Interfacepublic interface IMarqueeTestable
Implementors AbstractStyleRenderer, DefaultPortCandidateDescriptor, MarqueeTestable, RectangleMarqueeTestable, ShapePaintable

Interface that is used to test whether a rendered item is deemed to be inside a rectangular marquee selection.

Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
Returns true if the corresponding item is considered to intersect the given rectangular box. This method may return false if the item cannot be selected using a selection marquee or optionally if the item is only partially contained within the box.
Method Detail
public function isInBox(box:IRectangle, ctx:ICanvasContext):Boolean

Returns true if the corresponding item is considered to intersect the given rectangular box. This method may return false if the item cannot be selected using a selection marquee or optionally if the item is only partially contained within the box.


box:IRectangle — The box describing the marquee's bounds
ctx:ICanvasContext — The current canvas context

Booleantrue if the item is considered to be captured by the marquee