Interfacepublic interface IChangeDummyEdgeAppearanceCallback extends IChangeLabeledItemAppearanceCallback

The interface of the callback that is passed to implementations of the IDummyEdgeConverter's changeDummyEdgeAppearance() and createDummyEdgeAppearance() methods.

This interface can be used by the IDummyEdgeConverter implementations to adjust the appearance of the DummyEdgeId in a IFoldedGraph view. Modifying the view state of a dummy edge through this interface will prevent the undo queue from being corrupted and is the only way of modifying a dummy edge that is not currently being displayed in any view.

See also


Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
addBend(index:int, x:Number, y:Number):IBend
Performs the IGraph#addBend() operation for the edge that this callback has been configured for.
addLabel(labelModelParameter:ILabelModelParameter, style:ILabelStyle, text:String, preferredWidth:Number, preferredHeight:Number):ILabel
Performs the IGraph#addLabel() operation for the item that this callback has been configured for.
Performs the IGraph#clearBends() operation for the edge that this callback has been configured for.
Convenience method that removes all labels from the item that this callback has been configured for.
Performs the IGraph#removeBend() operation for the item that this callback has been configured for.
Performs the IGraph#removeLabel() operation for the item that this callback has been configured for.
setBendLocation(bend:IBend, x:Number, y:Number):void
Performs the IGraph#setBendLocation() operation for the given bend at the item that this callback has been configured for.
setBendTag(index:int, newTag:Object):void
Sets the user tag of the dummy bend with the given index of the dummy edge.
Performs the IGraph#setLabelModelParameter() operation for the item that this callback has been configured for.
setLabelStyle(label:ILabel, style:ILabelStyle):void
Performs the IGraph#setLabelStyle() operation for the provided label that this callback has been configured for.
setLabelTag(label:ILabel, newTag:Object):void
Sets the tag for the label of the item that that this callback has been configured for.
setLabelText(label:ILabel, text:String):void
Performs the IGraph#setLabelText() operation for the item that this callback has been configured for.
setPreferredSize(label:ILabel, width:Number, height:Number):void
Performs the IGraph#setPreferredSize() operation for the item that this callback has been configured for.
Performs the IGraph#setPortLocationParameter() operation for the source port of the edge that this callback has been configured for.
Performs the IGraph#setPortStyle() operation for the source port of the edge that this callback has been configured for.
Sets the user tag of the source port of the dummy edge.
Performs the IGraph#setEdgeStyle() operation for the edge that this callback has been configured for.
Sets the user tag of the dummy edge The tag can differ from the original edge's tag especially if the dummy edge represents more than one edge.
Performs the IGraph#setPortLocationParameter() operation for the target port of the edge that this callback has been configured for.
Performs the IGraph#setPortStyle() operation for the target port of the edge that this callback has been configured for.
Sets the user tag of the target port of the dummy edge.
Method Detail
public function addBend(index:int, x:Number, y:Number):IBend

Performs the IGraph#addBend() operation for the edge that this callback has been configured for.


index:int — The index where the new bend needs to be inserted.
x:Number — The x coordinate of the bend position.
y:Number — The y coordinate of the bend position.

IBend — The new bend for this dummy edge.

See also

public function clearBends():void

Performs the IGraph#clearBends() operation for the edge that this callback has been configured for.

See also

public function removeBend(bend:IBend):void

Performs the IGraph#removeBend() operation for the item that this callback has been configured for.


bend:IBend — The bend instance to remove.

See also

public function setBendLocation(bend:IBend, x:Number, y:Number):void

Performs the IGraph#setBendLocation() operation for the given bend at the item that this callback has been configured for.


bend:IBend — The bend instance to set the location.
x:Number — The new x coordinate of the bend.
y:Number — The new y coordinate of the bend. IGraph#setBendLocation()

public function setBendTag(index:int, newTag:Object):void

Sets the user tag of the dummy bend with the given index of the dummy edge.

The tag can differ from the original bend's tag especially if the dummy edge represents more than one edge. Although the bend's tag can be written using the ITagOwner found in the bend's lookup(), this method should be used instead to ensure that if this interface is used to modify the appearance of a dummy edge's bends no undo units are enqueued.


index:int — The bend's index.

See also

public function setSourcePortLocationParameter(parameter:IPortLocationModelParameter):void

Performs the IGraph#setPortLocationParameter() operation for the source port of the edge that this callback has been configured for.


parameter:IPortLocationModelParameter — the new location parameters

Since the IEdge#sourcePort of a dummy edge can be a dummy item and a dummy edge needs to be connected to a dummy port if the actual source node is not currently visible, this method can be used to relocate the source port of the dummy edge that does not connect to the true master source node.

See also

public function setSourcePortStyle(portStyle:IPortStyle):void

Performs the IGraph#setPortStyle() operation for the source port of the edge that this callback has been configured for.


portStyle:IPortStyle — The new style for the port.

Since the IEdge#sourcePort of a dummy edge is always a dummy item and each dummy edge is connected to its own set of source and target ports, this method can be used to reassign the style of the source port of the dummy edge.

See also

public function setSourcePortTag(newTag:Object):void

Sets the user tag of the source port of the dummy edge.

The tag can differ from the original edge's source port tag especially if the dummy edge represents more than one edge. Although the port's tag can be written using the ITagOwner found in the port's lookup(), this method should be used instead to ensure that if this interface is used to modify the appearance of a dummy edge's ports no undo units are enqueued.



See also

public function setStyle(edgeStyle:IEdgeStyle):void

Performs the IGraph#setEdgeStyle() operation for the edge that this callback has been configured for.


edgeStyle:IEdgeStyle — The new edge style.

See also

public function setTag(newTag:Object):void

Sets the user tag of the dummy edge

The tag can differ from the original edge's tag especially if the dummy edge represents more than one edge. Although the edge's tag can be written using the ITagOwner found in the edge's lookup(), this method should be used instead to ensure that if this interface is used to modify the appearance of a dummy edge no undo units are enqueued.


newTag:Object — The new tag.

See also

public function setTargetPortLocationParameter(parameter:IPortLocationModelParameter):void

Performs the IGraph#setPortLocationParameter() operation for the target port of the edge that this callback has been configured for.


parameter:IPortLocationModelParameter — the new location parameters

Since the IEdge.TargetPort of a dummy edge is always a dummy item and each dummy edge is connected to its own set of source and target ports, this method can be used to relocate the target port of the dummy edge.

See also

public function setTargetPortStyle(portStyle:IPortStyle):void

Performs the IGraph#setPortStyle() operation for the target port of the edge that this callback has been configured for.


portStyle:IPortStyle — The new style for the port.

Since the IEdge#targetPort of a dummy edge is always a dummy item and each dummy edge is connected to its own set of source and target ports, this method can be used to reassign the style of the target port of the dummy edge.

See also

public function setTargetPortTag(newTag:Object):void

Sets the user tag of the target port of the dummy edge.

The tag can differ from the original edge's target port tag especially if the dummy edge represents more than one edge. Although the port's tag can be written using the ITagOwner found in the port's lookup(), this method should be used instead to ensure that if this interface is used to modify the appearance of a dummy edge's ports no undo units are enqueued.



See also