 IBendGridConstraintProvider An IGridConstraintProvider that is meant to be used for IBends.
 IConcurrentInputMode Specializes the IInputMode interface to support concurrency via ConcurrencyController instances.
 IDragHandler Interface for an object that can be used to drag something displayed in a CanvasComponent.
 IFocusPaintableInstaller An interface for objects that can install a visual representation of a focus indicator decoration of an item in the model displayed in a canvas.
 IGridConstraintProvider Interface for classes that can snap coordinates of items of a specific type to a grid.
 IHandle Interface for a handle that can be displayed in a CanvasComponent as a UI element for the user to modify the contents of the control.
 IHandleProvider Interface for an object that provides a number of IHandle implementations.
 IHighlightPaintableInstaller An interface for objects that can install a visual representation of a highlight decoration of an item in the model displayed in a canvas.
 IInputMode Interface implemented by input modes that can be registered with a GraphCanvasComponent.
 IInputModeContext The interface for the context object that is passed to IInputMode instances during IInputMode.install and IInputMode.uninstall and to IPositionHandler and IHandle to provide additional context for these implementations.
 INodeGridConstraintProvider An IGridConstraintProvider that is meant to be used for INodes.
 IPortGridConstraintProvider An IGridConstraintProvider that is meant to be used for IPorts.
 IPositionHandler Interface for an object that can handle the position of an item displayed in a CanvasComponent Items can be dragged with the mouse and an instance of this class will modify their position accordingly. Typically client code will use the x and y coordinates to determine the current position of the elements. A drag will trigger the invocation of initializeDrag, zero or more handleMove calls, and finalized by either dragFinished or cancelDrag.
 IReshapeHandleProvider A specialized version of the IHandleProvider interface that can be used to query an IHandle implementation for resizing an object
 IReshapeHandler Interface for an object that can be interactively reshaped in a CanvasComponent.
 ISizeConstraintProvider An interface used by implementations that provide various size constraints for arbitrary items.
 ITextEditor A common interface for text editor implementations that can be used by a TextEditorInputMode.
 AbstractConcurrentInputMode Abstract base class for an IInputMode that can be used concurrently with other IConcurrentInputMode implementations.
 AbstractInputMode Abstract base class implementation of an IInputMode.
 CanvasContextMenuEvent This events wraps ContextMenuEvents and includes additional properties related to the CanvasComponent.
 CanvasMouseEvent This events wraps all MouseEvents on the stage and includes additional properties related to the CanvasComponent.
 ClickEvent This event is dispatched by the ClickInputMode when the mouse is clicked.
 ClickInputMode An input mode that recognizes mouse clicks.
 CompositeHandle A controller class that makes multiple IHandle implementations appear to be synchronized.
 CompositePositionHandler A composite implementation of the IPositionHandler interface.
 ConcurrencyController A controller class that manages a number of IConcurrentInputMode implementations.
 ConstrainedDragHandler A utility implementation of the IDragHandler interface that can be used to constrain the movement of an existing instance conveniently.
 ConstrainedHandle An abstract convenience implementation of the IHandle interface that can be used to constrain the handle of an item.
 ContextMenuInputMode An implementation of the IInputMode interface that allows to customize the context menu that is shown when the user clicks the right mouse button.
 DragEvent Event class that is used by IInputModes that may perform or trigger the dragging of items in the canvas.
 DropInputMode This is an input mode handling drag and drop related events on a CanvasComponent.
 EventRecognizers This class provides some event recognizer functions used by IInputModes in order to recognize mouse or keyboard events.
 HandleInputMode An IInputMode implementation that can handle a collection of IHandles.
 HandleType Describes the type of an IHandle.
 HitTest An enumeration for use in GraphEditorInputMode.findHits.
 HitTestUtil Utility class for hit testing.
 InputMutex An input mutex that can be obtained from ConcurrencyControllers.
 KeyboardInputMode An IInputMode that recognizes simple key events and invokes a registered handler.
 LabelPositionHandler An implementation of IPositionHandler that shows the various label position candidates and lets the user move a label to one of those candidate positions.
 MagnifierInputMode Input mode that lets you zoom into a view region locally, while preserving the original viewport of the view.
 MainInputMode A basic input mode implementation that uses multiple minor input modes to handle the basic application needs of a main input mode.
 MarqueeSelectionInputMode An IInputMode implementation that can handle marquee selections performed by the user with a mouse.
 ModelItemContextMenuEvent A ContextMenuEvent for context menus of graph items.
 ModelItemMouseEventKind The ModelItemMouseEventKind class contains constants for mouse events concerning graph items.
 MouseHoverInputMode An IInputMode that detects when the mouse hovers over the CanvasComponent.
 MoveInputMode Generic IInputMode implementation that can be used to move something in the canvas using the mouse.
 MoveLabelInputMode An IInputMode that can be used to drag a ILabel.
 MoveViewportInputMode An IInputMode implementation that can be used to grab and drag the viewport of the control it is installed in.
 MultiplexingInputMode A composite IInputMode implementation that additionally can deal with IConcurrentInputMode instances.
 MutexEvent Event class that is dispatched if an IConcurrentInputMode requests or releases a mutex.
 NavigationInputMode An IInputMode that can navigate an IGraph displayed in a GraphCanvasComponent.
 NodeEffectInputMode This input mode allows to easily create hover effects on nodes.
 OverviewInputMode An IInputMode that can be used for an overview CanvasComponent.
 PointHandle Convenience implementation of the IHandle interface that delegates most of the work to instances of IPoint and IPointSetter.
 RectangleHandle An IHandle implementation that modifies a rectangle.
 RectangleHandlePositions The possible positions of a rectangle handle.
 ReshapeableHandle A more sophisticated IHandle implementation that modifies a rectangle.
 ReshapeableHandles A simple convenience implementation of an IReshapeHandleProvider that returns handles that modify an IMutableRectangle.
 ReshapeHandleProvider Abstract base class implementation of the IReshapeHandleProvider interface that has properties to store the values provided by a corresponding ISizeConstraintProvider.
 ReshapeHandlerHandle A more sophisticated IHandle implementation that delegates to a IReshapeHandler.
 SimpleGridConstraintProvider A simple integer based implementation of IGridConstraintProvider.
 SimpleInputModeContext Simple default implementation of IInputModeContext.
 SizeConstraintProvider A simple default implementation of ISizeConstraintProvider
 StateMachineInputMode An IConcurrentInputMode implementation that uses a StateMachine to manage its state.
 StateMachineRunEvent Event class dispatched by a StateMachineInputMode after the state machine has been run.
 TextEditorInputMode A simple IInputMode that displays an ITextEditor instance in the canvas control to let the user edit a text.
 TextEditorWrapper A Wrapper class that provides a common interface to the various Flex classes that support text display.
 TooltipTextProviders Provides convenience implementations of tooltip text provider functions that can be used by a MouseHoverInputMode.