.yworks.util.ImageLoader
Creates an image from a base64 encoded String
loaded — Property, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.ImageIcon
Whether the image associated with this style is completely loaded.
loaded — Property, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.ImageNodeStyle
Whether the image associated with this style is completely loaded.
loader — Property, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.CSSLabelStyle
loadGraphFromURL(URL:String, ioHandler:com.yworks.io:IOHandler, theGraph:com.yworks.graph.model:IGraph, callback:Function) — method, class com.yworks.ui.GraphCanvasComponent
Load a GraphML file from an URL, parse the GraphML file and display the graph.
loadGraphFromXML(xml:XML, ioHandler:com.yworks.io.graphml:GraphMLIOHandler, theGraph:com.yworks.graph.model:IGraph) — method, class com.yworks.ui.GraphCanvasComponent
Parse and display a graph from a GraphML file.
LoadHandler — class, package com.yworks.remote
A Handler which loads a GraphML file.
LoadHandler(roundtripHandler:com.yworks.remote:RoundtripHandler) — Constructor, class com.yworks.remote.LoadHandler
Create a new instance.
loadNow — Property, class com.yworks.mxml.ConfigTool
When set to true, the config will be loaded as soon as the configURL is set.
localRoot — Property, interface com.yworks.graph.model.IFoldedGraph
Gets or sets an entity of the FoldingManager's masterHierarchy to serve as the virtual root for the view's local hierarchy.
localViewMode — Property, class com.yworks.io.graphml.GraphMLIOHandler
Whether to read/write only the local view for folded graphs.
localViewMode — Property, class com.yworks.remote.AbstractRoundtripHandler
Whether to read/write only the local view for folded graphs.
localX — Property, class com.yworks.canvas.input.CanvasMouseEvent
The horizontal coordinate at which the event occurred relative to the containing sprite.
localY — Property, class com.yworks.canvas.input.CanvasMouseEvent
The vertical coordinate at which the event occurred relative to the containing sprite.
location — Property, class com.yworks.canvas.input.LabelPositionHandler
Returns the current location, i.e.
location — Property, class com.yworks.canvas.input.ReshapeHandlerHandle
Returns a view of the center of the handle.
location — Property, class com.yworks.canvas.input.ReshapeableHandle
The reference for the location of the handle.
location — Property, class com.yworks.canvas.input.TextEditorInputMode
Gets or sets the location of the text box in world coordinates.
location — Property, class com.yworks.canvas.input.snapLines.SnapState
The current location.
location — Property, class com.yworks.graph.input.EdgeDragInputModeBase
Gets the location where the bend creation gesture was initialized.
location — Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.DefaultBend
location — Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.DefaultPort
Returns a live view of the location of the port in world coordinates.
location — Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.EdgeEndMoveHandle
Returns a view of the location of the item.
location — Property, interface com.yworks.graph.model.IPort
Returns a live view of the location of the port in world coordinates.
location — Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.portLocation.DynamicAnchoredParameter
Returns the IPoint object passed on construction.
Location — Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.markup.RotatedSliderLabelModelParameterExtension
locationModelParameter — Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.DefaultPort
Gets the port model's parameter that determines the location of this port.
locationModelParameter — Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.DefaultPortCandidate
Gets or sets the model parameter that will be used for the port if this candidate is chosen.
locationModelParameter — Property, interface com.yworks.graph.model.IPort
Gets the port model's parameter that determines the location of this port.
locationModelParameter — Property, interface com.yworks.graph.model.IPortCandidate
Returns the model parameter that will be used for the port if this candidate is chosen.
lockedPortEdges — Property, class com.yworks.graph.input.snapLines.OrthogonalEdgeEditingContext
Provides access to the iterable of IEdge instances whose ports have been locked at source and target end.
lockPortMovement(edge:com.yworks.graph.model:IEdge) — method, class com.yworks.graph.input.snapLines.OrthogonalEdgeEditingContext
Locks the movement of the ports of the edges so that canBeMoved will yield false for the provided edge during the current edit.
lookup(type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.canvas.CanvasComponent
lookup(type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.canvas.drawing.DefaultPaintContext
Returns an instance that implements the given type or null.
lookup(type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.canvas.input.SimpleInputModeContext
Returns an instance that implements the given type or null.
lookup(type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.AbstractStyleRenderer
Implements the ILookup interface.
lookup(type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.BevelNodeStyleRenderer
Implements the ILookup interface.
lookup(type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.BitmapNodeStyleRenderer
Implements the ILookup interface.
lookup(type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.CSSLabelStyleRenderer
Implements the ILookup interface.
lookup(type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.CollapsibleNodeStyleDecoratorRenderer
Implements the ILookup interface.
lookup(type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.ComponentNodeStyleRenderer
lookup(type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.DelegatingStyleRenderer
ILookup implementation of this style renderer.
lookup(type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.GeneralPathNodeStyleRenderer
Implements the ILookup interface.
lookup(type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.IconLabelStyleRenderer
lookup(type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.ImageNodeStyleRenderer
Implements the ILookup interface.
lookup(type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.PanelNodeStyleRenderer
lookup(type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.PolylineEdgeStyleRenderer
Implements the ILookup interface.
lookup(type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.SWFNodeStyleRenderer
Implements the ILookup interface.
lookup(type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.ShapeNodeStyleRenderer
Implements the ILookup interface.
lookup(type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.ShinyPlateNodeStyleRenderer
Implements the ILookup interface.
lookup(edge:com.yworks.graph.model:IEdge, type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.SimpleAbstractEdgeStyle
Performs the lookup operation for the lookup calls to the renderer.
lookup(label:com.yworks.graph.model:ILabel, type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.SimpleAbstractLabelStyle
Performs the lookup operation for the lookup calls to the renderer.
lookup(node:com.yworks.graph.model:INode, type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.SimpleAbstractNodeStyle
Performs the lookup operation for the lookup calls to the renderer.
lookup(port:com.yworks.graph.model:IPort, type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.SimpleAbstractPortStyle
Performs the lookup operation for the lookup calls to the renderer.
lookup(type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.SimpleLabelStyleRenderer
Implements the ILookup interface.
lookup(type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.SimplePortStyleRenderer
Implements the ILookup interface.
lookup(type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.TableNodeStyleRenderer
Returns an instance that implements the given type or null.
lookup(type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.TemplateLabelStyleRenderer
Implements the ILookup interface.
lookup(type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.TemplateNodeStyleRenderer
Implements the ILookup interface.
lookup(type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.TemplateStyleDataContext
lookup(type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.compat.JavaGenericNodeStyleRenderer
If asked for a IRealizerSerializer, this method will return a JavaGenericNodeRealizerSerializer.
lookup(type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.compat.JavaGenericNodeStyleWrapperRenderer
ILookup implementation of this style renderer.
lookup(type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.compat.JavaGroupNodeStyleRenderer
Implements the ILookup interface.
lookup(type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.compat.JavaImageNodeStyleRenderer
Implements the ILookup interface.
lookup(type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.compat.JavaShapeNodeStyleRenderer
Implements the ILookup interface.
lookup(type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.graph.model.AbstractGraphWrapper
Returns an instance that implements the given type or null.
lookup(type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.graph.model.AbstractModelItem
Simple lookup implementation that tries to find a registered lookup.
lookup(type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.graph.model.CompositeLabelModel
Returns an instance that implements the given type or null.
lookup(type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.graph.model.DefaultBend
Returns an instance that implements the given type or null.
lookup(type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.graph.model.DefaultColumn
Returns an instance that implements the given type or null.
lookup(type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.graph.model.DefaultEdge
Returns an instance that implements the given type or null.
lookup(type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.graph.model.DefaultGraph
Returns an instance that implements the given type or null.
lookup(type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.graph.model.DefaultItemLookup
Returns an instance that implements the given type or null.
lookup(type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.graph.model.DefaultLabel
Returns an instance that implements the given type or null.
lookup(type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.graph.model.DefaultNode
Returns an instance that implements the given type or null.
lookup(type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.graph.model.DefaultNodeHierarchy
Returns an instance that implements the given type or null.
lookup(type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.graph.model.DefaultPort
Returns an instance that implements the given type or null.
lookup(type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.graph.model.DefaultRow
Returns an instance that implements the given type or null.
lookup(type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.graph.model.DescriptorWrapperLabelModel
lookup(type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.graph.model.ExteriorLabelModel
Returns an instance that implements the given type or null.
lookup(type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.graph.model.FilteredGraphWrapper
lookup(type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.graph.model.FreeEdgeLabelModel
Returns an instance that implements the given type or null.
lookup(type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.graph.model.FreeNodeLabelModel
Returns an instance that implements the given type or null.
lookup(type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.graph.model.GenericLabelModel
Returns an instance that implements the given type or null.
lookup(type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.graph.model.InteriorLabelModel
Returns an instance that implements the given type or null.
lookup(type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.graph.model.InteriorStretchLabelModel
Returns an instance that implements the given type or null.
lookup(type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.graph.model.RotatedSideSliderEdgeLabelModel
Returns an instance that implements the given type or null.
lookup(type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.graph.model.RotatedSliderEdgeLabelModel
Returns an instance that implements the given type or null.
lookup(type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.graph.model.RotatingEdgeLabelModel
Returns an instance that implements the given type or null.
lookup(type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.graph.model.SliderEdgeLabelModel
Returns an instance that implements the given type or null.
lookup(type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.graph.model.StretchStripeLabelModel
Returns an instance that implements the given type or null.
lookup(type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.graph.model.StripeLabelModel
Returns an instance that implements the given type or null.
lookup(type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.graph.model.Table
Returns an instance that implements the given type or null.
lookup(type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.graph.model.portLocation.NodeScaledPortLocationModel
Returns an instance that implements the given type or null.
lookup(type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.io.graphml.GraphMLContext
Returns an instance that implements the given type or null.
lookup(type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.io.graphml.reader.GraphMLParseContext
Returns an instance that implements the given type or null.
lookup(type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.io.graphml.writer.DefaultXmlWriter
lookup(type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.io.graphml.writer.GraphMLWriteContext
lookup(type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.support.CallbackLookup
Performs the actual lookup operation.
lookup(type:Class) — method, interface com.yworks.support.ILookup
Returns an instance that implements the given type or null.
lookup(key:String) — Static Method , class com.yworks.util.BitmapCache
Returns the BitmapData or ImageLoader that was stored for the given key.
LookupChain — class, package com.yworks.support
An implementation of a chain of IContextLookupChainLinks.
LOOKUP_CHAIN_CHANGED — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.support.LookupChainEvent
Dispatched by a com.yworks.support.LookupChain when a chain link has been added or removed.
LookupChainEvent — class, package com.yworks.support
Dispatched by a com.yworks.support.LookupChain when a chain link has been added or removed.
LookupChainEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean) — Constructor, class com.yworks.support.LookupChainEvent
Creates a new instance.
LookupDecorator — class, package com.yworks.graph.model
LookupDecorator(forItem:Class, implementation:Class, decorator:com.yworks.support:ILookupDecorator, decorateNull:Boolean, nullIsFallback:Boolean) — Constructor, class com.yworks.graph.model.LookupDecorator
Utility class which enables convenient decoration of look-up chains on top of a given ILookupDecorator.
lookupFont(fontName:String) — method, class com.yworks.support.FontManager
Returns the font mapped to the given font name or null, if no mapping exists.
lookupForItem(item:Object, type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.graph.model.DefaultItemLookup
Tries to create or retrieve an implementation of the given type for a given item.
lookupForItem(item:Object, type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.io.graphml.GraphMLContext
Tries to create or retrieve an implementation of the given type for a given item.
lookupForItem(item:Object, type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.io.graphml.reader.GraphMLParseContext
Tries to create or retrieve an implementation of the given type for a given item.
lookupForItem(item:Object, type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.io.graphml.reader.GraphMLParser
Tries to create or retrieve an implementation of the given type for a given item.
lookupForItem(item:Object, type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.io.graphml.writer.DirectGraphMLWriter
Tries to create or retrieve an implementation of the given type for a given item.
lookupForItem(item:Object, type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.io.graphml.writer.GraphMLWriteContext
Tries to create or retrieve an implementation of the given type for a given item.
lookupForItem(item:Object, type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.support.AbstractContextLookupChainLink
Returns the result of a query to the next lookup chain element.
lookupForItem(item:Object, type:Class) — method, interface com.yworks.support.IContextLookup
Tries to create or retrieve an implementation of the given type for a given item.
lookupForItem(item:Object, type:Class) — method, class com.yworks.support.LookupChain
Performs the actual lookup operation.
_lookupMap — Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.AbstractModelItem
The map which is used by registerLookup() to store instances in.
Lookups — class, package com.yworks.support
Static utility class that servers as a factory for various ILookup implementations.
lookupValue(key:Object) — method, class com.yworks.graph.model.TagOwnerMapper
Returns the tag of the IModelItem passed as the key using the ITagOwner found in the model item's lookup.
lookupValue(key:Object) — method, class com.yworks.support.DictionaryMapper
Finds the associated value for the given key in the map.
lookupValue(key:Object) — method, interface com.yworks.support.IMapper
Finds the associated value for the given key in the map.
lower() — method, interface com.yworks.canvas.ICanvasObject
Moves this instance one step closer to the beginning of the group rendering list, so that it will be painted behind its current predecessor.
lower(item:com.yworks.canvas.model:IModelItem) — method, class com.yworks.graph.model.GraphModelManager
Moves the main render canvas object of the passed IModelItem one step closer to the beginning of the group rendering list, so that it will be painted behind of its current predecessor. This is done by setting appropriate z-orders via the IZOrderSupport of the set graph.
lowerSelection(selection:com.yworks.graph.model:ISelectionModel) — method, class com.yworks.graph.model.GraphModelManager
Moves the main render canvas objects of all selected model items one step closer to the beginning of the group rendering list, so that they will be painted behind their current unselected predecessors.
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