 IContainsTest An interface that checks for containment of a point in 2D coordinate space.
 IControlPoints An iterable collection of points.
 IMovable Interface that is implemented by geometric objects that can be moved.
 IMutableControlPoints An mutable collection of points.
 IMutableOrientedRectangle Interface for mutable oriented rectangles in 2D coordinate space.
 IMutablePoint An interface that can be cast to both the immutable and the mutable version of a point.
 IMutableRectangle Interface for mutable rectangles aligned to the axes in 2D coordinate space with double precision coordinates.
 IMutableSize Interface for a mutable size in 2D coordinate space.
 IOrientedRectangle Interface for oriented rectangles in 2D coordinate space.
 IOrientedRectangleSetter Write only oriented rectangle.
 IPoint Interface for a point in 2D coordinate space.
 IPointSetter This interface only exists so that the YPoint interface can implement one immutable interface (IPoint) and on mutable interface (IPointSetter).
 IRectangle Interface for rectangles aligned to the axes in 2D coordinate space.
 IReshapeable Interface for geometric primitives that can be reshaped, e.g.
 ISize Interface for an object that has a size in 2D coordinate space with double precision floating point size values.
 ISizeSetter Interface for write access to an instance that has a size in 2D coordinate space.
 AnchoredPoint Provides implementations of the YPoint interface that are dynamically updated depending on the state of another geometric primitive they are being anchored to.
 ArrayControlPoints An ArrayList based implementation of mutable IControlPoints.
 ControlPoints A array based implementation of mutable IControlPoints
 GeomSupport Utility class that performs all kind of geometric operations.
 ImmutablePoint An implementation of an IPoint whose state cannot be changed.
 ImmutableRectangle An implementation of an IRectangle whose state cannot be changed.
 ImmutableSize An implementation of an ISize whose state cannot be changed.
 OrientedRectangle A simple default implementation of a mutable oriented rectangle in 2D coordinate space with values stored in an instance of IMutablePoint and IMutableSize as well as two doubles for the up vector components.
 Size A simple default implementation of a mutable size in 2D coordinate space.
 YPoint A simple default implementation of a mutable point in 2D coordinate space.
 YRectangle A simple default implementation of a mutable rectangle in 2D coordinate space with double precision values stored in an instance of IMutablePoint and IMutableSize.