Classpublic class DefaultEdgeIntersectionCalculator
InheritanceDefaultEdgeIntersectionCalculator Inheritance Object
Implements IEdgeIntersectionCalculator

Default implementation of an edge intersection calculator.

Provides static access to an edge intersection calculator instance.

Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
cropEdgePath(edge:IEdge, atSource:Boolean, arrow:IArrow, edgePath:GeneralPath):void
Crops the provided edgePath at one end of an edge.
Protected Methods
 MethodDefined By
cropEdgePathAtArrow(edgePath:GeneralPath, atSource:Boolean, arrow:IArrow):void
Crops an edge's path at the source or target side with respect to the given arrow.
getIntersection(node:INode, nodeShapeGeometry:IShapeGeometry, edge:IEdge, innerX:Number, innerY:Number, outerX:Number, outerY:Number, intersection:IPointSetter):Boolean
Finds the intersection between a node and the edge.
inside(x:Number, y:Number, node:INode, nodeShapeGeometry:IShapeGeometry, edge:IEdge):Boolean
Checks whether a given point is inside a node's shape geometry with respect to the edge that is being calculated.
Public Constants
 ConstantDefined By
  INSTANCE : DefaultEdgeIntersectionCalculator
Method Detail
public function cropEdgePath(edge:IEdge, atSource:Boolean, arrow:IArrow, edgePath:GeneralPath):void

Crops the provided edgePath at one end of an edge.


edge:IEdge — The edge whose path is to be cropped.
atSource:Boolean — Whether to crop the source or target side of the path.
arrow:IArrow — The arrow that is used at the end of the edge.
edgePath:GeneralPath — The path to crop.

protected function cropEdgePathAtArrow(edgePath:GeneralPath, atSource:Boolean, arrow:IArrow):void

Crops an edge's path at the source or target side with respect to the given arrow.


edgePath:GeneralPath — The edge's path to crop.
atSource:Boolean — if set to true the source side is cropped.
arrow:IArrow — The arrow to consider for the cropping.

protected function getIntersection(node:INode, nodeShapeGeometry:IShapeGeometry, edge:IEdge, innerX:Number, innerY:Number, outerX:Number, outerY:Number, intersection:IPointSetter):Boolean

Finds the intersection between a node and the edge.


node:INode — The node for which the intersection is to be found.
nodeShapeGeometry:IShapeGeometry — The node's geometry
edge:IEdge — The edge for which the intersection is to be found.
innerX:Number — The x coordinate of the edge's point inside the node.
innerY:Number — The y coordinate of the edge's point inside the node.
outerX:Number — The x coordinate of the edge's point outside the node.
outerY:Number — The y coordinate of the edge's point outside the node.
intersection:IPointSetter — The point to store the intersection point in.

Booleantrue if an intersection point was found.
protected function inside(x:Number, y:Number, node:INode, nodeShapeGeometry:IShapeGeometry, edge:IEdge):Boolean

Checks whether a given point is inside a node's shape geometry with respect to the edge that is being calculated.


x:Number — The x coordinate of the point inside the node.
y:Number — The y coordinate of the point inside the node.
node:INode — The node to take into account.
nodeShapeGeometry:IShapeGeometry — The geometry of the node.
edge:IEdge — The Edge which intersects the node.

Booleantrue if the point is inside the node.
Constant Detail
public static const INSTANCE:DefaultEdgeIntersectionCalculator