Classpublic class HierarchySupport
InheritanceHierarchySupport Inheritance Object

Utility class that offers static convenience methods for often used tasks in conjunction with INodeHierarchy instances.

Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
[static] Returns all descendants of the provided item that are part of the hierarchy.
Method Detail
public static function getDescendants(hierarchy:INodeHierarchy, root:INode):Iterable

Returns all descendants of the provided item that are part of the hierarchy.

The enumeration will be top down, i.e. all of an item's ancestors will be enumerated before the respective item.


hierarchy:INodeHierarchy — The hierarchy itself.
root:INode — The root item to get the descendants from.

Iterable — An enumeration of the children of the item at the time of this invokation in reverse dfs prefix order.