Interfacepublic interface IGroupBoundsCalculator

Interface for implementations that can calculate the bounds of a group node in a IGroupedGraph.

Implementations of this interface will be queried from INode's lookup method.

See also


Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
Calculates the bounds of the layout for the given groupNode that is a group node in the hierarchy.
Method Detail
public function calculateBounds(hierarchy:INodeHierarchy, groupNode:INode):IRectangle

Calculates the bounds of the layout for the given groupNode that is a group node in the hierarchy.


hierarchy:INodeHierarchy — The hierarchy to use for the calculation.

This is the hierarchy of the nodes that describe the nesting of the group nodes.

groupNode:INode — The node to calculate the bounds for.

IRectangle — The minimum bounds to use for the given group node.