Classpublic final class GeomSupport
InheritanceGeomSupport Inheritance Object

Utility class that performs all kind of geometric operations.

In addition, it serves as a factory for various implementations of geometric primitives.

Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
[static] Enlarges the given rect by the given insets.
[static] Adds a point to a rectangle, possibly enlarging the rectangle.
[static] Adds a rectangle to another one.
calculateSegmentTangent(controlPoints:IControlPoints, segment:int, ratio:Number, p:YPoint, v:YPoint):Boolean
[static] Calculates the tangent on the path defined by the control points at the given segment and ratio point.
[static] Create a dynamic IPoint implementation that always points to the center of the given rectangle.
[static] Create a dynamic IPoint implementation that always points to the specified position at the given rectangle.
distance(p:IPoint, q:IPoint):Number
[static] Calculates the euclidean distance between two points.
distance2(px:Number, py:Number, qx:Number, qy:Number):Number
[static] Calculates the euclidean distance between two points.
[static] Calculates the euclidean distance between two rectangles.
ellipseContains(x:Number, y:Number, width:Number, height:Number, px:Number, py:Number, epsilon:Number):Boolean
[static] Checks whether an ellipse contains the given point.
findEllipseLineIntersection(x:Number, y:Number, width:Number, height:Number, innerX:Number, innerY:Number, outerX:Number, outerY:Number, intersectionPoint:IPointSetter):Boolean
[static] Returns the ellipse/line intersection point for the given point pair.
findLineIntersection(l1x1:Number, l1y1:Number, l1x2:Number, l1y2:Number, l2x1:Number, l2y1:Number, l2x2:Number, l2y2:Number):IPoint
[static] Find the intersection point of two lines if one exists.
findLineSegmentIntersection(l1x1:Number, l1y1:Number, l1x2:Number, l1y2:Number, l2x1:Number, l2y1:Number, l2x2:Number, l2y2:Number):Number
[static] Find the intersection of two line segments if one exists.
findRectangleLineIntersection(rect:IRectangle, innerX:Number, innerY:Number, outerX:Number, outerY:Number, intersectionPoint:IPointSetter):Boolean
[static] Finds the intersection between a rectangle and a line.
[static] Returns the current center of the oriented rectangle.
[static] Creates a constrained copy of the given location that lies within the given rectangle.
[static] Returns the current center point of the rectangle.
grow(rectangle:IMutableRectangle, width:Number):void
[static] Grows a mutable rectangle given a stroke width.
[static] Creates the union of two insets rectangles, placing the result in a third.
lineContains(x1:Number, y1:Number, x2:Number, y2:Number, testX:Number, testY:Number, epsilon:Number):Boolean
[static] Determines whether a given line is hit by a point given an epsilon.
[static] Determines the bounds of an oriented rectangle.
orientedRectangleContains(rect:IOrientedRectangle, x:Number, y:Number, epsilon:Number):Boolean
[static] Determines whether the given oriented rectangle contains the provided point, using an epsilon value.
pointHits(x:Number, y:Number, testX:Number, testY:Number, hitTestRadius:Number):Boolean
[static] Determines if two points lie close to each other given an epsilon.
pointLineDistance(x1:Number, y1:Number, x2:Number, y2:Number, px:Number, py:Number):Number
[static] Determines the distance between a point and a line.
pointsAreEqual(p1:IPoint, p2:IPoint):Boolean
[static] Compares if the x and y coordinates of the given points are equal.
polyLineContains(x:Number, y:Number, controlPoints:IControlPoints, epsilon:Number):Boolean
[static] Determines whether a polygonal line is hit by a point given an epsilon.
polyLineIntersects(rect:IRectangle, controlPoints:IControlPoints, epsilon:Number):Boolean
[static] Determines whether a rectangle intersects a polygonal line.
projectOnLine(x1:Number, y1:Number, dx:Number, dy:Number, px:Number, py:Number):IPoint
[static] Determines the closest point on a line to a given point.
projectOnSegment(x1:Number, y1:Number, x2:Number, y2:Number, px:Number, py:Number):IPoint
[static] Determines the closest point on a line segment to a given point.
rectangleContains(x:Number, y:Number, w:Number, h:Number, px:Number, py:Number, epsilon:Number = 0):Boolean
[static] Determines whether the given rectangle contains the provided point.
[static] Determines whether two rectangles intersect.
rectangleIntersectsLine(boxX:Number, boxY:Number, boxWidth:Number, boxHeight:Number, x1:Number, y1:Number, x2:Number, y2:Number, epsilon:Number = 0):Boolean
[static] Determines whether a rectangle intersects a line.
rectangleIntersectsOriented(rectangle:IRectangle, orientedRectangle:IOrientedRectangle, epsilon:Number):Boolean
[static] Determines whether a rectangle intersects an oriented rectangle, given an epsilon.
[static] Compares if the x and y coordinates as well as the width and height values of the given rectangles are equal.
setCenter(orientedRectangle:IMutableOrientedRectangle, cx:Number, cy:Number):IMutableOrientedRectangle
[static] Sets the anchor of an IMutableOrientedRectangle so that the center of the rectangle coincides with the given coordinate pair.
[static] Convenience method that reshapes the provided rectangle to have the same bounds as src.
[static] Calculates the square of the euclidean distance between two points.
squaredDistance2(x1:Number, y1:Number, x2:Number, y2:Number):Number
[static] Calculates the square of the euclidean distance between two points.
[static] Transforms a rectangle that is used as a bounding box using a matrix and places the result in another bounds object.
[static] Creates the union of two rectangles, placing the result in a third.
Method Detail
public static function addInsetsToRectangle(rect:IRectangle, insets:IRectangle):IRectangle

Enlarges the given rect by the given insets.


rect:IRectangle — The rectangle to enlarge.
insets:IRectangle — The insets to add to the rectangle.

IRectangle — The unmodified rect if it's width or height are negative or a new rectangle enlarging the rect's initial bounds with the given insets.
public static function addPointToRectangle(rect:IMutableRectangle, p:IPoint):IMutableRectangle

Adds a point to a rectangle, possibly enlarging the rectangle.

If the rectangle is initially empty, i.e. its width or height is negative, the bounds of the rectangle will be set to (p.x, p.y, 0, 0)


rect:IMutableRectangle — The rectangle to add to.
p:IPoint — The coordinate to include in the bounds.

IMutableRectangle — The resulting rectangle, which is the parameter rect
public static function addRectangle(toModify:IMutableRectangle, toBeAdded:IRectangle):IMutableRectangle

Adds a rectangle to another one.

The result is placed into the first rectangle, which is returned. If either of the two rectangles is empty, i.e. it's width or height is negative, the result will be the other rectangle.


toModify:IMutableRectangle — The rectangle to modify.
toBeAdded:IRectangle — The rectangle to be added.

IMutableRectangle — The first rectangle.
public static function calculateSegmentTangent(controlPoints:IControlPoints, segment:int, ratio:Number, p:YPoint, v:YPoint):Boolean

Calculates the tangent on the path defined by the control points at the given segment and ratio point.

The result is provided through the given point parameters. If the method returns false, no valid result could be calculated and the values of the point parameters should be ignored.


controlPoints:IControlPoints — The list of points that is interpreted as a number of line segments.
segment:int — the index of the zero-based segment.
ratio:Number — a value in [0,1] where 0 is at the start point and 1 is at the target point of the specified segment.
p:YPoint — A point in world-coordinate space that denotes the tangent point.
v:YPoint — The vector which is tangent to the segment at the point p. The tangent vector needs not necessarily be normalized.

Booleantrue iff the values written to the given points are valid.
public static function createRectangleCenter(rect:IRectangle):IPoint

Create a dynamic IPoint implementation that always points to the center of the given rectangle.


rect:IRectangle — The rectangle that will be used for providing the center.

IPoint — A live view of the rectangle's center.
public static function createRectanglePoint(rect:IRectangle, position:uint):IPoint

Create a dynamic IPoint implementation that always points to the specified position at the given rectangle.


rect:IRectangle — The rectangle that will be used for providing the center.
position:uint — One of the RectangleHandlePositions to use.


See also

public static function distance(p:IPoint, q:IPoint):Number

Calculates the euclidean distance between two points.


p:IPoint — The first point.
q:IPoint — The second point.

Number — The distance.
public static function distance2(px:Number, py:Number, qx:Number, qy:Number):Number

Calculates the euclidean distance between two points.


px:Number — The x value of the first point
py:Number — The y value of the first point
qx:Number — The x value of the second point
qy:Number — The y value of the second point

Number — The distance.
public static function distanceBetweenRectangles(rect1:IRectangle, rect2:IRectangle):Number

Calculates the euclidean distance between two rectangles.

If the rectangles intersect their distance is 0, otherwise the minimum euclidean distance between any points in rect1 and rect2 is returned.


rect1:IRectangle — The first rectangle.
rect2:IRectangle — The second rectangle.

Number — The euclidean distance between two points o
public static function ellipseContains(x:Number, y:Number, width:Number, height:Number, px:Number, py:Number, epsilon:Number):Boolean

Checks whether an ellipse contains the given point.


x:Number — The x coordinate of the upper left corner of the ellipse's enclosing rectangle.
y:Number — The y coordinate of the upper left corner of the ellipse's enclosing rectangle.
width:Number — The width of the ellipse's enclosing rectangle.
height:Number — The height of the ellipse's enclosing rectangle..
px:Number — The x coordinate of the point to test.
py:Number — The y coordinate of the point to test.
epsilon:Number — A positive value allows for fuzzy hit testing. If the point lies outside the given object but it's distance is less than or equal to that value, it will be considered a hit.

Boolean — Whether the point lies within the ellipse
public static function findEllipseLineIntersection(x:Number, y:Number, width:Number, height:Number, innerX:Number, innerY:Number, outerX:Number, outerY:Number, intersectionPoint:IPointSetter):Boolean

Returns the ellipse/line intersection point for the given point pair.

This will always return the intersection point that lies in the direction from inner to outer.


x:Number — The x coordinate of the upper left corner of the ellipse's enclosing rectangle.
y:Number — The y coordinate of the upper left corner of the ellipse's enclosing rectangle.
width:Number — The width of the ellipse's enclosing rectangle.
height:Number — The height of the ellipse's enclosing rectangle.
innerX:Number — The x coordinate of a point lying inside the ellipse.
innerY:Number — The y coordinate of a point lying inside the ellipse.
outerX:Number — The x coordinate of a point lying outside the ellipse.
outerY:Number — The y coordinate of a point lying outside the ellipse.
intersectionPoint:IPointSetter — The intersection point to set.

Booleantrue iff the inner point lies inside the ellipse and an intersection point has been found.
public static function findLineIntersection(l1x1:Number, l1y1:Number, l1x2:Number, l1y2:Number, l2x1:Number, l2y1:Number, l2x2:Number, l2y2:Number):IPoint

Find the intersection point of two lines if one exists.


l1x1:Number — The x coordinate of the first point of the first line.
l1y1:Number — The y coordinate of the first point of the first line.
l1x2:Number — The x coordinate of the second point of the first line.
l1y2:Number — The y coordinate of the second point of the first line.
l2x1:Number — The x coordinate of the first point of the second line.
l2y1:Number — The y coordinate of the first point of the second line.
l2x2:Number — The x coordinate of the second point of the second line.
l2y2:Number — The y coordinate of the second point of the second line.

IPoint — The intersection point of the two lines or null if none exists.
public static function findLineSegmentIntersection(l1x1:Number, l1y1:Number, l1x2:Number, l1y2:Number, l2x1:Number, l2y1:Number, l2x2:Number, l2y2:Number):Number

Find the intersection of two line segments if one exists.

In order to obtain the intersection point do the following: var factor:Number = findLineIntersection(l1x1, l1y1, l1x2, l1y2, l2x1, l2y1, l2x2, l2y2); if ( factor < Infinity ){ var ix:Number = l2x1 + (l2x2 - l2x1) factor; var iy:Number = l2y1 + (l2y2 - l2y1) factor; }


l1x1:Number — The x coordinate of the first point of the first line.
l1y1:Number — The y coordinate of the first point of the first line.
l1x2:Number — The x coordinate of the second point of the first line.
l1y2:Number — The y coordinate of the second point of the first line.
l2x1:Number — The x coordinate of the first point of the second line.
l2y1:Number — The y coordinate of the first point of the second line.
l2x2:Number — The x coordinate of the second point of the second line.
l2y2:Number — The y coordinate of the second point of the second line.

Number — The factor to determine the intersection point.
public static function findRectangleLineIntersection(rect:IRectangle, innerX:Number, innerY:Number, outerX:Number, outerY:Number, intersectionPoint:IPointSetter):Boolean

Finds the intersection between a rectangle and a line.


rect:IRectangle — The rectangle to find the intersection.
innerX:Number — The x coordinate of a point lying inside the rectangle.
innerY:Number — The y coordinate of a point lying inside the rectangle.
outerX:Number — The x coordinate of a point lying outside the rectangle.
outerY:Number — The y coordinate of a point lying outside the rectangle.
intersectionPoint:IPointSetter — The intersection point to set.

Booleantrue iff the inner point lies inside the rectangle, the outer point lies outside the rectangle and thus an intersection point has been found.
public static function getCenter(orientedRectangle:IOrientedRectangle):IPoint

Returns the current center of the oriented rectangle.

This returns a snapshot of the current center of the rectangle, it will not change over time.


orientedRectangle:IOrientedRectangle — The rectangle to get the center from.

IPoint — An immutable instance that describes the current center of the rectangle.
public static function getConstrainedLocation(location:IPoint, constraint:IRectangle):IPoint

Creates a constrained copy of the given location that lies within the given rectangle.


location:IPoint — The location to constrain.
constraint:IRectangle — The constraint to apply to the given location.

IPoint — A constrained copy of the given location that lies within the given rectangle.
public static function getRectangleCenter(rect:IRectangle):IPoint

Returns the current center point of the rectangle.

This returns a snapshot of the current center of the rectangle, it will not change over time.


rect:IRectangle — The rectangle to get the center from.

IPoint — An immutable instance that describes the current center of the rectangle.
public static function grow(rectangle:IMutableRectangle, width:Number):void

Grows a mutable rectangle given a stroke width.

An empty rectangle (with negative width or height) will stay empty.


rectangle:IMutableRectangle — The rectangle to grow.
width:Number — The amount to grow the rectangle.

public static function insetsUnion(rect1:IRectangle, rect2:IRectangle, dest:IMutableRectangle):IMutableRectangle

Creates the union of two insets rectangles, placing the result in a third.

This implementation uses the greater of the values for each component to store in the result. Either of the first two parameters may be the same as the third. If the third parameter is null, this method will create an instance to hold the result. The result is placed into the third parameter (or the newly created instance) and that instance is returned.


rect1:IRectangle — The first inset rectangle to create the union of.
rect2:IRectangle — The second inset rectangle to create the union of.
dest:IMutableRectangle — The inset rectangle to hold the result, or null.

IMutableRectangle — The inset union, which will be stored in dest, unless dest is null
public static function lineContains(x1:Number, y1:Number, x2:Number, y2:Number, testX:Number, testY:Number, epsilon:Number):Boolean

Determines whether a given line is hit by a point given an epsilon.


x1:Number — The x coordinate of the first point of the line.
y1:Number — The y coordinate of the first point of the line.
x2:Number — The x coordinate of the second point of the line.
y2:Number — The y coordinate of the second point of the line.
testX:Number — The x coordinate of the point to test.
testY:Number — The y coordinate of the point to test.
epsilon:Number — A positive value allows for fuzzy hit testing. If the point lies outside the given object but it's distance is less than or equal to that value, it will be considered a hit.

Booleantrue if the line is hit by the point.
public static function orientedRectangleBounds(rect:IOrientedRectangle, scratch:IMutableRectangle):IRectangle

Determines the bounds of an oriented rectangle.

Bounding rectangles are parallel to the coordinate axes.


rect:IOrientedRectangle — The rectangle to determine the bounds.
scratch:IMutableRectangle — The scratch variable to place the bounds into.

IRectangle — The bounds.
public static function orientedRectangleContains(rect:IOrientedRectangle, x:Number, y:Number, epsilon:Number):Boolean

Determines whether the given oriented rectangle contains the provided point, using an epsilon value.


rect:IOrientedRectangle — The rectangle.
x:Number — The x coordinate of the point to test.
y:Number — The y coordinate of the point to test.
epsilon:Number — A positive value allows for fuzzy hit testing. If the point lies outside the given object but it's distance is less than or equal to that value, it will be considered a hit.

Booleantrue if the point lies inside the rectangle.
public static function pointHits(x:Number, y:Number, testX:Number, testY:Number, hitTestRadius:Number):Boolean

Determines if two points lie close to each other given an epsilon.


x:Number — The x coordinate of the first point.
y:Number — The y coordinate of the first point.
testX:Number — The x coordinate of the second point.
testY:Number — The y coordinate of the second point.
hitTestRadius:Number — The hit test epsilon.

Boolean — Whether the distance between the two points is smaller than hitTestRadius
public static function pointLineDistance(x1:Number, y1:Number, x2:Number, y2:Number, px:Number, py:Number):Number

Determines the distance between a point and a line.


x1:Number — The x coordinate of the first point of the line.
y1:Number — The y coordinate of the first point of the line.
x2:Number — The x coordinate of the second point of the line.
y2:Number — The y coordinate of the second point of the line.
px:Number — The x coordinate of the point to test.
py:Number — The x coordinate of the point to test.

Number — The distance between the point and the closest point on the line segment.
public static function pointsAreEqual(p1:IPoint, p2:IPoint):Boolean

Compares if the x and y coordinates of the given points are equal.


p1:IPoint — The first point to compare.
p2:IPoint — The second point to compare.

Booleantrue if x and y are equal, false otherwise.
public static function polyLineContains(x:Number, y:Number, controlPoints:IControlPoints, epsilon:Number):Boolean

Determines whether a polygonal line is hit by a point given an epsilon.


x:Number — The x coordinate of the point to test.
y:Number — The y coordinate of the point to test.
controlPoints:IControlPoints — The list of points that is treated as a polygon
epsilon:Number — A positive value allows for fuzzy hit testing. If the point lies outside the given object but it's distance is less than or equal to that value, it will be considered a hit.

Boolean — Whether the point hits the polygon.
public static function polyLineIntersects(rect:IRectangle, controlPoints:IControlPoints, epsilon:Number):Boolean

Determines whether a rectangle intersects a polygonal line.


rect:IRectangle — The rectangle to test for intersection with the polygonal line.
controlPoints:IControlPoints — The list of points that is interpreted as a number of line segments.
epsilon:Number — A positive value allows for fuzzy hit testing. If the point lies outside the given object but its distance is less than or equal to that value, it will be considered a hit.

Boolean — Whether the point hits the polygon.
public static function projectOnLine(x1:Number, y1:Number, dx:Number, dy:Number, px:Number, py:Number):IPoint

Determines the closest point on a line to a given point.


x1:Number — The x coordinate of the first point of the line.
y1:Number — The y coordinate of the first point of the line.
dx:Number — The x coordinate of the direction of the line.
dy:Number — The y coordinate of the direction of of the line.
px:Number — The x coordinate of the point to test.
py:Number — The y coordinate of the point to test.

IPoint — An immutable point that represents the closest point on the lines.
public static function projectOnSegment(x1:Number, y1:Number, x2:Number, y2:Number, px:Number, py:Number):IPoint

Determines the closest point on a line segment to a given point.


x1:Number — The x coordinate of the first point of the line.
y1:Number — The y coordinate of the first point of the line.
x2:Number — The x coordinate of the second point of the line.
y2:Number — The y coordinate of the second point of the line.
px:Number — The x coordinate of the point to test.
py:Number — The y coordinate of the point to test.

IPoint — the closest point.
public static function rectangleContains(x:Number, y:Number, w:Number, h:Number, px:Number, py:Number, epsilon:Number = 0):Boolean

Determines whether the given rectangle contains the provided point.


x:Number — The x coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangle.
y:Number — The y coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangle.
w:Number — The width of the rectangle.
h:Number — The height of the rectangle.
px:Number — The x coordinate of the point to test.
py:Number — The y coordinate of the point to test.
epsilon:Number (default = 0)

Booleantrue if the point lies inside the rectangle.
public static function rectangleIntersects(rect1:IRectangle, rect2:IRectangle):Boolean

Determines whether two rectangles intersect.


rect1:IRectangle — One rectangle.
rect2:IRectangle — The other rectangle.

Booleantrue if the two rectangles intersect.
public static function rectangleIntersectsLine(boxX:Number, boxY:Number, boxWidth:Number, boxHeight:Number, x1:Number, y1:Number, x2:Number, y2:Number, epsilon:Number = 0):Boolean

Determines whether a rectangle intersects a line.


boxX:Number — The x coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangle.
boxY:Number — The y coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangle.
boxWidth:Number — The width of the rectangle.
boxHeight:Number — The height of the rectangle.
x1:Number — The x coordinate of the first point of the line.
y1:Number — The y coordinate of the first point of the line.
x2:Number — The x coordinate of the second point of the line.
y2:Number — The y coordinate of the second point of the line.
epsilon:Number (default = 0) — A positive value allows for fuzzy hit testing. If the point lies outside the given object but it's distance is less than or equal to that value, it will be considered a hit.

Booleantrue if the line intersects the rectangle.
public static function rectangleIntersectsOriented(rectangle:IRectangle, orientedRectangle:IOrientedRectangle, epsilon:Number):Boolean

Determines whether a rectangle intersects an oriented rectangle, given an epsilon.


rectangle:IRectangle — The rectangle to test.
orientedRectangle:IOrientedRectangle — The oriented rectangle to test.
epsilon:Number — A positive value allows for fuzzy hit testing. If the point lies outside the given object but it's distance is less than or equal to that value, it will be considered a hit.

Boolean — Whether the rectangles have a non-empty intersection.
public static function rectanglesAreEqual(rect1:IRectangle, rect2:IRectangle):Boolean

Compares if the x and y coordinates as well as the width and height values of the given rectangles are equal.


rect1:IRectangle — The first rectangle to compare.
rect2:IRectangle — The second rectangle to compare.

Booleantrue if x, y, width and height are equal, false otherwise.
public static function setCenter(orientedRectangle:IMutableOrientedRectangle, cx:Number, cy:Number):IMutableOrientedRectangle

Sets the anchor of an IMutableOrientedRectangle so that the center of the rectangle coincides with the given coordinate pair.


orientedRectangle:IMutableOrientedRectangle — The rectangle to set the anchor appropriately.
cx:Number — The x coordinate of the center.
cy:Number — The y coordinate of the center.

IMutableOrientedRectangle — The rectangle itself, to allow for chaining calls.
public static function setRectangle(dst:IMutableRectangle, src:IRectangle):IMutableRectangle

Convenience method that reshapes the provided rectangle to have the same bounds as src.


dst:IMutableRectangle — The rectangle to reshape.
src:IRectangle — The values to use.

IMutableRectangle — The reshaped instance itself.
public static function squaredDistance(p:IPoint, q:IPoint):Number

Calculates the square of the euclidean distance between two points.


p:IPoint — The first point
q:IPoint — The second point

Number — The squared euclidean distance between the two points.
public static function squaredDistance2(x1:Number, y1:Number, x2:Number, y2:Number):Number

Calculates the square of the euclidean distance between two points.


x1:Number — The x coordinate of the first point.
y1:Number — The y coordinate of the first point.
x2:Number — The x coordinate of the second point.
y2:Number — The y coordinate of the second point.

Number — The squared euclidean distance between the two points.
public static function transformBounds(transform:Matrix, bounds:IRectangle, scratch:IMutableRectangle):IMutableRectangle

Transforms a rectangle that is used as a bounding box using a matrix and places the result in another bounds object.


transform:Matrix — The matrix to apply to the bounds.
bounds:IRectangle — The bounds to transform.
scratch:IMutableRectangle — The holder of the resulting bounds or null. If null, a new rectangle instance is created to hold the result.

IMutableRectangle — The result.
public static function union(rect1:IRectangle, rect2:IRectangle, dest:IMutableRectangle):IMutableRectangle

Creates the union of two rectangles, placing the result in a third.

Either of the first two parameters may be the same as the third. If the third parameter is null, this method will create an instance to hold the result.

The result is placed into the third parameter (or the newly created instance) and that instance is returned.

This method treats rectangles with negative width or height as empty.


rect1:IRectangle — The first rectangle to create the union of.
rect2:IRectangle — The second rectangle to create the union of.
dest:IMutableRectangle — The rectangle to hold the result, or null.

IMutableRectangle — The union, which will be stored in dest, unless dest is null