Interfacepublic interface IStripeInputVisualizationHelper
Implementors DefaultStripeInputVisualizationHelper

This interface allows to change the visualization for different input gestures.

A stripe should provide an implementation of this interface in its lookup which is queried by the various table related input modes.

Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
Returns a display object creator that is used to visualize the input operation specified by type.
Method Detail
public function getDisplayObjectCreator(context:IInputModeContext, tableNode:INode, type:StripeVisualizationType):IDisplayObjectCreator

Returns a display object creator that is used to visualize the input operation specified by type.


context:IInputModeContext — The input mode context which provides further information.
tableNode:INode — The node where the stripe's owner is currently bound to.
type:StripeVisualizationType — The actual visualization type.

IDisplayObjectCreator — An IDisplayObjectCreator instance that renders a representation for the current operation.