 IAddDummyEdgeCallback The interface of the callback that is passed to implementations of IDummyEdgeConverter's addDummyEdge() method.
 IArrow The interface for the visual representation of an arrow that is normally used to decorate the visual representation of an IEdge.
 IBend The interface used in an IGraph implementation to control the layout of IEdges.
 IBendCreator Callback interface for instances that can create bends for a given edge and graph.
 IBendList A strongly typed readonly list-like collection of IBends used in IGraph implementations.
 IBendLocationChangedListener Classes that want to be informed about bend location changes can implement this interface and register themselves with an IBendLocationChangedReporter.
 IBendLocationChangedReporter Interface for classes which can register IBendLocationChangedListeners and report bend location changed to these.
 IBendSelectionTester Interface that can be used to find bends at specific locations in the canvas.
 IChangeDummyEdgeAppearanceCallback The interface of the callback that is passed to implementations of the IDummyEdgeConverter's changeDummyEdgeAppearance() and createDummyEdgeAppearance() methods.
 IChangeDummyNodeAppearanceCallback The interface of the callback that is passed to implementations of the IDummyNodeConverter's changeDummyNodeAppearance() and createDummyNodeAppearance() methods.
 IChangeLabeledItemAppearanceCallback Common base interface for both the IChangeDummyNodeAppearanceCallback and IChangeDummyEdgeAppearanceCallback.
 IClipboardHelper Interface that helps in clipboard actions that can be associated with each IModelItem in the context where clipboards are needed.
 IColumn Interface that describes a column in a ITable instance.
 IDummyEdgeConverter Interface used by FoldingManager and IFoldedGraph which is responsible for managing edges between dummy nodes.
 IDummyNodeConverter Interface used by FoldingManager and IFoldedGraph which is responsible for managing the appearance of dummy nodes.
 IEdge The interface used to model edges in an IGraph implementation.
 IEdgePortCandidateProvider This interface can be used to query IPortCandidates for a specific existing IEdge.
 IEdgePortHandleProvider An interface for classes that can yield IHandle implementations for the source and target ends of an IEdge.
 IFilteredHitTestIterator An interface that can enumerate hits for a certain position in world coordinates filtered by a given filter Function.
 IFoldedGraph Interface that is used for manipulating a managed view of an IGraph that supports folding operations like expanding and collapsing of nodes.
 IGraph Central interface that models a graph which can be displayed in a GraphCanvasComponent.
 IGraphSelection Manages the selection state of items in an IGraph instance.
 IGraphStructure The interface used by utility classes that DefaultGraph delegates most of its work to.
 IGraphUndoUnitSupport Support interface that is used by DefaultGraph to create the IUndoUnits for structural graph changes.
 IGroupedGraph Provides a hierarchic view over an IGraph.
 IHitTestIterator An interface that can enumerate hits for a certain position in world coordinates.
 ILabel The interface used in an IGraph implementation for labels.
 ILabelCandidateDescriptor Interface that describes the properties of a candidate ILabelModelParameter.
 ILabelCandidateDescriptorProvider An interface that can be used to retrieve ILabelCandidateDescriptor instances for a given combination of ILabels and ILabelModelParameter candidates.
 ILabelCollection A strongly typed readonly collection of ILabels used in IGraph implementations.
 ILabeledItem Common interface for items in an IGraph implementation that may own ILabels.
 ILabelModel Yields the geometry of ILabel instances.
 ILabelModelParameter Common interface for parameters that are created by ILabelModel instances.
 ILabelModelParameterFinder Utility interface used by ILabelModel implementations to find the best ILabelModelParameter to approximate a given layout.
 ILabelModelParameterProvider Helper interface used by ILabelModel implementations to provide possible candidate ILabelModelParameters for a given label and model.
 ILabelTextChangedListener Classes that want to be informed about label text changes can implement this interface and register themselves with an ILabelTextChangedReporter.
 ILabelTextChangedReporter Interface for classes which can register ILabelTextChangedListeners and report label text changes to these.
 IMapperRegistry A registry that can be used to store IMapper implementations by tag.
 IMutablePortCollection Mutable interface extension of IPortCollection.
 INode The interface for node entities in an IGraph.
 INodeBoundsChangedListener Classes that want to be informed about node location and size changes can implement this interface and register themselves with an INodeBoundsChangedReporter.
 INodeBoundsChangedReporter The INodeBoundsChangedReporter allows to register and deregister listeners which are called when the bounds of a node change.
 INodeHierarchy The interface that models an observable tree-like hierarchy.
 IPort The interface used in an IGraph implementation for IEdges to connect to.
 IPortCandidate An interface for possible IPort candidates used by IPortCandidateProvider and the like.
 IPortCandidateProvider This interface can be used to query IPortCandidates for a specific IPortOwner with respect to a given opposite IPortCandidate or IEdge.
 IPortCollection A strongly typed readonly collection of IPorts used in implementations.
 IPortOwner The common interface for items in an IGraph that may own IPorts.
 IPreferredSizeChangedListener Classes that want to be informed about changes to the preferred size of labels can implement this interface and register themselves with an IPreferredSizeChangeReporter.
 IPreferredSizeChangedReporter Interface for Classes which can register IPreferredSizeChangedListeners and report changes to the preferred size of labels to these.
 IRow Interface that describes a row in a ITable instance.
 ISelectionModel An interface that models the selection state of a set of items.
 ISelectionPaintable An interface for objects that can install a visual representation of a selection decoration of an item in the model displayed in a canvas.
 IStripe This interface defines a child element of a table or a table element container.
 IStripeDefaults Interface used by ITable and the like to declare and obtain the defaults for stripes and their labels.
 IStripeHitTestHelper Helper interface that allows to bundle IHitTestable implementations for the main regions of a IStripe instance.
 IStripeInputVisualizationHelper This interface allows to change the visualization for different input gestures.
 IStripeSelection Manages the selection state of items in an ITable instance.
 ITable This interface defines a table structure.
 ITagChangedListener Classes that want to be informed when the tag of ITagOwner changes can implement this interface and register themselves with an ITagChangedReporter.
 ITagChangedReporter The ITagChangedReporter allows to register and deregister listeners which are called when the tag of an ITagOwner changes.
 IZOrderSupport This interface is used as model to store z-order information for IModelItems.
 AbstractDummyEdgeConverter An abstract basic implementation of the IDummyEdgeConverter interface that may be subclassed to create a customized FoldingManager#dummyEdgeConverter.
 AbstractGraphWrapper An abstract IGraph implementation that delegates all of its work to an existing implementation.
 AbstractLabeledItem Base class for ILabeledItem instances.
 AbstractModelItem A basic implementation of a IModelItem with support for pluggable ILookup implementations.
 AbstractPortCandidateProvider An abstract convenience implementation of the IPortCandidateProvider interface.
 AllCandidatesEdgePortCandidateProvider Simple implementation of the IEdgePortCandidateProvider interface that returns a union of all source port candidates or target port candidates, respectively, of the entities in the graph.
 BendDecorator A subclass of the ItemDecorator that is specifically tailored for IBends.
 BendEvent A sub class of GraphEvent which is dispatched when a bend changes.
 BendList A simple implementation of a list of IBends.
 ClosestHitHitTestIteratorWrapper Wraps another IHitTestIterator but only returns the closest hits.
 CompositeLabelModel This label model can be used as a composite of other ILabelModels.
 CompositePortCandidateProvider A generic composite implementation for the IPortCandidateProvider interface.
 CompositeStripeSelection A specialized IGraphSelection implementation that wraps an existing IGraphSelection and an existing IStripeSelection and synchronises their state.
 ConstantLabelCandidateDescriptorProvider An implementation of the ILabelCandidateDescriptorProvider interface that always yields a constant ILabelCandidateDescriptor.
 CurrentEdgePortsCandidateProvider An implementation of the IEdgePortCandidateProvider interface that returns the current source and target ports
 DefaultArrow An abstract base class for an IArrow that provides a number of convenience factory methods and singleton instances for default arrow types.
 DefaultBend A simple mutable implementation of the IBend interface that can be used stand-alone.
 DefaultBendCreator Simple default implementations of the IBendCreator interface used during the creation of bends in the UI.
 DefaultBendLookup This is the default lookup implementation used by IBend's lookup() method.
 DefaultColumn Default implementation of the IColumn interface.
 DefaultColumnLookup This is the default implementation of an IColumn's lookup() method.
 DefaultDummyEdgeConverter The default implementation of the IDummyEdgeConverter that is used by the FoldingManager initially and can be customized to suit the application's needs.
 DefaultDummyNodeConverter Simple default implementation of the IDummyNodeConverter interface that is used by the FoldingManager's dummyNodeConverter property.
 DefaultEdge A simple mutable implementation of the IEdge interface that can be used stand-alone.
 DefaultEdgeIntersectionCalculator Default implementation of an edge intersection calculator.
 DefaultEdgeLookup The default ILookup implementation as it is used by the framework's implementations of IEdge.
 DefaultEdgePortsCandidateProvider An implementation of the IEdgePortCandidateProvider interface that returns the candidates provided by the source and target node's IPortCandidateProvider implementations or the existing edge's port, if no such provider is registered.
 DefaultGraph Central implementation of the IGraph interface.
 DefaultGraphStructure This class can be used to build a specialized DefaultGraph instance.
 DefaultItemLookup An abstract base class for a ILookup implementation that also implements IContextLookupChainLink and IContextLookup.
 DefaultLabel A simple mutable implementation of the ILabel interface that can be used stand-alone.
 DefaultLabelLookup This is the default lookup implementation used by ILabel's lookup() method.
 DefaultLabelModelParameterFinder A simple default implementation of the ILabelModelParameterFinder interface that uses the ILabelModel's own ILabelModelParameterProvider instance to find the closest match.
 DefaultNode A simple mutable implementation of the INode interface that can be used stand-alone.
 DefaultNodeHierarchy A basic implementation of the INodeHierarchy interface.
 DefaultNodeLookup This is the default implementation for lookup queries on INode instances.
 DefaultPort A simple mutable implementation of the IPort interface that can be used stand-alone.
 DefaultPortCandidate A simple default implementation of an IPortCandidate.
 DefaultPortCandidateDescriptor A simple ICanvasObjectDescriptor that can be used to draw IPortCandidate instances in a CanvasComponent.
 DefaultPortLookup The default lookup delegat used for IPort instances.
 DefaultRow Default implementation of the IRow interface.
 DefaultRowLookup This is the default implementation of an IRow's lookup() method.
 DefaultSelectionModel Default implementation of an ISelectionModel that is based on a second collection model to hold the selected elements.
 DefaultStripeInputVisualizationHelper Default implementation of IStripeInputVisualizationHelper.
 DefaultStripeLookup This is the default implementation of an IStripe's lookup() method.
 DefaultZOrderSupport This basic implementation supports z-orders for nodes, edges and labels and ports.
 DescriptorWrapperLabelModel A label model that wraps an existing label model and decorates it with a ILabelCandidateDescriptor.
 DummyEdgeId This class can be used to describe a dummy edge that connects to nodes inside a collapsed group or other DummyNodeId in a IFoldedGraph.
 DummyNodeId A struct that can be used to describe a collapsed node in an IFoldedGraph view.
 DummyNodePortId This class can be used to describe a master port at a DummyNodeId in a IFoldedGraph view.
 EdgeDecorator A subclass of the ItemDecorator that is specifically tailored for IEdges.
 EdgeEndMoveHandle A sophisticated implementation of the IHandle interface the can be used to relocate a port.
 EdgeEvent A sub class of GraphEvent which is dispatched when a edge changes.
 EdgeLayerPolicy Enumeration which determines at which visual layer edges shall be inserted by the GraphModelManager.
 EdgeSelectionDisplayObjectCreator A display object creator that can be used to visualize selection, highlighting and/or focusing an edge.
 EmptyPortsCandidateProvider A generic implementation of the IPortCandidateProvider interface that provides no candidates.
 ExcludingDummyEdgeConverter A simple implemenation of the IDummyEdgeConverter interface for use in the FoldingManager#dummyEdgeConverter property, that will prevent dummy edges from appearing in the IFoldedGraph view.
 ExteriorLabelModel A label model for node labels that lie outside of the node's INode.layout bounds.
 FilteredGraphWrapper A decorator implementation of an IGraph that represents a subset of the wrapped graph instance.
 FoldingManager This class adds folding support to IGraph implementations on top of the IGroupedGraph interface.
 FreeEdgeLabelModel An edge label model that can be used to describe any position and orientation of a label.
 FreeNodeLabelModel A node label model that can be used to describe any position and orientation of a label.
 GenericLabelModel An implementation of ILabelModel that can be used to create custom label models out of existing ILabelModelParameter instances.
 GraphClipboard Clipboard implementation for IGraph instances.
 GraphCopier Utility class that copies parts of an IGraph to another instance.
 GraphDecorator Helper class that can be used to aid in decorating IModelItems from an IGraph instance.
 GraphEvent An Event containing information about creation, update or removal of graph items.
 GraphEventKind Constants defining the various graph event kinds.
 GraphItemTypes This class provides constants that can be used for various properties which take a bitwise combination of IGraph item types as well as static methods to determine whether a given item matches the type.
 GraphModelManager Manages the visual appearance of an IGraph instance in a CanvasComponent.
 GraphObstacleProvider A convenience composite implementation of the IObstacleProvider that will use the edges and nodes collections of an IGraph from the IPaintContext.
 GraphSelection Simple implementation of the IGraphSelection interface, which manages the selection state of items in an IGraph instance.
 GraphUtil This class provides IGraph-related utility methods.
 GroupedGraph Default implementation of the IGroupedGraph interface that can be used to decorate IGraph instances.
 GroupedGraphUtil This class provides IGroupedGraph-related utility methods.
 Hierarchies Utility class that offers static convenience methods for often used tasks in conjunction with INodeHierarchy instances.
 HierarchySupport Utility class that offers static convenience methods for often used tasks in conjunction with INodeHierarchy instances.
 InputModeController A utility class that offers various implementations of interfaces that can be used by different IInputMode implementations.
 InteriorLabelModel A label model for node labels that lie inside of the node's bounds.
 InteriorStretchLabelModel A label model for node labels that lie inside of the node's bounds and have been stretched to fit the node's size.
 InvalidateEvent Event that notifies listeners that the event source needs revalidation.
 ItemDecorator Utility class that helps in decorating the lookup of IModelItem instances that are contained in an IGraph which are managed by an ILookupDecorator.
 LabelCandidateDescriptor A simple mutable default implementation of the ILabelCandidateDescriptor interface.
 LabelDecorator A subclass of the ItemDecorator that is specifically tailored for ILabels.
 LabelEvent A sub class of GraphEvent which is dispatched when a label changes.
 LabelLayerPolicy Enumeration which determines at which visual layer node and edge labels shall be inserted by the GraphModelManager.
 ListLabelCollection A simple implementation of the ILabelCollection interface that is backed by a list
 ListPortModel A simple implemenation of an IMutablePortCollection that is backed by a list.
 MergingDummyEdgeConverter A simple implementation of the IDummyEdgeConverter interface that will make the IFoldedGraph view contain at most one dummy edge between each pair of nodes by letting a single dummy edge represent all master edges.
 NodeCenterPortCandidateProvider Trivial implementation of an IPortCandidateProvider that always returns exactly one candidate that is centered at the node's layout.
 NodeDecorator A subclass of the ItemDecorator that is specifically tailored for INodes.
 NodeEvent A sub class of GraphEvent which is dispatched when a node changes.
 NodeHierarchyEvent The event argument class used by INodeHierarchys to notify listeners of changes to the hierarchy.
 PortCandidateProvider A simple mutable IPortCandidateProvider implementation that allows for adding IPortCandidates.
 PortCandidateValidity Enumeration of the different possible IPortCandidate.validity states.
 PortDecorator A subclass of the ItemDecorator that is specifically tailored for IPorts.
 PortEvent A sub class of GraphEvent which is dispatched when a port changes.
 PortLayerPolicy Enumeration which determines at which visual layer ports shall be inserted by the GraphModelManager.
 PortRelocationHandle A sophisticated implementation of the IHandle interface the can be used to relocate a port.
 PortRelocationHandleProvider Simple implementation of an IHandleProvider that can be used for IEdges.
 RotatedSideSliderEdgeLabelModel An edge label model that allows placement of labels at a set of continuous positions along both sides of an edge path.
 RotatedSliderEdgeLabelModel An edge label model that allows placement of labels at a set of continuous positions along both sides of an edge or directly on the edge path.
 RotatingEdgeLabelModel A label model for edge labels that uses a ratio on the edge's path to determine the position of the label.
 SelectionEvent Event class that is dispatched when an IModelItem is selected or deselected.
 SelectionPaintManager A ModelManager implementation that manages the visual decorations of selected elements in a canvas.
 ShapeGeometryPortCandidateProvider An implementation of IPortCandidateProvider that works for IPortOwner implementations that have IShapeGeometry instances in their lookup.
 SliderEdgeLabelModel An edge label model that can be used for labels along the path of an edge.
 SliderParameterLocation Flaggable enumeration that is used for the serialization of RotatedSliderEdgeLabelModel to indicate the position;
 StretchStripeLabelModel A label model for labels that is especially tailored to be used as a model for the four default positions where the label of a stripe may lie.
 StripeDefaults A canonic implementation of the IStripeDefaults interface.
 StripeEvent A specialized event class that is bound to the IStripe type and carries additional owner information.
 StripeLabelModel A label model for labels that is especially tailored to be used as a model for the four default positions where the label of a stripe may lie.
 StripeSelection Default implementation of the IStripeSelection interface.
 StripeSubregion Enumeration that specifies the various hotspot regions of an IStripe instance.
 StripeSubregionDescriptor Helper class that further describes the result of a hit test on a stripe or table.
 StripeTypes This class defines constants for use in various properties that can take a bitwise combination of item types that make up an ITable.
 StripeVisualizationType Enumeration constants for the various visualization types used in conjunction with IStripeInputVisualizationHelper
 Table Default implementation of the ITable interface.
 TableUtils A set of static helper Methods to work with ITable or IStripe instances.
 TagOwnerMapper An IMapper implementation that uses the ITagOwner implementation in the lookup of IModelItems.
 UnoccupiedPortCandidateProvider Simple implementation of an IPortCandidateProvider that returns unoccupied ports at a given entity.
 ZOrderEvent An event containing information about the change of the z-order value of an IModelItem.