Interfacepublic interface IGroupedGraph
Implementors GroupedGraph

Provides a hierarchic view over an IGraph.

The nodes in a graph can be put into a hierarchical relationship. This interface provides access to the hierarchy of the nodes and offers methods to modify the graph's node hierarchy.

An implementation of this interface can be queried from IGraph's lookup method, if groupingSupported is set to true.

View the examples

See also


Public Properties
 PropertyDefined By
  autoAdjustGroupNodeBounds : Boolean
Gets or sets a property that determines whether the bounds of group nodes should automatically be adjusted whenever the nodes that belong to the group node change their bounds.
  defaultGroupNodeStyle : INodeStyle
Gets or sets the DefaultGroupNodeStyle property.
  graph : IGraph
[read-only] Yields the graph instance that this instance is working on.
  hierarchy : INodeHierarchy
[read-only] Yields the hierarchy of the nodes in this grouped graph.
Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
Method to adjust the size of a group node.
createGroupNode(parent:INode = null, bounds:IRectangle = null, style:INodeStyle = null):INode
Creates a new group node.
createNode(parent:INode, bounds:IRectangle = null, style:INodeStyle = null):INode
Creates a new ordinary node as a direct descendant of parent.
Convenience method that yields the parent of a node.
groupNodes(children:Iterable, parent:INode = null):INode
Groups the nodes in children into a group node.
setParent(node:INode, parent:INode):void
Sets the parent node for a given node.
Property Detail

Gets or sets a property that determines whether the bounds of group nodes should automatically be adjusted whenever the nodes that belong to the group node change their bounds.

This behavior is turned on by default and should only be turned off temporarily to allow for programmatic batch updates to the bounds of nodes.

The default value is true.

    public function get autoAdjustGroupNodeBounds():Boolean
    public function set autoAdjustGroupNodeBounds(value:Boolean):void

Gets or sets the DefaultGroupNodeStyle property.

    public function get defaultGroupNodeStyle():INodeStyle
    public function set defaultGroupNodeStyle(value:INodeStyle):void
graph:IGraph  [read-only]

Yields the graph instance that this instance is working on.

    public function get graph():IGraph
hierarchy:INodeHierarchy  [read-only]

Yields the hierarchy of the nodes in this grouped graph.

    public function get hierarchy():INodeHierarchy
Method Detail
public function adjustGroupNodeBounds(groupNode:INode):void

Method to adjust the size of a group node.

This will resize to group node bounds such that the node requires the least amount of space. If the node does not have any children, it's bounds will be left unchanged.


groupNode:INode — The group node to adjust the size of.

See also

public function createGroupNode(parent:INode = null, bounds:IRectangle = null, style:INodeStyle = null):INode

Creates a new group node.

If no parent group node is provided, the group node will be a top-level group node in the node hierarchy. If a parent is provided, the created group node will be a direct descendant of parent.


parent:INode (default = null) — The node to use as the parent in the grouping hierarchy, or null if a top-level group node should be created.
bounds:IRectangle (default = null) — The initial bounds to use for the new group node, or null.
style:INodeStyle (default = null) — The style to use for the new group node, or null, if the defaultGroupNodeStyle should be used.

INode — The newly created group node if no parent node was provided, or parent.
public function createNode(parent:INode, bounds:IRectangle = null, style:INodeStyle = null):INode

Creates a new ordinary node as a direct descendant of parent.

This method ultimately delegates to the graph's createNode set of methods.


parent:INode — The node to use as the parent in the grouping hierarchy.
bounds:IRectangle (default = null) — The initial node bounds, or null if default bounds should be used. The values will be copied to the node's layout field.
style:INodeStyle (default = null) — the style instance that will be assigned to the newly created instance, or null if the default style should be used.

INode — The newly created node.

See also

public function getParent(node:INode):INode

Convenience method that yields the parent of a node.

This method yields the parent node of the current node or the root node if the node is a top level node in the hierarchy.


node:INode — The node to yield the parent node.

INode — The parent of the node or the root node if the node is a top level node.

See also

public function groupNodes(children:Iterable, parent:INode = null):INode

Groups the nodes in children into a group node.

If no parent is provided, the parent group node will be created at the common ancestor level of all nodes in children.

The parent needs to be a group node at the time of the invocation. This operation is basically the same as calling setParent for each node in the children iterable whose parent is not part of the set.


children:Iterable — The children to group into the group node.
parent:INode (default = null)

INode — The newly created group node if no parent was provided, or parent.

See also

public function setParent(node:INode, parent:INode):void

Sets the parent node for a given node.

Use hierarchy's root field to make node a top-level node for this graph.


node:INode — The node to assign a new parent.
parent:INode — The parent group node to assign to node.

See also

The following code enables grouping support of a DefaultGraph and uses the functionality of IGroupedGraph.
       var graph:IGraph = graphCanvas.graph;
        // Turn on grouping support in DefaultGraph.
        DefaultGraph defaultGraph = graph as DefaultGraph;
        if (defaultGraph != null) {
         defaultGraph.groupingSupported = true;
      // Use the grouping support.
       var grouped:IGroupedGraph = graph.lookup( IGroupedGraph ) as IGroupedGraph;
       if (grouped != null) {
         grouped.defaultGroupNodeStyle = new ShapeNodeStyle(null, ShapeNodeShape.roundRectangle, Fills.GREEN );
         var groupNode:INode = grouped.createGroupNode();
         grouped.groupNodes( groupNode, { sourceNode, targetNode } );