Interfacepublic interface INodeStyle extends IVisualStyle, ICloneable
Implementors AbstractJavaNodeStyle, BitmapNodeStyle, ComponentNodeStyle, DelegatingNodeStyle, DelegatingStyle, ImageNodeStyle, SWFNodeStyle, SimpleAbstractNodeStyle, SimpleNodeStyle, TemplateNodeStyle, VoidNodeStyle

IVisualStyle implementation for INode instances in an IGraph.

Implementations are responsible for rendering ILabel instances in a CanvasComponent. It is up to the implementation to interpret the visual appearance of a label.

The framework uses the associated, possibly shared styleRenderer to perform the actual rendering of this style for a given label. This interface extends the ICloneable interface. This allows clients to obtain a persistent copy of the current state of this style. Immutable style implementations may return themselves.

Public Properties
 PropertyDefined By
 InheritedstyleRenderer : IStyleRenderer
[read-only] Gets the renderer implementation that has been supplied to this instance upon creation.
Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
Creates a clone of this instance.
install(canvas:CanvasComponent, group:ICanvasObjectGroup, modelItem:IModelItem):Array
Prepares the rendering of an IModelItem in a CanvasComponent by adding ICanvasObject's to the provided canvas.