Interfacepublic interface IMutableRectangle extends IRectangle, IMutablePoint, ISizeSetter, IReshapeable, IPoint, IPointSetter, ISize, IPoint
Implementors YRectangle

Interface for mutable rectangles aligned to the axes in 2D coordinate space with double precision coordinates.

This interface provides read and write access to the features of the rectangle.

This interface does not declare any additional methods. It combines the YPoint interface that describes the upper left corner of the rectangle with the IMutableSize interface that describes the width and height of the rectangle, as well as the IReshapeable interface that allows for setting the bounds of the rectangle in one call.

Public Properties
 PropertyDefined By
 Inheritedheight : Number
[write-only] Sets the height of this instance.
 Inheritedwidth : Number
[write-only] Sets the width of this instance.
 Inheritedx : Number
[read-only] Gets the current x coordinate of this point.
 Inheritedx : Number
The x coordinate of this point.
 Inheritedy : Number
[read-only] Gets the current y coordinate of this point.
 Inheritedy : Number
The y coordinate of this point.
Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
reshape(x:Number, y:Number, width:Number, height:Number):void
Set the bounds of the instance to the new values.