Interfacepublic interface IReshapeHandleProvider
Implementors ReshapeHandleProvider

A specialized version of the IHandleProvider interface that can be used to query an IHandle implementation for resizing an object

Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
Returns a bitwise combination of all of the RectangleHandlePositions this interface can provide an implementation for.
Returns an implementation of an IHandle for the given position that can be used to reshape an object.
Method Detail
public function getAvailableHandles():uint

Returns a bitwise combination of all of the RectangleHandlePositions this interface can provide an implementation for.

Client code will use this method to query the available positions and may then call for each of the positions the getHandle method to retrieve an implementation.

uint — the provided handle positions as a bitwise combination
public function getHandle(position:uint):IHandle

Returns an implementation of an IHandle for the given position that can be used to reshape an object.

This method may be called for each possible single position contained in the set as returned by getAvailableHandles.


position:uint — The single position a handle implementation should be returned for.

IHandle — An implementation of IHandle for the given position.