Interfacepublic interface IPortOwner extends IModelItem, ILookup

The common interface for items in an IGraph that may own IPorts.

Typically this interface is actively implemented by INodes in an IGraph. To get to the edge instances that connect to the ports, the IGraph.edgesAtPortOwner(IPortOwner) method can be used. Alternatively for each IPort in Ports, one can use the IGraph.edgesAtPort(IPort) method.

Like all items in an IGraph, this item supports the ILookup.lookup method that can be used to query additional aspects of the item.

Public Properties
 PropertyDefined By
  ports : IPortCollection
[read-only] Provides access to a collection of IPort that are owned by this instance.
Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
Returns an instance that implements the given type or null.
Property Detail
ports:IPortCollection  [read-only]

Provides access to a collection of IPort that are owned by this instance.

This gives access to a read-only live view of the ports, i.e. the collection can change over time, as well as the ports contained in it. If a snapshot of the current state is needed, one needs to copy the collection.

    public function get ports():IPortCollection