Interfacepublic interface IBend extends IModelItem, IPoint, ILookup
Implementors DefaultBend

The interface used in an IGraph implementation to control the layout of IEdges.

This interface provides read-only access to the properties of a bend. In order to modify the state of an instance use the various methods provided by the IGraph this instance belongs to.

Bends are stored in IBendLists, that can be obtained from the IEdge implementation that owns this bend.

This interface extends the IPoint interface. The IPoint.x and IPoint.y properties describe the location of the bend in the world coordinate system.

Like all items in an IGraph, this item supports the ILookup.lookup method that can be used to query additional aspects of the item.

Public Properties
 PropertyDefined By
  owner : IEdge
[read-only] Returns the edge this bend instance belongs to.
 Inheritedx : Number
[read-only] Gets the current x coordinate of this point.
 Inheritedy : Number
[read-only] Gets the current y coordinate of this point.
Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
Returns an instance that implements the given type or null.
Property Detail
owner:IEdge  [read-only]

Returns the edge this bend instance belongs to.

This implies that owner.bends contains this instance.

    public function get owner():IEdge