Interfacepublic interface IReshapeHandler
Implementors TableReshapeHandler

Interface for an object that can be interactively reshaped in a CanvasComponent. Items can be reshaped interactively and an instance of this class can be used to handle that process. A reshape operation will be initialized by a call to initializeReshape, then zero or more handleReshape calls follow, and the operation will be finalized by a call to either reshapeFinished or cancelReshape. Note that implementations of this class will only be used during interactive reshape operations.

See also


Public Properties
 PropertyDefined By
  bounds : IRectangle
[read-only] Returns a view of the bounds of the item.
Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
cancelReshape(inputModeContext:IInputModeContext, originalBounds:IRectangle):void
Called by clients to indicate that the reshaping has been canceled by the user.
handleReshape(inputModeContext:IInputModeContext, originalBounds:IRectangle, newBounds:IRectangle):Boolean
Called by clients to indicate that the element has been dragged and its position should be updated.
Called by clients to indicate that the element is going to be reshaped.
reshapeFinished(inputModeContext:IInputModeContext, originalBounds:IRectangle, newBounds:IRectangle):void
Called by clients to indicate that the reshaping has just been finished.
Property Detail
bounds:IRectangle  [read-only]

Returns a view of the bounds of the item. The rectangle describes the current world coordinate of the element that can be modified by this handler.

    public function get bounds():IRectangle
Method Detail
public function cancelReshape(inputModeContext:IInputModeContext, originalBounds:IRectangle):void

Called by clients to indicate that the reshaping has been canceled by the user. This method may be called after the initial initializeReshape and zero or more invocations of handleReshape. Implementations should reset the bounds of the items they modify to their initial state. Alternatively to this method the reshapeFinished method might be called.


inputModeContext:IInputModeContext — The context to retrieve information about the reshaping from.
originalBounds:IRectangle — The value of the coordinate of the bounds property at the time of initializeReshape.

See also

public function handleReshape(inputModeContext:IInputModeContext, originalBounds:IRectangle, newBounds:IRectangle):Boolean

Called by clients to indicate that the element has been dragged and its position should be updated. This method may be called more than once after an initial initializeReshape and will the final call will be followed by either one reshapeFinished or one cancelReshape call.


inputModeContext:IInputModeContext — The context to retrieve information about the reshaping from.
originalBounds:IRectangle — The value of the bounds property at the time of initializeReshape.
newBounds:IRectangle — The coordinates of the bounds in the world coordinate system that the client wants the shape to be at. Depending on the implementation the bounds may or may not be modified to reflect the new value.

Boolean — Whether the reshaping had any visual effect. This is a hint to the engine to optimize invalidation.

See also

public function initializeReshape(inputModeContext:IInputModeContext):void

Called by clients to indicate that the element is going to be reshaped. This call will be followed by one or more calls to handleReshape and a final reshapeFinished or cancelReshape.


inputModeContext:IInputModeContext — The context to retrieve information about the drag from.

See also

public function reshapeFinished(inputModeContext:IInputModeContext, originalBounds:IRectangle, newBounds:IRectangle):void

Called by clients to indicate that the reshaping has just been finished. This method may be called after the initial initializeReshape and zero or more invocations of handleReshape. Alternatively to this method the cancelReshape method might be called.


inputModeContext:IInputModeContext — The context to retrieve information about the drag from.
originalBounds:IRectangle — The value of the coordinate of the bounds property at the time of initializeReshape.
newBounds:IRectangle — The coordinates of the bounds in the world coordinate system that the client wants the shape to be at. Depending on the implementation the bounds may or may not be modified to reflect the new value. This is the same value as delivered in the last invocation of handleReshape

See also