Interfacepublic interface IEdgeIntersectionCalculator
Implementors DefaultEdgeIntersectionCalculator

Interface used by the framework mainly for calculating the visble path of an edge.

This interface is queried through the ILookup.lookup of IPort instances to calculate the visible portion of an edge path.

Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
cropEdgePath(edge:IEdge, atSource:Boolean, arrow:IArrow, edgePath:GeneralPath):void
Crops the provided edgePath at one end of an edge.
Method Detail
public function cropEdgePath(edge:IEdge, atSource:Boolean, arrow:IArrow, edgePath:GeneralPath):void

Crops the provided edgePath at one end of an edge.


edge:IEdge — The edge whose path is to be cropped.
atSource:Boolean — Whether to crop the source or target side of the path.
arrow:IArrow — The arrow that is used at the end of the edge.
edgePath:GeneralPath — The path to crop.