 IAdvancedStroke A advanced IStroke that allows for custom stroke rendering.
 IBoundsProvider Interface that is implemented for elements that can provide painting bounds in the world coordinate system.
 IDisplayObjectCreator Simple interface which is used by implementations that know how to create a DisplayObject for the given IDisplayObjectContext.
 IHitTestable Interface that is implemented for elements that can be hit or picked in a coordinate system.
 IMarqueeTestable Interface that is used to test whether a rendered item is deemed to be inside a rectangular marquee selection.
 IPaintable Simple interface which is used by implementations that know how to render something into a given Graphics context.
 IPaintContext Interface that defines the current context information that is available to painting routines.
 IVisibilityTest Interface that is implemented for elements that can determine whether they might be visible in a given clipping rectangle.
 IVisualStyle The generic base interface used by visual styles implementations.
 AbstractInBetweenSnapResultPaintable This class contains properties to visualize the snapping of a moved object to a SnapLine induced by two non-moved objects so that all three are positioned in a line and have an equal distance either between their centers or their bounds.
 AbstractSingleLineSnapResultPaintable This abstract class contains some common properties that are used to visualize SnapLineSnapResults.
 AbstractTextPaintable Provides IDisplayObjectCreator implementations for drawing text.
 AdvancedStroke A advanced stroke implementation that allows drawing dotted/dashed strokes.
 BlankVariableLinePaintable Draws a line between the sourcePoint and targetPoint that is extended by the set offset.
 BoolHitTestable A HitTestable that always returns the boolean value passed to the constructor.
 BoundsProvider Simple default implementation of IBoundsProvider that returns a constant rectangle instance.
 CenterBetweenBoundsPaintable This display object creator is used if the moved object is between two fixed objects and it's center does snap to the center between the inner bounds of these two objects.
 CenterBetweenCenterPaintable This display object creator is used if the moved object is between two fixed objects and it's center does snap to the center between the centers of these two objects.
 DefaultPaintContext Default implementation of the paint context interface that is used by painting routines.
 EqualDistanceBetweenBoundsPaintable This display object creator is used if the moved object lies outside in a row with two fixed objects and it's bound snaps to have the same distance from the bound of the closer object then the bounds of those objects have to each other.
 EqualDistanceBetweenCentersPaintable This display object creator is used if the moved object lies outside in a row with two fixed objects and it's center snaps to have the same distance from the center of the closer object then the centers of those objects have to each other.
 EqualHeightPaintable Visualizes an equal height resize gesture by drawing a vertical double-pointed arrow on the right-hand side of each rectangle.
 EqualSizePaintable This abstract class contains some common properties that are used to visualize resize snap results.
 EqualWidthPaintable Visualizes an equal width resize gesture by drawing a horizontal double-pointed arrow above each rectangle.
 FixedDistanceSnapResultPaintable This class visualizes the snapping of a moved object (target) to a SnapLine (target line) that has a fixed distance to a non-moved object (source).
 FixedLinePaintable Draws a line between lineFrom and lineTo.
 GeneralPath Models a path that consists of lines and bezier curves.
 GeneralPathVisualCreator An IDisplayObjectCreator implementations for rendering a GeneralPath.
 GridPaintable A display object creator which can be added to a background group to paint a grid on its created display object.
 GridSnapResultPaintable This class visualizes the snapping of a moved object to a grid point.
 HitTestables A utility class that provides simple IHitTestable implementations.
 MarqueeTestable A convenience implementation of the IMarqueeTestable interface that provide two default instances.
 OrientedRectangleFocusPaintable An installer for a display object in which an oriented rectangle as focus indicator is painted.
 OrientedRectangleSelectionPaintable A simple ISelectionPaintable implementation that draws an oriented rectangle as a selection box.
 PaintableDisplayObjectCreator Simple IDisplayObjectCreator implementation which uses an IPaintable to render the generated DisplayObject.
 PathCursor A class that is used by GeneralPath to iterate over the elements the path is made up of.
 PathType Possible types that make up a GeneralPath
 PointSelectionPaintable A simple ISelectionPaintable implementation that draws an ellipse centered at a given point in world coordinate space.
 RectangleMarqueeTestable A simple IMarqueeTestable implementation that checks for intersection with an IRectangle.
 RectangularFocusPaintable An installer for an IDisplayObjectCreator that paints an rectangle as focus indicator in the created DisplayObject.
 RectangularHighlightPaintable A simple ISelectionPaintable and IHighlightPaintableInstaller implementation that draws rectangular marks at the bounds of the selected or highlighted item.
 RectangularSelectionPaintable A simple ISelectionPaintable implementation that draws a rectangle of the bounds of the selected item.
 ShapePaintable Provides a number of IDisplayObjectCreator implementations for simple geometric primitives.
 SimpleTextPaintable A simple implementation of a display object creator that paints text in the created DisplayObject.
 VariableLinePaintable Draws a line between the sourcePoint and targetPoint that is extended by the set offset.
 VoidPaintable A paintable that doesn't draw anything.
 YDisplayObject A simple sprite with a YGraphics context and a property to store a render data cache object in.
 YGraphics A Graphics Context that supports matrix transformations and string drawing.