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zoom — Property, class com.yworks.canvas.CanvasComponent
The zoom factor for this canvas control.
zoom — Property, interface com.yworks.canvas.ICanvasContext
Returns the current zoom level, i.e.
zoom — Property, class com.yworks.canvas.MagnifierComponent
The zoom factor for this component.
zoomChanged — Event, class com.yworks.canvas.CanvasComponent
Dispatched when the zoom property changes.
ZOOM_CHANGED — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.canvas.CanvasEvent
Dispatched when the zoom of a CanvasComponent changes.
ZOOM_FIT — Static Property, class com.yworks.resources.Actions
zoomIfCanvasHit — Property, class com.yworks.canvas.CanvasComponent
Whether the mouse wheel triggers zooming whenever the mouse is over the canvas area (true) or whether the canvas needs focus to trigger zooming (false).
ZOOM_IN — Static Property, class com.yworks.resources.Actions
ZOOM_ORIGINAL — Static Property, class com.yworks.resources.Actions
ZOOM_OUT — Static Property, class com.yworks.resources.Actions
zoomTo(px:Number, py:Number, theZoom:Number) — method, class com.yworks.canvas.CanvasComponent
Sets the zoom level and view port center to the given values.
zoomToRect(rect:flash.geom:Rectangle, maxZoom:Number) — method, class com.yworks.canvas.CanvasComponent
Adjusts the view port to fit in the given rectangle.
zOrder — Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.DefaultEdge
The z-order of a model item which determines its render order in comparison to other model items.
zOrder — Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.DefaultLabel
The z-order of a model item which determines its render order in comparison to other model items.
zOrder — Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.DefaultNode
The z-order of a model item which determines its render order in comparison to other model items.
zOrder — Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.DefaultPort
The z-order of a model item which determines its render order in comparison to other model items.
zOrderChanged — Event, interface com.yworks.graph.model.IZOrderSupport
Dispatched when a change of the z-order of one of the IModelItems occurs.
Z_ORDER_CHANGED — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.ZOrderEvent
The ZOrderEvent.Z_ORDER_CHANGED constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a zOrderChanged event.
ZOrderEvent — class, package com.yworks.graph.model
An event containing information about the change of the z-order value of an IModelItem.
ZOrderEvent(type:String, item:com.yworks.canvas.model:IModelItem, oldOrder:int, newOrder:int, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean) — Constructor, class com.yworks.graph.model.ZOrderEvent
Creates a new instance.
Z_ORDER_LOWER — Static Property, class com.yworks.resources.Actions
Z_ORDER_RAISE — Static Property, class com.yworks.resources.Actions
Z_ORDER_TO_BACK — Static Property, class com.yworks.resources.Actions
Z_ORDER_TO_FRONT — Static Property, class com.yworks.resources.Actions
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