Interfacepublic interface IGraph extends ILookup,
Implementors AbstractGraphWrapper, DefaultGraph

Central interface that models a graph which can be displayed in a GraphCanvasComponent.

This interface can be used to query structural information, it also offers methods that change the structure of the graph and its attributes. A number of events will trigger appropriate events if the structure of the graph changes.

The graph is made up of collections of INodes and IEdges. Each node and edge can be associated with a number of ILabels and possibly IPorts to which edges connect. An edge connects to two ports and may consist of zero or more IBends. The graph is treated as a directed graph, i.e. edges have a IEdge.sourcePort and a IEdge.targetPort. It is up to the algorithms and the visualization to possibly treat them as undirected.

The edgesAtPortOwner( IPortOwner ) and methods edgesAtPort( IPort ) can be used to query adjacency information from the graph's structure.

Each element in the graph can be associated with a IVisualStyle that is used for the visualization of the element. Styles can be shared between multiple instances.

Public Properties
 PropertyDefined By
  bends : ICollectionModel
[read-only] A collection view over the bends of the edges contained in this graph.
  collectionModel : ICollectionModel
[read-only] Offers a view over all elements that make up the graph.
  defaultEdgeLabelModelParameter : ILabelModelParameter
Gets or sets the default ILabelModelParameter that will be used for newly created edge labels if no other parameter is specified.
  defaultEdgeLabelStyle : ILabelStyle
Gets or sets the default ILabelStyle that will be used for newly created edge labels if no other style is specified.
  defaultEdgeStyle : IEdgeStyle
Gets or sets the default IEdgeStyle that will be used for newly created edges if no other style is specified.
  defaultNodeLabelModelParameter : ILabelModelParameter
Gets or sets the default ILabelModelParameter that will be used for newly created node labels if no other parameter is specified.
  defaultNodeLabelStyle : ILabelStyle
Gets or sets the default ILabelStyle that will be used for newly created node labels if no other style is specified.
  defaultNodePortModelParameter : IPortLocationModelParameter
Gets or sets the default IPortLocationModelParameter that will be used for newly created node ports if no other parameter is specified.
  defaultNodeSize : ISize
Gets or sets the default node size.
  defaultNodeStyle : INodeStyle
Gets or sets the default INodeStyle that will be used for newly created nodes if no other style is specified.
  defaultPortStyle : IPortStyle
Gets or sets the default IPortStyle that will be used for newly created ports if no other style is specified.
  edgeLabels : ICollectionModel
[read-only] A collection view over the labels attached to edges contained in this graph.
  edges : ICollectionModel
[read-only] A collection view over the edges contained in this graph.
  mapperRegistry : IMapperRegistry
[read-only] A registry that can be used to store and retrieve arbitrary information for items in this graph.
  nodeLabels : ICollectionModel
[read-only] A collection view over the labels attached to nodes contained in this graph.
  nodes : ICollectionModel
[read-only] A collection view over the nodes contained in this graph.
  ports : ICollectionModel
[read-only] A collection view over the ports contained in this graph.
Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
addBend(edge:IEdge, index:int, x:Number, y:Number):IBend
Adds a bend at the given index to the given edge using the coordinates provided.
addLabel(item:ILabeledItem, text:String, labelModelParameter:ILabelModelParameter = null, style:ILabelStyle = null):ILabel
Add a label to the given item using the text as the initial label text and label model parameter and style.
addPort(portOwner:IPortOwner, x:Number, y:Number):IPort
Add a port to the given port owner using the coordinates as the new initial position of the port anchor.
Add a port to the given port owner using the model parameter to determine the coordinates of the port.
Clears this instance, removing all entities in proper order.
Removes all bends from the given edge.
Determines whether this instance contains the given element.
createEdge(sourcePort:IPort, targetPort:IPort, style:IEdgeStyle = null):IEdge
Creates and returns an edge that connects to the given port instances.
createEdgeBetweenNodes(sourceNode:INode, targetNode:INode, style:IEdgeStyle = null):IEdge
Convenience method that creates and returns an edge that connects to the given node instances using the given style instance.
createNode(bounds:IRectangle = null, style:INodeStyle = null):INode
Creates and returns a node using default values for the style and the specified initial geometry.
createNodeAt(x:Number, y:Number):INode
Creates and returns a node using default values for the style and the specified initial geometry.
Returns an Iterable for all edges that are adjacent to the given port as a IEdge.sourcePort or IEdge.targetPort.
Returns an Iterable for all edges that have the given port owner as their IEdge.targetPort's or IEdge.sourcePort's.
Causes the displaysInvalidated event to be triggered.
Returns an instance that implements the given type or null.
Removes the given bend instance from its edge.
Removes the given edge instance from this graph.
Removes the given label from its owner.
Removes the given node instance from this graph.
Removes the port from its owner.
setBendLocation(bend:IBend, x:Number, y:Number):void
Modifies the location of the given bend.
setBounds(node:INode, x:Number, y:Number, width:Number, height:Number):void
Sets the bounds of the given node to the new values.
setEdgeStyle(edge:IEdge, style:IEdgeStyle):void
Assigns the given style instance by reference to the edge.
Sets the label model parameter for the given label.
setLabelStyle(label:ILabel, style:ILabelStyle):void
Assigns the given style instance by reference to the label.
setLabelText(label:ILabel, text:String):void
Sets the label text of the given label.
setNodeStyle(node:INode, style:INodeStyle):void
Assigns the given style instance by reference to the node.
setPortLocation(port:IPort, x:Number, y:Number):void
Sets the coordinates of the given port to the given values.
Sets the location model parameter of the given port to the given value.
setPorts(edge:IEdge, sourcePort:IPort, targetPort:IPort):void
Sets the ports of the given edge to the new values.
setPortStyle(port:IPort, style:IPortStyle):void
Assigns the given style instance by reference to the port.
setPreferredSize(label:ILabel, width:Number, height:Number):void
Sets the preferred size of the label.
 Event Summary Defined By
  Dispatched when invalidateDisplays was called.IGraph
  Dispatched when a change to the graph structure occurs.IGraph
Property Detail
bends:ICollectionModel  [read-only]

A collection view over the bends of the edges contained in this graph.

This is a readonly live view of the entities, i.e. the same reference will be returned for each invocation, that always represents the current state of the graph.

    public function get bends():ICollectionModel
collectionModel:ICollectionModel  [read-only]

Offers a view over all elements that make up the graph. This is a combined view of all nodes, edges, labels, ports, and bends.

    public function get collectionModel():ICollectionModel

Gets or sets the default ILabelModelParameter that will be used for newly created edge labels if no other parameter is specified.

It is up to the implementation to decide whether to assign a clone of the current parameter to newly created elements or whether the instance will be shared.

    public function get defaultEdgeLabelModelParameter():ILabelModelParameter
    public function set defaultEdgeLabelModelParameter(value:ILabelModelParameter):void

Gets or sets the default ILabelStyle that will be used for newly created edge labels if no other style is specified.

It is up to the implementation to decide whether to assign a clone of the current style to newly created elements or whether the style instance will be shared.

    public function get defaultEdgeLabelStyle():ILabelStyle
    public function set defaultEdgeLabelStyle(value:ILabelStyle):void

Gets or sets the default IEdgeStyle that will be used for newly created edges if no other style is specified.

It is up to the implementation to decide whether to assign a clone of the current style to newly created elements or whether the style instance will be shared.

    public function get defaultEdgeStyle():IEdgeStyle
    public function set defaultEdgeStyle(value:IEdgeStyle):void

Gets or sets the default ILabelModelParameter that will be used for newly created node labels if no other parameter is specified.

It is up to the implementation to decide whether to assign a clone of the current parameter to newly created elements or whether the instance will be shared.

    public function get defaultNodeLabelModelParameter():ILabelModelParameter
    public function set defaultNodeLabelModelParameter(value:ILabelModelParameter):void

Gets or sets the default ILabelStyle that will be used for newly created node labels if no other style is specified.

It is up to the implementation to decide whether to assign a clone of the current style to newly created elements or whether the style instance will be shared.

    public function get defaultNodeLabelStyle():ILabelStyle
    public function set defaultNodeLabelStyle(value:ILabelStyle):void

Gets or sets the default IPortLocationModelParameter that will be used for newly created node ports if no other parameter is specified.

It is up to the implementation to decide whether to assign a clone of the current parameter to newly created elements or whether the instance will be shared.

    public function get defaultNodePortModelParameter():IPortLocationModelParameter
    public function set defaultNodePortModelParameter(value:IPortLocationModelParameter):void

Gets or sets the default node size.

The values of this size will be used by the createNode and createNodeAt methods.

    public function get defaultNodeSize():ISize
    public function set defaultNodeSize(value:ISize):void

Gets or sets the default INodeStyle that will be used for newly created nodes if no other style is specified.

It is up to the implementation to decide whether to assign a clone of the current style to newly created elements or whether the style instance will be shared.

    public function get defaultNodeStyle():INodeStyle
    public function set defaultNodeStyle(value:INodeStyle):void

Gets or sets the default IPortStyle that will be used for newly created ports if no other style is specified.

It is up to the implementation to decide whether to assign a clone of the current style to newly created elements or whether the style instance will be shared.

    public function get defaultPortStyle():IPortStyle
    public function set defaultPortStyle(value:IPortStyle):void
edgeLabels:ICollectionModel  [read-only]

A collection view over the labels attached to edges contained in this graph.

This is a readonly live view of the entities, i.e. the same reference will be returned for each invocation, that always represents the current state if the graph.

    public function get edgeLabels():ICollectionModel
edges:ICollectionModel  [read-only]

A collection view over the edges contained in this graph.

This is a readonly live view of the entities, i.e. the same reference will be returned for each invocation, that always represents the current state of the graph.

    public function get edges():ICollectionModel
mapperRegistry:IMapperRegistry  [read-only]

A registry that can be used to store and retrieve arbitrary information for items in this graph.

    public function get mapperRegistry():IMapperRegistry
nodeLabels:ICollectionModel  [read-only]

A collection view over the labels attached to nodes contained in this graph.

This is a readonly live view of the entities, i.e. the same reference will be returned for each invocation, that always represents the current state if the graph.

    public function get nodeLabels():ICollectionModel
nodes:ICollectionModel  [read-only]

A collection view over the nodes contained in this graph.

This is a readonly live view of the nodes, i.e. the same reference will be returned for each invocation, that always represents the current state of the graph.

    public function get nodes():ICollectionModel
ports:ICollectionModel  [read-only]

A collection view over the ports contained in this graph.

This is a readonly live view of the entities, i.e. the same reference will be returned for each invocation, that always represents the current state of the graph.

    public function get ports():ICollectionModel
Method Detail
public function addBend(edge:IEdge, index:int, x:Number, y:Number):IBend

Adds a bend at the given index to the given edge using the coordinates provided. The added instance will be returned.


edge:IEdge — The edge to which the bend will be added.
index:int — The index for the newly added bend.
x:Number — The x-coordinate to use for the newly created bend.
y:Number — The y-coordinate to use for the newly created bend.

IBend — A newly created live bend.
public function addLabel(item:ILabeledItem, text:String, labelModelParameter:ILabelModelParameter = null, style:ILabelStyle = null):ILabel

Add a label to the given item using the text as the initial label text and label model parameter and style.


item:ILabeledItem — The item to add the label to.
text:String — The initial text of the label
labelModelParameter:ILabelModelParameter (default = null) — The label model parameter instance to use. If null, default label model parameters will be used.
style:ILabelStyle (default = null) — The style to use for the label. If null a default label style will be used.

ILabel — The newly created label.
public function addPort(portOwner:IPortOwner, x:Number, y:Number):IPort

Add a port to the given port owner using the coordinates as the new initial position of the port anchor.

Depending on the implementation this method may throw an IllegalOperationError if the type of the portOwner instance does not support adding of ports. If the port owner is an INode a new IPortLocationModelParameter is created using the model of the defaultNodePortLocationModelParameter and the specified coordinates. This will trigger the nodeChanged or edgeChanged event correspondingly.


portOwner:IPortOwner — The owner to add the port instance to.
x:Number — the new absolute x coordinate in the world coordinate system.
y:Number — the new absolute y coordinate in the world coordinate system.

IPort — the newly created port

IllegalOperationError — If this instance cannot add a port to portOwner.
public function addPortWithParameter(portOwner:IPortOwner, modelParameter:IPortLocationModelParameter):IPort

Add a port to the given port owner using the model parameter to determine the coordinates of the port.

Depending on the implementation this method may throw an IllegalOperationError if the type of the portOwner instance does not support adding of ports. This will trigger the nodeChanged or edgeChanged event correspondingly.


portOwner:IPortOwner — The owner to add the port instance to.
modelParameter:IPortLocationModelParameter — The model parameter to determine the location of the port.

IPort — the newly created port

IllegalOperationError — If this instance cannot add a port to portOwner.
public function clear():void

Clears this instance, removing all entities in proper order.

public function clearBends(edge:IEdge):void

Removes all bends from the given edge.

The edge must be part of this graph at the time of the incovation. This will trigger the corresponding events.


edge:IEdge — The edge whose bends will be removed.

public function contains(item:IModelItem):Boolean

Determines whether this instance contains the given element.


item:IModelItem — the element.

Booleantrue if this instance contains the element.
public function createEdge(sourcePort:IPort, targetPort:IPort, style:IEdgeStyle = null):IEdge

Creates and returns an edge that connects to the given port instances.

The ports must be part of this graph at the time of the invocation. The edge will be a part of this graph after the method returns. This will trigger the corresponding events.


sourcePort:IPort — The source port the created edge will connect to.
targetPort:IPort — The target port the created edge will connect to.
style:IEdgeStyle (default = null) — The style instance that will be assigned to the newly created instance. If null, a default style will be used.

IEdge — A newly created edge instance
public function createEdgeBetweenNodes(sourceNode:INode, targetNode:INode, style:IEdgeStyle = null):IEdge

Convenience method that creates and returns an edge that connects to the given node instances using the given style instance.

The nodes must be part of this graph at the time of the invocation, and the implementation will choose the instances to which the edge will be connected. The edge will be a part of this graph after the method returns. This will trigger the corresponding events.


sourceNode:INode — The source node the created edge will connect to. It is up to the implementation to decide which port to use at the given node. The implementation may create a new port of the edge.
targetNode:INode — he target node the created edge will connect to. It is up to the implementation to decide which port to use at the given node. The implementation may create a new port of the edge.
style:IEdgeStyle (default = null) — The style instance that will be assigned to the newly created instance. If null, a default style will be used.

IEdge — the newly created edge instance
public function createNode(bounds:IRectangle = null, style:INodeStyle = null):INode

Creates and returns a node using default values for the style and the specified initial geometry.

The node will be a part of this graph after the method returns. This will trigger the corresponding events.


bounds:IRectangle (default = null) — The bounds to use initially. If null, some default bounds will be used.
style:INodeStyle (default = null) — The style instance that will be assigned to the newly created instance. If null, a default style will be used.

INode — A newly created node instance
public function createNodeAt(x:Number, y:Number):INode

Creates and returns a node using default values for the style and the specified initial geometry.

The node will be a part of this graph after the method returns. This will trigger the corresponding events.


x:Number — the initial x coordinate of the center of the node's layout field
y:Number — the initial y coordinate of the center of the node's layout field

INode — A newly created node instance
public function edgesAtPort(port:IPort):Iterable

Returns an Iterable for all edges that are adjacent to the given port as a IEdge.sourcePort or IEdge.targetPort.


port:IPort — The port to check.

Iterable — An iterable of all adjacent edges.
public function edgesAtPortOwner(portOwner:IPortOwner):Iterable

Returns an Iterable for all edges that have the given port owner as their IEdge.targetPort's or IEdge.sourcePort's.


portOwner:IPortOwner — The port owner to check

Iterable — Iterable of all adjacent edges
public function invalidateDisplays():void

Causes the displaysInvalidated event to be triggered.

This method may be called by client code to invalidate all views of the graph that have registerd with the displaysInvalidated event. Views that need to be informed if non-structural changes have been made to the graph should register with the corresponding event.

public function removeBend(bend:IBend):void

Removes the given bend instance from its edge.

The edge must be part of this graph at the time of the incovation. This will trigger the corresponding events.


bend:IBend — The bend to remove.

public function removeEdge(edge:IEdge):void

Removes the given edge instance from this graph.

The edge must be a part of this graph. This will trigger the corresponding event. The implementation may decide to remove the corresponding ports from the node if no other edge connects to them after the given edge has been removed. Also this will trigger the removal of all labels and bends owned by this instance.


edge:IEdge — The live edge to be removed from this graph instance

public function removeLabel(label:ILabel):void

Removes the given label from its owner.

This will trigger the corresponding event.


label:ILabel — The label to be removed.

public function removeNode(node:INode):void

Removes the given node instance from this graph.

The node must be a part of this graph. This will trigger the corresponding event. This method will remove all adjacent edges and their corresponding ports in proper order before the node will be removed. Also this will trigger the removal of all labels owned by this instance.


node:INode — The live node to be removed from this graph instance

public function removePort(port:IPort):void

Removes the port from its owner.

The port must be part of this graph at the time of invocation. This will trigger the corresponding GraphEvents.



public function setBendLocation(bend:IBend, x:Number, y:Number):void

Modifies the location of the given bend.


bend:IBend — The bend whose location is to be modified.
x:Number — The new x-coordinate of the bend.
y:Number — Tthe new y-coordinate of the bend.

public function setBounds(node:INode, x:Number, y:Number, width:Number, height:Number):void

Sets the bounds of the given node to the new values.


node:INode — A live node that belongs to this graph
x:Number — The new absolute x-coordinate of the upper left corner of the node
y:Number — The new absolute y-coordinate of the upper left corner of the node
width:Number — The new width of the node
height:Number — The new height of the node

public function setEdgeStyle(edge:IEdge, style:IEdgeStyle):void

Assigns the given style instance by reference to the edge.

Style instances can be shared.


edge:IEdge — The edge that will be assigned the new style.
style:IEdgeStyle — The style instance that will be assigned to the edge.

public function setLabelModelParameter(label:ILabel, parameter:ILabelModelParameter):void

Sets the label model parameter for the given label.


label:ILabel — The label.
parameter:ILabelModelParameter — The new parameter.

public function setLabelStyle(label:ILabel, style:ILabelStyle):void

Assigns the given style instance by reference to the label.

Style instances can be shared.


label:ILabel — The label that will be assigned the new style.
style:ILabelStyle — The style instance that will be assigned to the label.

public function setLabelText(label:ILabel, text:String):void

Sets the label text of the given label.


label:ILabel — The label to modify.
text:String — The new text of the label.

public function setNodeStyle(node:INode, style:INodeStyle):void

Assigns the given style instance by reference to the node.

Style instances can be shared.


node:INode — The node that will be assigned the new style.
style:INodeStyle — The style instance that will be assigned to the node.

public function setPortLocation(port:IPort, x:Number, y:Number):void

Sets the coordinates of the given port to the given values.


port:IPort — The port to modify.
x:Number — The new x coordinate of the port.
y:Number — The new y coordinate of the port

public function setPortLocationModelParameter(port:IPort, modelParameter:IPortLocationModelParameter):void

Sets the location model parameter of the given port to the given value.


port:IPort — The port to modify.
modelParameter:IPortLocationModelParameter — The new location model parameter for the given port.

public function setPorts(edge:IEdge, sourcePort:IPort, targetPort:IPort):void

Sets the ports of the given edge to the new values. This will trigger an EdgeChanged event if source or target ports differ from the current ones. Both ports and the edge must belong to the current graph instance.


edge:IEdge — The edge to change the ports.
sourcePort:IPort — The new source port instance.
targetPort:IPort — The new target port instance.

public function setPortStyle(port:IPort, style:IPortStyle):void

Assigns the given style instance by reference to the port.

Style instances can be shared.


port:IPort — The port that will be assigned the new style.
style:IPortStyle — The style instance that will be assigned to the port.

public function setPreferredSize(label:ILabel, width:Number, height:Number):void

Sets the preferred size of the label.


label:ILabel — The label.
width:Number — The new width.
height:Number — The new height.

Event Detail
displaysInvalidated Event
Event Object Type: com.yworks.graph.model.InvalidateEvent
InvalidateEvent.type property = com.yworks.graph.model.InvalidateEvent.INVALIDATED

Dispatched when invalidateDisplays was called.

graphChanged Event  
Event Object Type: com.yworks.graph.model.GraphEvent
GraphEvent.type property = com.yworks.graph.model.GraphEvent.GRAPH_CHANGED

Dispatched when a change to the graph structure occurs.

Use GraphEvent.kind and compare with GraphEventKind constants to find out the nature of the event.

The GraphEvent.GRAPH_CHANGED constant defines the value of the type property of the event object for a graphChanged event.

See also