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F2_PRESSED — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.canvas.input.EventRecognizers
Recognizes KeyboardEvents of type KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN with keyCode == Keyboard.F2
factor — Property, class com.yworks.canvas.input.MagnifierInputMode
The factor the canvas is magnified by.
fallback — Property, class com.yworks.io.graphml.realizer.JavaGenericNodeRealizerSerializer
A style which is used when the configuration is not in the map.
fallbackEdgeRealizerSerializer — Property, class com.yworks.io.graphml.realizer.RealizerSerializerManager
The realizer serializer to use if no deserializer is found for the parsed edgegraphics child element.
fallbackNodeRealizerSerializer — Property, class com.yworks.io.graphml.realizer.RealizerSerializerManager
The realizer serializer to use if no deserializer is found for the parsed nodegraphics child element.
fallbackProvider — Property, class com.yworks.io.graphml.reader.AutoMapperInputHandlerProvider
The fallback provider that has been passed upon initialization.
fallbackStyle — Property, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.BitmapNodeStyle
The fallback style that is painted until the imageLoader is completely loaded.
fallbackStyle — Property, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.ImageNodeStyle
The fallback style that is painted until an image located at a given url is completely loaded.
FAR_BORDER — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.StripeSubregion
Flag for the stripe far border region.
fatal(location:Object, message:String, e:Error, context:com.yworks.io.graphml.reader:GraphMLParseContext) — method, interface com.yworks.io.graphml.reader.IGraphMLParseErrorHandler
Handles a FATAL error message that originates from the parser or subordinate classes.
fatal(location:Object, message:String, e:Error, context:com.yworks.io.graphml.writer:GraphMLWriteContext) — method, interface com.yworks.io.graphml.writer.IGraphMLWriteErrorHandler
Handles an FATAL error message that originates from the writer or subordinate classes.
FatArrow — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.ShapeNodeShape
An arrow like shape that points to the right This shape is serialized as "FatArrow" and will be correctly parsed by yFiles.NET
FatArrow2 — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.ShapeNodeShape
An arrow like shape that points to the left This shape is serialized as "FatArrow2" and will be correctly parsed by yFiles.NET
faultEventHandler — Property, class com.yworks.remote.RoundtripHandler
A local fault event handler that will be used by this instance instead of the globalFaultEventHandler.
fileFilter — Property, class com.yworks.remote.AbstractFileReadHandler
An array of flash.net.FileFilter to use with the file browser.
filename — Property, class com.yworks.remote.AbstractFileReadHandler
The filename of the last selected file.
fileName — Property, class com.yworks.remote.AbstractFileWriteHandler
The name of the last successfully downloaded file.
fileReference — Property, class com.yworks.remote.AbstractFileReadHandler
The FileReference which handles the file operations.
fileReference — Property, class com.yworks.remote.AbstractFileWriteHandler
The FileReference which handles the file operations.
fileReference — Property, class com.yworks.remote.AbstractImageExportHandler
The FileReference which handles the file operations.
fill — Property, class com.yworks.canvas.drawing.OrientedRectangleFocusPaintable
Gets or sets the brush to use for filling the rectangle in the view coordinate system.
fill — Property, class com.yworks.canvas.drawing.OrientedRectangleSelectionPaintable
Gets or sets the fill to use for filling the rectangle in the view coordinate system.
fill — Property, class com.yworks.canvas.drawing.PointSelectionPaintable
The fill to use for the point's ellipse in the view coordinate system.
fill — Property, class com.yworks.canvas.drawing.RectangularFocusPaintable
The brush to use for filling the rectangle in the view coordinate system.
fill — Property, class com.yworks.canvas.drawing.RectangularHighlightPaintable
Gets or sets the fill to use for filling the rectangle.
fill — Property, class com.yworks.canvas.drawing.RectangularSelectionPaintable
Gets or sets the brush to use for filling the rectangle in the view coordinate system.
fill — Property, class com.yworks.canvas.drawing.ShapePaintable
The fill to use for painting in the created DisplayObject.
fill — Property, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.ArrowPaintable
The IFill the arrow is filled with.
fill — Property, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.GeneralPathNodeStyle
Gets the fill that is used to draw the shape.
fill — Property, interface com.yworks.graph.drawing.IGeneralPathNodeStyle
Gets the fill that is used to draw the shape.
fill — Property, interface com.yworks.graph.drawing.IShapeNodeStyle
The fill for this style
fill — Property, interface com.yworks.graph.drawing.IShinyPlateNodeStyle
The base color to use.
fill — Property, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.ShapeNodeStyle
The fill for this style
fill — Property, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.ShapeNodeStyleRenderer
Get the fill that is currently used by this renderer.
fill — Property, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.ShinyPlateNodeStyle
The base color to use.
fillColor — Property, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.compat.AbstractJavaNodeStyle
The style's fill color
fillColor — Property, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.compat.JavaShapeNodeStyleRenderer
Get the fill color that is currently used by this renderer.
fillColor2 — Property, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.compat.AbstractJavaNodeStyle
The style's second gradient fill color
fillColor2 — Property, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.compat.JavaShapeNodeStyleRenderer
Get the second fill color that is currently used by this renderer.
FillDeserializer — class, package com.yworks.io.graphml.reader.deserializer
A deserializer implementation that deserializes IFill instances.
Fills — class, package com.yworks.graph.drawing
A small set of standard fill colors
FillSerializer — class, package com.yworks.io.graphml.writer.serializer
A serializer implementation that serializes IFill instances.
FilteredCollectionModel — class, package com.yworks.util
A collection model that filters items from the underlying collection given a predicate function.
FilteredCollectionModel(inner:com.yworks.util:ICollectionModel, predicate:Function) — Constructor, class com.yworks.util.FilteredCollectionModel
Creates a new instance using the provided collection model and predicate.
FilteredGraphWrapper — class, package com.yworks.graph.model
A decorator implementation of an IGraph that represents a subset of the wrapped graph instance.
FilteredGraphWrapper(graph:com.yworks.graph.model:IGraph, nodePredicate:Function, edgePredicate:Function) — Constructor, class com.yworks.graph.model.FilteredGraphWrapper
Creates a new graph instance that wraps the original graph and uses the passed predicate functions to determine which nodes and edges should be contained in the graph.
filteredHitTestIterator — Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.GraphModelManager
Gets an IFilteredHitTestIterator that can be used to iterate hits on the canvas at a given world coordinate position and filter those hits by a given filter function.
FilterNodeStyleDecorator — class, package com.yworks.graph.drawing
A decorating node style to add render filter to the delegate.
FilterNodeStyleDecorator(wrapped:com.yworks.graph.drawing:INodeStyle, filters:Array, renderer:com.yworks.graph.drawing:IStyleRenderer) — Constructor, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.FilterNodeStyleDecorator
Creates a new instance which wraps the given style and uses the given renderer.
FilterNodeStyleDeserializer — class, package com.yworks.io.graphml.reader.deserializer
A deserializer which can handle FilterStyleWrapper instances.
FilterNodeStyleRenderer — class, package com.yworks.graph.drawing
This renderer can be used to render FilterNodeStyleWrapper.
FilterNodeStyleSerializer — class, package com.yworks.io.graphml.writer.serializer
A serializer which can handle FilterStyleWrapper instances.
filters — Property, class com.yworks.graph.drawing.FilterNodeStyleDecorator
An Array containing the filter that shall be used in the renderer.
finalizeNodeReparenting(reparentedNodes:com.yworks.support:Iterable) — method, class com.yworks.graph.input.GraphEditorInputMode
Called when a reparenting gesture is finished.
findBestParameter(label:com.yworks.graph.model:ILabel, model:com.yworks.graph.model:ILabelModel, labelLayout:com.yworks.canvas.geom:IOrientedRectangle) — method, class com.yworks.graph.model.CompositeLabelModel
Tries to find a parameter that best matches the given layout for the provided label instance.
findBestParameter(label:com.yworks.graph.model:ILabel, model:com.yworks.graph.model:ILabelModel, labelLayout:com.yworks.canvas.geom:IOrientedRectangle) — method, class com.yworks.graph.model.DefaultLabelModelParameterFinder
Tries to find a parameter that best matches the given layout for the provided label instance.
findBestParameter(label:com.yworks.graph.model:ILabel, model:com.yworks.graph.model:ILabelModel, labelLayout:com.yworks.canvas.geom:IOrientedRectangle) — method, class com.yworks.graph.model.DescriptorWrapperLabelModel
findBestParameter(label:com.yworks.graph.model:ILabel, model:com.yworks.graph.model:ILabelModel, labelLayout:com.yworks.canvas.geom:IOrientedRectangle) — method, class com.yworks.graph.model.FreeEdgeLabelModel
Tries to find a parameter that best matches the given layout for the provided label instance.
findBestParameter(label:com.yworks.graph.model:ILabel, model:com.yworks.graph.model:ILabelModel, labelLayout:com.yworks.canvas.geom:IOrientedRectangle) — method, class com.yworks.graph.model.FreeNodeLabelModel
Tries to find a parameter that best matches the given layout for the provided label instance.
findBestParameter(label:com.yworks.graph.model:ILabel, model:com.yworks.graph.model:ILabelModel, labelLayout:com.yworks.canvas.geom:IOrientedRectangle) — method, interface com.yworks.graph.model.ILabelModelParameterFinder
Tries to find a parameter that best matches the given layout for the provided label instance.
findBestParameter(label:com.yworks.graph.model:ILabel, model:com.yworks.graph.model:ILabelModel, labelLayout:com.yworks.canvas.geom:IOrientedRectangle) — method, class com.yworks.graph.model.RotatedSideSliderEdgeLabelModel
Tries to find a parameter that best matches the given layout for the provided label instance.
findBestParameter(label:com.yworks.graph.model:ILabel, model:com.yworks.graph.model:ILabelModel, labelLayout:com.yworks.canvas.geom:IOrientedRectangle) — method, class com.yworks.graph.model.RotatedSliderEdgeLabelModel
Tries to find a parameter that best matches the given layout for the provided label instance.
findBestParameter(label:com.yworks.graph.model:ILabel, model:com.yworks.graph.model:ILabelModel, labelLayout:com.yworks.canvas.geom:IOrientedRectangle) — method, class com.yworks.graph.model.SliderEdgeLabelModel
Tries to find a parameter that best matches the given layout for the provided label instance.
findCell(o:Object) — method, class com.yworks.support.YList
Returns the cell where Object o is stored.
findEllipseLineIntersection(x:Number, y:Number, width:Number, height:Number, innerX:Number, innerY:Number, outerX:Number, outerY:Number, intersectionPoint:com.yworks.canvas.geom:IPointSetter) — Static Method , class com.yworks.canvas.geom.GeomSupport
Returns the ellipse/line intersection point for the given point pair.
findHits(clickPoint:com.yworks.canvas.geom:IPoint, tests:Array) — method, class com.yworks.graph.input.GraphEditorInputMode
Used as a callback to find hits underneath a certain clicked point.
findLineIntersection(lx1:Number, ly1:Number, lx2:Number, ly2:Number, eps:Number) — method, class com.yworks.canvas.drawing.GeneralPath
Finds an intersection point between a line and this general path using a given epsilon for flattening bezier curves.
findLineIntersection(l1x1:Number, l1y1:Number, l1x2:Number, l1y2:Number, l2x1:Number, l2y1:Number, l2x2:Number, l2y2:Number) — Static Method , class com.yworks.canvas.geom.GeomSupport
Find the intersection point of two lines if one exists.
findLineSegmentIntersection(l1x1:Number, l1y1:Number, l1x2:Number, l1y2:Number, l2x1:Number, l2y1:Number, l2x2:Number, l2y2:Number) — Static Method , class com.yworks.canvas.geom.GeomSupport
Find the intersection of two line segments if one exists.
findNode(node:com.yworks.graph.model:INode) — method, class com.yworks.ui.tree.HierarchyTreeView
Returns the TreeNode representation of a given node.
findRayIntersection(l1:com.yworks.canvas.geom:IPoint, l2:com.yworks.canvas.geom:IPoint, anchor:com.yworks.canvas.geom:IPoint, rayDirection:com.yworks.canvas.geom:IPoint) — Static Method , class com.yworks.graph.model.RotatedSliderEdgeLabelModel
Finds the intersection point between two infinite straight lines, one defined by two points, one defined by an anchor point and a direction vector.
findRectangleLineIntersection(rect:com.yworks.canvas.geom:IRectangle, innerX:Number, innerY:Number, outerX:Number, outerY:Number, intersectionPoint:com.yworks.canvas.geom:IPointSetter) — Static Method , class com.yworks.canvas.geom.GeomSupport
Finds the intersection between a rectangle and a line.
findSameHeightEntries(size:Number, maxSize:Number, minSize:Number) — method, class com.yworks.graph.input.snapLines.GraphSnapContext
Finds the entries that have been registered using the addSameHeightEntry previously that best match the given constraints.
findSameWidthEntries(size:Number, maxSize:Number, minSize:Number) — method, class com.yworks.graph.input.snapLines.GraphSnapContext
Finds the entries that have been registered using the addSameWidthEntry previously that best match the given constraints.
findStripe(x:Number, y:Number, stripeTypes:uint, subregions:com.yworks.graph.model:StripeSubregion, predicate:Function) — method, class com.yworks.graph.input.TableEditorInputMode
Used as a callback to find the item underneath certain coordinates.
findStripe(x:Number, y:Number, stripeTypes:uint, canvas:com.yworks.canvas:CanvasComponent, subregions:com.yworks.graph.model:StripeSubregion, predicate:Function) — Static Method , class com.yworks.graph.model.TableUtils
Convenience method to find the item at certain coordinates.
findStripes(x:Number, y:Number, stripeTypes:uint, subregions:com.yworks.graph.model:StripeSubregion, predicate:Function) — method, class com.yworks.graph.input.TableEditorInputMode
Used as a callback to find the items underneath certain coordinates.
findStripes(x:Number, y:Number, stripeTypes:uint, canvas:com.yworks.canvas:CanvasComponent, subregions:com.yworks.graph.model:StripeSubregion, predicate:Function) — Static Method , class com.yworks.graph.model.TableUtils
Convenience method to find the items at certain coordinates.
findTableNode(table:com.yworks.graph.model:ITable) — method, class com.yworks.graph.input.TableEditorInputMode
Convenience method which retrieves the node which is associated with the given table.
findTableNodeForStripe(stripe:com.yworks.graph.model:IStripe) — method, class com.yworks.graph.input.TableEditorInputMode
Convenience method which retrieves the node which is associated with the given stripe's table.
findTransition(srcState:com.yworks.support:State, targetState:com.yworks.support:State) — method, class com.yworks.support.StateMachine
Finds a transistion that connects two given states.
finishRecognizer — Property, class com.yworks.graph.input.CreateEdgeInputMode
The event recognizer that recognizes the finishing gesture that is used to end the edge creation on the target node.
fireInstalled() — method, class com.yworks.canvas.input.AbstractInputMode
fireInstalling() — method, class com.yworks.canvas.input.AbstractInputMode
fireUninstalled() — method, class com.yworks.canvas.input.AbstractInputMode
fireUninstalling() — method, class com.yworks.canvas.input.AbstractInputMode
first — Property, interface com.yworks.canvas.ICanvasObjectGroup
Returns the first item in the rendering list of this group.
first — Property, class com.yworks.support.YList
Returns the first element in this list.
firstCell — Property, class com.yworks.support.YList
Returns the first cell in this list.
firstLabelModelParamater — Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.DefaultDummyNodeConverter
Gets or sets the ILabelModelParameter to use for the first label of the collapsed group node.
firstLabelModelparameter — Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.AbstractDummyEdgeConverter
Gets or sets the ILabelModelParameter to use for the first label of the dummy edge.
firstLabelModelParameter — Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.AbstractDummyEdgeConverter
firstLabelModelParameter — Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.DefaultDummyNodeConverter
firstLabelStyle — Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.AbstractDummyEdgeConverter
Gets or sets the ILabelStyle to use for the first label of the dummy edge.
firstLabelStyle — Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.DefaultDummyNodeConverter
The ILabelStyle to use for the first label of the collapsed group nodes.
firstNode — Property, class com.yworks.graph.input.snapLines.NodePairBasedSnapLine
Gets the first node that is associated with this snap line.
_firstPoint — Property, class com.yworks.graph.input.EdgeDragInputModeBase
fitContent() — method, class com.yworks.canvas.CanvasComponent
Adjusts the view port to fully encompass the current content rectangle.
fitContentCore() — method, class com.yworks.canvas.CanvasComponent
When fitContent() is called, this method is invoked in the next updateDisplayList() execution to actually fit the content rectangle into the viewport.
fitContentOnUpdate — Property, class com.yworks.remote.RoundtripHandler
Gets or sets whether the canvas should fit the contents after the update if animation is disabled.
fitGraphBounds(margins:com.yworks.canvas.geom:IRectangle) — method, class com.yworks.canvas.CanvasComponent
Updates the content rectangle and adjusts the viewport to encompass the contents.
FIXED — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.graph.input.snapLines.MoveTypes
The element does not move at all during the edit.
FixedDistanceSnapResultPaintable — class, package com.yworks.canvas.drawing
This class visualizes the snapping of a moved object (target) to a SnapLine (target line) that has a fixed distance to a non-moved object (source).
FixedLinePaintable — class, package com.yworks.canvas.drawing
Draws a line between lineFrom and lineTo.
fixedNodes — Property, class com.yworks.graph.input.snapLines.GraphSnapContext
Gets the nodes that stay fixed for the current edit.
fixedNodeSnapLines — Property, class com.yworks.graph.input.snapLines.GraphSnapContext
The collection of SnapLines for fixed nodes.
fixedPortSnapLines — Property, class com.yworks.graph.input.snapLines.GraphSnapContext
The collection of SnapLines to which ports should be snapping.
fixedSegmentSnapLines — Property, class com.yworks.graph.input.snapLines.GraphSnapContext
The collection of SnapLines for fixed edge segments.
focusableItems — Property, class com.yworks.graph.input.GraphEditorInputMode
The items that can be given focus via the setCurrentItem method.
focusedItem — Property, class com.yworks.canvas.model.FocusPaintManager
The focused item.
focusGroup — Property, class com.yworks.ui.GraphCanvasComponent
Gets or sets the focusGroup property.
focusGroupChanged — Event, class com.yworks.ui.GraphCanvasComponent
Dispatched when the focusGroup property changed.
FOCUS_GROUP_CHANGED — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.ui.GraphCanvasComponent
focusPaintableDecorator — Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.ItemDecorator
The LookupDecorator that decorates the IFocusPaintableInstaller type for the type of items this instance has been created for.
focusPaintManager — Property, class com.yworks.ui.GraphCanvasComponent
Gets or sets the FocusPaintManager property.
FocusPaintManager — class, package com.yworks.canvas.model
A ModelManager implementation that manages the visual decoration of the focused element in a canvas.
FocusPaintManager(canvas:com.yworks.canvas:CanvasComponent) — Constructor, class com.yworks.canvas.model.FocusPaintManager
Creates an instance that for all selected items in the model dynamically installs a selection paint decoration.
focusPaintManagerChanged — Event, class com.yworks.ui.GraphCanvasComponent
Dispatched when the focusPaintManager property changed.
FOCUS_PAINT_MANAGER_CHANGED — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.ui.GraphCanvasComponent
FoldedGraphEdgeChainLink_WrappingProvider — class, package com.yworks.graph.model
FoldedGraphEdgeChainLink_WrappingProvider(foldedGraph:com.yworks.graph.model:FoldedGraph, masterProvider:com.yworks.graph.model:IEdgePortCandidateProvider) — Constructor, class com.yworks.graph.model.FoldedGraphEdgeChainLink_WrappingProvider
FOLDER_PORT_MAP — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.io.graphml.realizer.GraphicsSerializationToolkit
FoldingManager — class, package com.yworks.graph.model
This class adds folding support to IGraph implementations on top of the IGroupedGraph interface.
FoldingManager(masterGraph:com.yworks.graph.model:IGraph) — Constructor, class com.yworks.graph.model.FoldingManager
Creates a manager instance for the given masterGraph to create views on top of it that support folding operations.
foldingStateChanged — Event, interface com.yworks.graph.model.IFoldedGraph
Dispatched when a the folding state of a group node changes.
FOLDING_STATE_CHANGED — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.GraphEvent
The GraphEvent.FOLDING_STATE_CHANGED constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a foldingStateChanged event.
FontDeserializer — class, package com.yworks.io.graphml.reader.deserializer
A deserializer that deserializes UITextFormat instances.
FontManager — final class, package com.yworks.support
Class which provides convenience methods for font handling.
FontManager() — Constructor, class com.yworks.support.FontManager
FontSerializer — class, package com.yworks.io.graphml.writer.serializer
A serializer that serializes UITextFormat instances.
fontSizeFactor — Property, class com.yworks.io.graphml.GraphMLIOHandler
The factor to adjust the font size when serializing / deserializing fonts.
FOR — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.io.graphml.GraphMLConstants
forceRepaint() — method, class com.yworks.canvas.CanvasComponent
Invalidates this canvas component and causes a repaint of all display objects that are visible in this canvas component.
forceSnapToCandidate — Property, class com.yworks.graph.input.CreateEdgeInputMode
Gets or sets a property that determines whether the mouse should be forced to snap to the nearest valid port candidate if the mouse hovers over a target node.
formatNumber(number:Object, radix:uint, minChars:uint) — Static Method , class com.yworks.util.Util
Format a number as a string using the given radix.
FreeEdgeLabelModel — class, package com.yworks.graph.model
An edge label model that can be used to describe any position and orientation of a label.
FreeNodeLabelModel — class, package com.yworks.graph.model
A node label model that can be used to describe any position and orientation of a label.
from — Property, class com.yworks.canvas.input.snapLines.SnapLine
The smaller value of the coordinate that delimits this snap line.
fromARGB(argb:uint) — Static Method , class com.yworks.util.ColorStruct
Factory method which creates a ColorStruct from an ARGB value.
FROM_SOURCE — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.SliderParameterLocation
Measured from the source end.
FROM_TARGET — Constant Static Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.SliderParameterLocation
Measured from the target end.
fullGraph — Property, class com.yworks.graph.model.FilteredGraphWrapper
Gets the full graph that has been wrapped by this instance.
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