 ICollectionModel The interface for a collection that will notify registered listeners of changes to its contents using CollectionEvents.
 BitmapCache A global cache for bitmap data.
 CloneableBitmap A Bitmap implementation which wraps BitmapData into a cloneable Bitmap.
 CloneableMovieAsset A cloneable wrapper for AVM1 SWFs that are loaded from an URL.
 CloneableMovieClipLoaderAsset A MovieClipLoaderAsset wrapper that provides cloning support.
 CloneableSpriteAsset A SpriteAsset wrapper that provides cloning support.
 CloneableSpriteVisualElement A SpriteVisualElement wrapper that provides cloning support.
 ColorStruct A convenience class to work with colors and alpha values
 CompositeCollectionModel A ICollectionModel implementation that is the composite of two models.
 FilteredCollectionModel A collection model that filters items from the underlying collection given a predicate function.
 ImageLoader Utility class that can be used to load an image from an url.
 PNGEncoder Class that converts BitmapData into a valid PNG
 Util Provides static utility functions.
 Version Provides the version number for the yFiles FLEX release.
 WrappingCollectionModel Wraps the provided collection model in order to add write support to a otherwise non-writable ICollectionModel implementation (e.g.