A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  
table — Property, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.TableNodeStyle
The table which is associated with this style.
table — Property, interface com.yworks.graph.model.IStripe
The ITable instance where this stripe is installed.
Table — class, package com.yworks.graph.model
Default implementation of the ITable interface.
Table() — Constructor, class com.yworks.graph.model.Table
Default constructor that creates an empty table.
TableEditorInputMode — class, package com.yworks.graph.input
Input mode that can be used to interactively edit a table.
TableEditorInputMode() — Constructor, class com.yworks.graph.input.TableEditorInputMode
Creates a new instance.
TABLE_MAPPER_ID — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.TableUtils
Constants which defines a well known mapper key to store tables in.
TableNodeStyle — class, package com.yworks.graph.drawing
Default implementation of ITableNodeStyle that stores the table instance in the style instance.
TableNodeStyle(table:com.yworks.graph.model:ITable, renderer:com.yworks.graph.drawing:TableNodeStyleRenderer) — Constructor, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.TableNodeStyle
Creates a new instance of a TableNodeStyle with the given background style.
TableNodeStyleRenderer — class, package com.yworks.graph.drawing
A node style renderer which can handle ITableNodeStyle instances.
tableProvider — Property, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.AbstractTableNodeStyle
The implementation of the ITableProvider interface that can yield a table object for each item that will be assigned this style.
tableProvider — Property, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.DynamicTableNodeStyle
The implementation of the ITableProvider interface that can yield a table object for each item that will be assigned this style.
tableProvider — Property, interface com.yworks.graph.drawing.ITableNodeStyle
The implementation of the ITableProvider interface that can yield a table object for each item that will be assigned this style.
tableProvider — Property, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.TableNodeStyle
The implementation of the ITableProvider interface that can yield a table object for each item that will be assigned this style.
tableRenderingOrder — Property, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.AbstractTableNodeStyle
TableRenderingOrder — class, package com.yworks.graph.drawing
Enumeration that is used to specify the drawing order for rows and columns.
TableRenderingOrder(name:String) — Constructor, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.TableRenderingOrder
Must not be used.
TableReshapeHandler — class, package com.yworks.graph.input
IReshapeHandler implementation that constrains node resizes so that minimum size constraints of an associated ITable are satisfied and which resizes the outer IStripes of such a table when the node is resized.
TableReshapeHandler(coreHandler:com.yworks.canvas.input:IReshapeHandler, tableNode:com.yworks.graph.model:INode, table:com.yworks.graph.model:ITable) — Constructor, class com.yworks.graph.input.TableReshapeHandler
Creates a new instance of this Handler which wraps an existing instance of coreHandler and uses table for additional constraints.
TableUtils — class, package com.yworks.graph.model
A set of static helper Methods to work with ITable or IStripe instances.
tag — Property, class com.yworks.canvas.input.snapLines.SnapLine
The tag that is associated with this snap line.
_tag — Property, class com.yworks.canvas.input.snapLines.SnapResult
The tag associated with this result.
tag — Property, class com.yworks.canvas.input.snapLines.SnapResult
The tag associated with this result.
tag — Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.DefaultBend
Gets or sets the tag associated with this instance.
tag — Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.DefaultEdge
Gets or sets the tag associated with this instance.
tag — Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.DefaultLabel
Gets or sets the tag associated with this instance.
tag — Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.DefaultNode
Gets or sets the tag associated with this instance.
tag — Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.DefaultPort
Gets or sets the tag associated with this instance.
tag — Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.DummyNodePortMemento
tag — Property, class com.yworks.remote.MapperAttribute
The tag with which this mapper is registered in the graph's mapperRegistry.
tag — Property, interface com.yworks.support.ITagOwner
Gets or sets the tag associated with this instance.
tag — Property, class com.yworks.support.State
Gets or sets a custom tag that is associated with this state.
tag — Property, class com.yworks.support.Transition
Gets or sets a custom tag that is associated with this transition.
tagChanged(owner:com.yworks.support:ITagOwner, oldTag:Object, newTag:Object) — method, interface com.yworks.graph.model.ITagChangedListener
If this listener is registered with an ITagChangedReporter, this method is called when the tag of an ITagOwner has changed.
TagChangedInvalidator — class, package com.yworks.canvas
A support class that can be used to automatically trigger repaints when the value of a model item's userObject changes.
TagChangedInvalidator(graphCanvas:com.yworks.ui:GraphCanvasComponent) — Constructor, class com.yworks.canvas.TagChangedInvalidator
Creates a new instance that the will register/deregister the ITagChangedListener with the graph shown in the provided canvas.
tagMapper — Property, class com.yworks.io.graphml.GraphMLIOHandler
TagOwnerMapper — class, package com.yworks.graph.model
An IMapper implementation that uses the ITagOwner implementation in the lookup of IModelItems.
TagOwnerTableProvider — class, package com.yworks.graph.drawing
An implementation of the ITableProvider interface that can yield a table object for each item that will be assigned this style.
TagOwnerUserTagProvider — class, package com.yworks.graph.drawing
A IUserTagProvider instance which retrieves the user tag from the model item's ITagOwner.
TagOwnerUserTagProviderDeserializer — class, package com.yworks.io.graphml.reader.deserializer
A deserializer which can handle the TagOwnerUserTagProvider.
TagOwnerUserTagProviderSerializer — class, package com.yworks.io.graphml.writer.serializer
A serializer which can handle the TagOwnerUserTagProvider.
target — Property, class com.yworks.support.Transition
The target state this transition connects to.
target — Property, class com.yworks.support.WeakReference
Returns the object that was set as the target of this weak reference, or null if the object has been garbage collected.
targetArrow — Property, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.AbstractEdgeStyle
Gets the visual arrow at the target end of edges that use this style.
targetArrow — Property, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.DelegatingEdgeStyle
This implementation delegates to the wrapped style.
targetArrow — Property, interface com.yworks.graph.drawing.IEdgeStyle
Gets the visual arrow at the target end of edges that use this style.
targetArrow — Property, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.SimpleAbstractEdgeStyle
Gets the visual arrow at the target end of edges that use this style.
targetArrow — Property, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.common.VoidEdgeStyle
Returns DefaultArrow.none
targetIsCollapsed — Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.DummyEdgeId
Specifies whether the currentMasterTarget node is in expanded state.
targetLineFrom — Property, class com.yworks.canvas.drawing.FixedDistanceSnapResultPaintable
The begin of the target line segment.
targetLineTo — Property, class com.yworks.canvas.drawing.FixedDistanceSnapResultPaintable
The end of the target line segment.
targetNodeCreated(id:Object, node:Object, edge:Object) — method, class com.yworks.io.graphml.reader.GraphMLParser
Called when parseEdgeElement created an edge with a (yet) unparsed target node.
targetPoint — Property, class com.yworks.canvas.drawing.AbstractSingleLineSnapResultPaintable
The location in world coordinates where the target has snapped to the SnapLine.
targetPoint — Property, class com.yworks.canvas.drawing.FixedDistanceSnapResultPaintable
The location in world coordinates where the target has snapped to the SnapLine.
targetPort — Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.DefaultEdge
Gets the target port instance this edge is connected to.
targetPort — Property, interface com.yworks.graph.model.IEdge
Gets the target port instance this edge is connected to.
TARGETPORT — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.io.graphml.GraphMLConstants
targetPortCandidate — Property, class com.yworks.graph.input.CreateEdgeInputMode
Gets the candidate for the IEdge.targetPort of the edge to be created.
te_LostFocus(evt:flash.events:Event) — method, class com.yworks.canvas.input.TextEditorInputMode
Called when the text editor lost the focus.
templateClass — Property, interface com.yworks.graph.drawing.ITemplateStyle
The template class which defines the visual appearance of the items.
templateClass — Property, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.TemplateStyle
The template class which is used to render the item.
TemplateLabelStyle — class, package com.yworks.graph.drawing
TemplateLabelStyle(templateClass:Class, dataPropertyName:String, contextPropertyName:String, hideSelectionPaintable:Boolean, styleRenderer:com.yworks.graph.drawing:TemplateLabelStyleRenderer) — Constructor, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.TemplateLabelStyle
TemplateLabelStyleDeserializer — class, package com.yworks.io.graphml.reader.deserializer
A deserializer which can handle TemplateLabelStyle.
TemplateLabelStyleRenderer — class, package com.yworks.graph.drawing
A style renderer which handles TemplateLabelStyle.
TemplateLabelStyleRenderer() — Constructor, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.TemplateLabelStyleRenderer
Creates a new instance.
TemplateLabelStyleSerializer — class, package com.yworks.io.graphml.writer.serializer
A serializer which can handle TemplateLabelStyle.
TemplateNodeStyle — class, package com.yworks.graph.drawing
A node style that uses a template class to define the visual appearance of the node.
TemplateNodeStyle(templateClass:Class, dataPropertyName:String, contextPropertyName:String, hideSelectionPaintable:Boolean, styleRenderer:com.yworks.graph.drawing:TemplateNodeStyleRenderer) — Constructor, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.TemplateNodeStyle
Creates a new instance.
TemplateNodeStyleDeserializer — class, package com.yworks.io.graphml.reader.deserializer
A deserializer which can handle TemplateNodeStyle.
TemplateNodeStyleRenderer — class, package com.yworks.graph.drawing
Style renderer which can render TemplateNodeStyle.
TemplateNodeStyleRenderer() — Constructor, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.TemplateNodeStyleRenderer
Creates a new instance.
TemplateNodeStyleSerializer — class, package com.yworks.io.graphml.writer.serializer
A serializer which can handle TemplateNodeStyle.
TemplateStyle — class, package com.yworks.graph.drawing
Abstract base class for all yFiles FLEX styles that use a template class to define the visual appearance of the items.
TemplateStyle(templateClass:Class, styleRenderer:com.yworks.graph.drawing:AbstractStyleRenderer, dataPropertyName:String, contextPropertyName:String, hideSelectionPaintable:Boolean) — Constructor, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.TemplateStyle
Creates a new instance.
TemplateStyleDataContext — class, package com.yworks.graph.drawing
The data context which is used together with a TemplateStyle.
TemplateStyleDataContext(context:com.yworks.canvas.drawing:IDisplayObjectContext, modelItem:com.yworks.canvas.model:IModelItem, style:com.yworks.graph.drawing:TemplateStyle) — Constructor, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.TemplateStyleDataContext
Creates a new instance.
text — Property, class com.yworks.canvas.drawing.AbstractTextPaintable
The text to draw.
text — Property, interface com.yworks.canvas.input.ITextEditor
The String that is rendered by this editor
text — Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.DefaultLabel
Gets the text string associated with this label.
text — Property, interface com.yworks.graph.model.ILabel
Gets the text string associated with this label.
TEXT — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.support.XmlNodeKind
textConverter — Property, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.TLFLabelStyle
The text converter type which is used to create a TextFlow from the label's text.
textEdited — Event, class com.yworks.canvas.input.TextEditorInputMode
Dispatched when the text has been edited.
TEXT_EDITED — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.canvas.input.TextEditorInputMode
textEditor — Property, class com.yworks.canvas.input.TextEditorInputMode
Gets or sets the text box to use for displaying and editing.
textEditorInputMode — Property, class com.yworks.graph.input.GraphEditorInputMode
The textEditorInputMode property.
textEditorInputMode — Property, class com.yworks.graph.input.TableEditorInputMode
The text editor input mode.
TextEditorInputMode — class, package com.yworks.canvas.input
A simple IInputMode that displays an ITextEditor instance in the canvas control to let the user edit a text.
TextEditorInputMode(textEditor:com.yworks.canvas.input:ITextEditor) — Constructor, class com.yworks.canvas.input.TextEditorInputMode
Creates a new instance using the given text editor instance.
textEditorModeEnabled — Property, class com.yworks.graph.input.GraphEditorInputMode
Whether the text editor input mode is enabled.
textEditorModePriority — Property, class com.yworks.graph.input.GraphEditorInputMode
The TextEditorInputModePriority property.
textEditorModePriority — Property, class com.yworks.graph.input.TableEditorInputMode
The priority of the TextEditorInputMode.
TextEditorWrapper — class, package com.yworks.canvas.input
A Wrapper class that provides a common interface to the various Flex classes that support text display.
TextEditorWrapper(textComp:flash.display:InteractiveObject) — Constructor, class com.yworks.canvas.input.TextEditorWrapper
Creates a new instance.
textFormat — Property, class com.yworks.canvas.drawing.AbstractTextPaintable
The text format to use for the text.
textFormat — Property, interface com.yworks.graph.drawing.ISimpleLabelStyle
Gets the text format used to format the text on a label drawn with this style.
textFormat — Property, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.IconLabelStyle
Gets the text format used to format the text on a label drawn with this style.
textFormat — Property, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.SimpleLabelStyle
Gets the text format used to format the text on a label drawn with this style.
textFormat — Property, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.TLFLabelStyle
The TextLayoutFormat which determines the styling of the text.
textHeight — Property, interface com.yworks.canvas.input.ITextEditor
The height of the text that is rendered by this editor
TextLayoutFormatDeserializer — class, package com.yworks.io.graphml.reader.deserializer
A deserializer that handles TextLayoutFormat instances.
TextLayoutFormatSerializer — class, package com.yworks.io.graphml.writer.serializer
A serializer that serializes TextLayoutFormat instances.
textProvider — Property, class com.yworks.canvas.input.MouseHoverInputMode
Gets or sets the provider callback that returns a tool tip text for a given location.
textProvider — Property, class com.yworks.ui.tree.TreeNode
A function which will return a String representation to be displayed in the Tree.
textWidth — Property, interface com.yworks.canvas.input.ITextEditor
The width of the text that is rendered by this editor
throwOnError — Property, class com.yworks.support.Config
Get or set whether to throw errors when the config file could not be loaded.
TLFLabelStyle — class, package com.yworks.graph.drawing
A label style which uses the Flex Text Engine and the Text Layout Framework to render the text.
TLFLabelStyle(textFormat:flashx.textLayout.formats:TextLayoutFormat, textConverter:String, backgroundStroke:mx.graphics:IStroke, backgroundFill:mx.graphics:IFill, clipText:Boolean) — Constructor, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.TLFLabelStyle
Creates a new instance.
to — Property, class com.yworks.canvas.input.snapLines.SnapLine
The greater value of the coordinate that delimits this snap line.
toArray() — method, class com.yworks.canvas.model.DefaultCollectionModel
Returns an array containing all of the elements in this collection.
toArray() — method, class com.yworks.graph.model.BendList
Returns an array containing all of the elements in this collection.
toArray() — method, class com.yworks.support.ArrayList
Copies the items of this List to an array and returns it.
toArray() — method, interface com.yworks.support.Collection
Returns an array containing all of the elements in this collection.
toArray() — method, class com.yworks.support.EmptyList
Returns an array containing all of the elements in this collection.
toArray() — method, class com.yworks.support.HashSet
Returns an array containing all of the elements in this collection.
toArray() — method, class com.yworks.support.ReadOnlyList
Returns an array containing all of the elements in this collection.
toArray() — method, class com.yworks.support.SingletonList
toArray() — method, class com.yworks.support.YList
Returns an array containing all of the elements in this collection.
toArray() — method, class com.yworks.util.CompositeCollectionModel
Returns an array containing all of the elements in this collection.
toArray() — method, class com.yworks.util.FilteredCollectionModel
Returns an array containing all of the elements in this collection.
toBack() — method, interface com.yworks.canvas.ICanvasObject
Moves this instance to the beginning of the group rendering list, so that it will be painted behind all other items in the same group.
toBack(item:com.yworks.canvas.model:IModelItem) — method, class com.yworks.graph.model.GraphModelManager
Moves the main render canvas object of the passed IModelItem to the beginning of the group rendering list, so that it will be painted behind all other items in the same group. This is done by setting appropriate z-orders via the IZOrderSupport of the set graph.
toFirst() — method, class com.yworks.canvas.drawing.PathCursor
Sets the cursor to point to the first element in the path.
toFront() — method, interface com.yworks.canvas.ICanvasObject
Moves this instance to the end of the group rendering list, so that it will be painted in front of all other items in the same group.
toFront(item:com.yworks.canvas.model:IModelItem) — method, class com.yworks.graph.model.GraphModelManager
Moves the main render canvas object of the passed IModelItem to the end of the group rendering list, so that it will be painted in front of all other items in the same group. This is done by setting appropriate z-orders via the IZOrderSupport of the set graph.
toggleGroupNodeState(groupNode:com.yworks.graph.model:INode) — method, class com.yworks.canvas.input.NavigationInputMode
Toggles the expanded/collapsed state for the given group node in the IFoldedGraph.
toggleGroupNodeState(groupNode:com.yworks.graph.model:INode) — method, class com.yworks.graph.input.GraphEditorInputMode
Toggles the expanded state for the given group node in the IFoldedGraph.
toggleSegmentOrientationRecognizer — Property, class com.yworks.graph.input.CreateEdgeInputMode
Gets or sets the recognizer that toggles the orientation of the first orthogonally created segment.
toLast() — method, class com.yworks.canvas.drawing.PathCursor
Sets the cursor to point to the last element in the path.
toolTip — Property, class com.yworks.canvas.input.MouseHoverInputMode
Gets or sets the toolTip instance to use during display.
TooltipTextProviders — class, package com.yworks.canvas.input
Provides convenience implementations of tooltip text provider functions that can be used by a MouseHoverInputMode.
TOP — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.canvas.input.snapLines.SnapLineSnapType
Describes snap lines to which the top sides of rectangular elements will snap.
toString() — method, class com.yworks.canvas.geom.YRectangle
A String representation of this instance.
toString() — method, class com.yworks.canvas.input.snapLines.SnapState
Returns a String representation of this SnapState containing it's location and snapType.
toString() — method, class com.yworks.canvas.model.BridgeUpdateMode
A String representation of the constant.
toString() — method, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.TableRenderingOrder
toString() — method, class com.yworks.graph.input.AdjustContentRectPolicy
toString() — method, class com.yworks.graph.input.ReparentGesture
toString() — method, class com.yworks.graph.model.DefaultBend
toString() — method, class com.yworks.graph.model.DefaultEdge
toString() — method, class com.yworks.graph.model.DefaultLabel
Returns a String representation of this instance.
toString() — method, class com.yworks.graph.model.DefaultNode
Returns a String representation of this instance.
toString() — method, class com.yworks.graph.model.DefaultPort
Returns a String representation of this instance.
toString() — method, class com.yworks.graph.model.EdgeLayerPolicy
toString() — method, class com.yworks.graph.model.LabelLayerPolicy
toString() — method, class com.yworks.graph.model.PortLayerPolicy
toString() — method, class com.yworks.graph.model.StripeSubregion
toString() — method, class com.yworks.support.ArrayList
toString() — method, class com.yworks.support.CompoundUndoUnit
toString() — method, class com.yworks.support.MementoUndoUnit
toString() — method, class com.yworks.support.State
A String representation of this.
toString() — method, class com.yworks.support.Transition
A String representation of this transition.
toString() — method, class com.yworks.support.UndoEngine
toString() — method, class com.yworks.ui.tree.TreeNode
Returns a String representation of this TreeNode.
toViewCoordinates(p:com.yworks.canvas.geom:IMutablePoint) — method, class com.yworks.canvas.CanvasComponent
Converts a point in world coordinates to view coordinates.
toViewCoordinates(worldP:com.yworks.canvas.geom:IMutablePoint) — method, class com.yworks.canvas.drawing.DefaultPaintContext
Converts the given set of world coordinates to a coordinate pair that can be used to paint within the viewTransform.
toViewCoordinates(worldP:com.yworks.canvas.geom:IMutablePoint) — method, interface com.yworks.canvas.drawing.IPaintContext
Converts the given set of world coordinates to a coordinate pair that can be used to paint within the viewTransform.
toWorldCoordinates(p:com.yworks.canvas.geom:IMutablePoint) — method, class com.yworks.canvas.CanvasComponent
Converts a point in view coordinates to world coordinates.
toWorldCoordinates(viewP:com.yworks.canvas.geom:IMutablePoint) — method, class com.yworks.canvas.drawing.DefaultPaintContext
TRAILING_HEADER — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.StripeSubregion
Flag for the trailing stripe header.
transform — Property, class com.yworks.canvas.drawing.DefaultPaintContext
The transform that is used to convert between the viewTransform and the resulting worldTransform.
transform — Property, interface com.yworks.canvas.drawing.IPaintContext
The transform that is used to convert between the viewTransform and the resulting worldTransform.
transformBounds(transform:flash.geom:Matrix, bounds:com.yworks.canvas.geom:IRectangle, scratch:com.yworks.canvas.geom:IMutableRectangle) — Static Method , class com.yworks.canvas.geom.GeomSupport
Transforms a rectangle that is used as a bounding box using a matrix and places the result in another bounds object.
transformedPortOwners — Property, class com.yworks.graph.input.snapLines.OrthogonalEdgeEditingContext
Provides access to the Iterable of IPortOwner instances that are being transformed during the edit.
transition — Property, class com.yworks.support.TransitionEvent
Transition — class, package com.yworks.support
A transition for use in a StateMachine.
Transition(owner:com.yworks.support:StateMachine, source:com.yworks.support:State, target:com.yworks.support:State, er:Function, transDoneCallback:Function) — Constructor, class com.yworks.support.Transition
Creates a transition between two states for a StateMachine
transitionCreated — Event, class com.yworks.support.StateMachine
Dispatched when a transition has been created.
TRANSITION_CREATED — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.support.TransitionEvent
transitionDone — Event, class com.yworks.support.StateMachine
Dispatched when the statemachine has traversed a Transition during a run call.
transitionDone — Event, class com.yworks.support.Transition
Dispatched when the transition has been traversed.
TRANSITION_DONE — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.support.TransitionEvent
TransitionEvent — class, package com.yworks.support
TransitionEvent(type:String, stateMachine:com.yworks.support:StateMachine, transition:com.yworks.support:Transition) — Constructor, class com.yworks.support.TransitionEvent
transitionRemoved — Event, class com.yworks.support.StateMachine
Dispatched when a transition has been removed.
TRANSITION_REMOVED — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.support.TransitionEvent
transitions — Property, class com.yworks.support.StateMachine
Returns all transitions in this machine.
translate(tx:Number, ty:Number) — method, class com.yworks.canvas.drawing.YGraphics
Prepend a translation to the current graphics transformation.
transparent — Property, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.compat.AbstractJavaNodeStyle
Gets or sets the transparent property.
transparent — Property, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.compat.JavaShapeNodeStyleRenderer
Transparency: true if the node is transparent.
Trapez — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.ShapeNodeShape
Specifies a trapezoidal shape, whose lower line is half as long as it's upper line.
Trapez2 — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.ShapeNodeShape
Specifies a trapezoidal shape, whose upper line is half as long as it's lower line.
trapezoid — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.ShapeNodeShape
Shape type constant.
TRAPEZOID — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.ShapeNodeShape
trapezoid2 — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.ShapeNodeShape
Specifies a trapezoidal shape, whose upper line is half as long as it's lower line.
TRAPEZOID_2 — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.ShapeNodeShape
treeDirty — Property, class com.yworks.canvas.CanvasComponent
Property that determines whether the whole canvasObjectTree is redrawn upon the next invocation of updateDisplayList().
TreeGroupNode — class, package com.yworks.ui.tree
A tree node represents a group node in a data provider created by the class HierarchyTreeView.
TreeGroupNode(item:com.yworks.graph.model:INode, model:com.yworks.graph.model:INodeHierarchy, textProvider:Function) — Constructor, class com.yworks.ui.tree.TreeGroupNode
Creates an instance with the given node.
treeLabelFunction(item:Object) — method, class com.yworks.ui.tree.HierarchyTreeView
Delegate function which is returns a String representation of the given item to be displayed in the tree view.
TreeNode — class, package com.yworks.ui.tree
A tree node represents a INode in a data provider created by the class HierarchyTreeView
TreeNode(item:com.yworks.graph.model:INode, textProvider:Function) — Constructor, class com.yworks.ui.tree.TreeNode
Creates an instance with the given node.
treePartiallyDirty — Property, class com.yworks.canvas.CanvasComponent
Property that determines whether the canvasObjectTree is redrawn partially upon the next invocation of updateDisplayList().
triangle — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.ShapeNodeShape
Shape type constant.
Triangle — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.ShapeNodeShape
A triangular shape that points to the top This shape is serialized as "Triangle" and will be correctly parsed by yFiles.NET
TRIANGLE — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.ShapeNodeShape
Triangle2 — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.ShapeNodeShape
A triangular shape that points to the top This shape is serialized as "Triangle2" and will be correctly parsed by yFiles.NET
T_SHAPE — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.ArrowType
A dash at the end of the edge.
type — Property, class com.yworks.canvas.input.ConstrainedHandle
Delegates to the delegateHandler's IHandle.type property.
type — Property, interface com.yworks.canvas.input.IHandle
Returns the type of the handle that can be used by the rendering engine to render types differently.
type — Property, class com.yworks.canvas.input.PointHandle
Returns the type of the handle that can be used by the rendering engine to render types differently.
type — Property, class com.yworks.canvas.input.RectangleHandle
Returns an appropriate type for this position.
type — Property, class com.yworks.canvas.input.ReshapeHandlerHandle
Gets or sets the type of the handle that can be used by the rendering engine to render types differently.
type — Property, class com.yworks.canvas.input.ReshapeableHandle
Gets or sets the type of the handle that can be used by the rendering engine to render types differently.
type — Property, class com.yworks.graph.input.CompoundMovePortHandle
Returns the type of the handle that can be used by the rendering engine to render types differently.
_type — Property, class com.yworks.graph.input.PortLocationModelParameterHandle
type — Property, class com.yworks.graph.input.PortLocationModelParameterHandle
Returns the type of the handle that can be used by the rendering engine to render types differently.
type — Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.DefaultArrow
Returns the type of the arrow as defined in ArrowType
type — Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.EdgeEndMoveHandle
Returns the type of the handle that can be used by the rendering engine to render types differently.
type — Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.PortRelocationHandle
Returns the type of the handle that can be used by the rendering engine to render types differently.
type — Property, class com.yworks.io.graphml.writer.serializer.DelegatingStyleSerializer
The type which this serializer claims to handle.
type — Property, class com.yworks.io.graphml.writer.serializer.FilterNodeStyleSerializer
The type of the style this serializer can handle.
type — Property, class com.yworks.remote.MapperAttribute
The type of this mapper's data.
TYPE_BOOLEAN — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.io.graphml.GraphMLConstants
TYPE_COMPLEX — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.io.graphml.GraphMLConstants
TypeConverters — class, package com.yworks.support
Manages the mapping of different Class types to implementations of ITypeConverter for these Class types.
typeDescription — Property, class com.yworks.canvas.input.snapLines.ResourceKey
A description of the type of this ResourceKey.
TYPE_DOUBLE — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.io.graphml.GraphMLConstants
TYPE_FLOAT — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.io.graphml.GraphMLConstants
TYPE_INT — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.io.graphml.GraphMLConstants
TYPE_LONG — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.io.graphml.GraphMLConstants
TYPE_MASK — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.canvas.input.HandleType
A bitmask that can be used to query the basic type of a handle type.
TYPE_STRING — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.io.graphml.GraphMLConstants
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