Interfacepublic interface ITable extends ILookup,
Implementors Table

This interface defines a table structure.

Public Properties
 PropertyDefined By
  columnDefaults : IStripeDefaults
The defaults for columns.
  insets : IRectangle
The insets for this table.
  layout : IRectangle
[read-only] The relative layout of the table.
  relativeLocation : IPoint
The relative location of the upper left corner of the table.
  rootColumn : IColumn
[read-only] The virtual root of the column hierarchy.
  rootRow : IRow
[read-only] The virtual root of the row hierarchy.
  rowDefaults : IStripeDefaults
The defaults for rows.
Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
addLabel(item:IStripe, text:String, labelModelParameter:ILabelModelParameter = null, style:ILabelStyle = null, preferredSize:ISize = null, tag:Object = null):ILabel
Add a label to the given item using the text as the initial label text and label model parameter and style.
createColumn(owner:IColumn = null, index:int = -1, width:Number = -1, minWidth:Number = -1, insets:IRectangle = null, style:INodeStyle = null, tag:Object = null):IColumn
Create a new column as the indexth child of owner with the given parameters.
createRow(owner:IRow = null, index:int = -1, height:Number = -1, minHeight:Number = -1, insets:IRectangle = null, style:INodeStyle = null, tag:Object = null):IRow
Create a new row as the indexth child of owner with the given parameters.
Returns an instance that implements the given type or null.
Removes the given stripe from its parent container.
Removes the given label from its owner.
setInsets(stripe:IStripe, insets:IRectangle):void
Sets the insets of the given stripe.
Sets the label model parameter for the given label.
setLabelStyle(label:ILabel, style:ILabelStyle):void
Assigns the given style instance by reference to the label.
setLabelText(label:ILabel, text:String):void
Sets the label text of the given label.
setMinimumSize(stripe:IStripe, newSize:Number):void
Sets the minimum size of the given stripe.
setParentColumn(owner:IColumn, column:IColumn, index:int):void
Sets owner as new parent of column.
setParentRow(owner:IRow, row:IRow, index:int):void
Sets owner as new parent of row.
setPreferredSize(label:ILabel, width:Number, height:Number):void
Sets the preferred size of the label.
setSize(stripe:IStripe, newSize:Number):void
Sets the actual size of the given stripe.
setStyle(stripe:IStripe, style:INodeStyle):void
Sets the style of the given stripe.
 Event Summary Defined By
  Dispatched when a new label has been added to a stripe (column or row).ITable
  Dispatched when the label of a stripe (column or row) has been changed.ITable
  Dispatched when a label has been removed from its stripe (column or row).ITable
  Dispatched when a stripe (column or row) has been changed.ITable
  Dispatched when a new stripe (column or row) is created.ITable
  Dispatched when a stripe (column or row) is removed from its parent.ITable
Property Detail

The defaults for columns.

The settings that are obtained from the instance influence newly created elements only. Setting different defaults afterwards does not influence existing elements.

    public function get columnDefaults():IStripeDefaults
    public function set columnDefaults(value:IStripeDefaults):void

The insets for this table.

These insets are applied in addition to any implicit insets provided by the child stripes.

The default value is (0,0,0,0).

    public function get insets():IRectangle
    public function set insets(value:IRectangle):void
layout:IRectangle  [read-only]

The relative layout of the table.

The upper left corner of the layout always coincides with relativeLocation.

    public function get layout():IRectangle

The relative location of the upper left corner of the table.

The actual interpretation of this value depends on the context. If the table is bound to a node, this location is usually interpreted relative to the upper left corner of the node layout.

    public function get relativeLocation():IPoint
    public function set relativeLocation(value:IPoint):void
rootColumn:IColumn  [read-only]

The virtual root of the column hierarchy.

This row should not be queried except for the IColumn.owner and the associated IStripe.table.

    public function get rootColumn():IColumn

See also

rootRow:IRow  [read-only]

The virtual root of the row hierarchy.

This row should not be queried except for the IRow.owner and the associated IStripe.table.

    public function get rootRow():IRow

See also


The defaults for rows.

The settings that are obtained from the instance influence newly created elements only. Setting different defaults afterwards does not influence existing elements.

    public function get rowDefaults():IStripeDefaults
    public function set rowDefaults(value:IStripeDefaults):void
Method Detail
public function addLabel(item:IStripe, text:String, labelModelParameter:ILabelModelParameter = null, style:ILabelStyle = null, preferredSize:ISize = null, tag:Object = null):ILabel

Add a label to the given item using the text as the initial label text and label model parameter and style.


item:IStripe — The item to add the label to.
text:String — The initial text of the label.
labelModelParameter:ILabelModelParameter (default = null) — The label model parameter instance to use. If none is provided the parameter will be taken from the columnDefaults or rowDefaults.
style:ILabelStyle (default = null) — The style to use for the label. If none is provided the parameter will be taken from the columnDefaults or rowDefaults.
preferredSize:ISize (default = null) — The initial value to use for the ILabel.preferredSize. If none is provided the parameter will be taken from the columnDefaults or rowDefaults.
tag:Object (default = null) — The initial ITagOwner.tag to assign. May be null.

ILabel — The newly created label.

See also

public function createColumn(owner:IColumn = null, index:int = -1, width:Number = -1, minWidth:Number = -1, insets:IRectangle = null, style:INodeStyle = null, tag:Object = null):IColumn

Create a new column as the indexth child of owner with the given parameters.


owner:IColumn (default = null) — The owner of the new column. If none is provided the column is added to the table's root column.
index:int (default = -1) — The position in the child list. An index of -1 (default) will add the new column at the end of the list.
width:Number (default = -1) — The actual width of the column. A height of -1 (default) will cause the table to get the width from its columnDefaults.
minWidth:Number (default = -1) — The minimal width of the column. A minimum width of -1 (default) will cause the table to get the minimal width from its columnDefaults.
insets:IRectangle (default = null) — The insets of the column. If none are provided they will be taken from the columnDefaults.
style:INodeStyle (default = null) — The style of the column. If none is provided it will be taken from the columnDefaults.
tag:Object (default = null) — The tag of the column.

IColumn — A new column instance.
public function createRow(owner:IRow = null, index:int = -1, height:Number = -1, minHeight:Number = -1, insets:IRectangle = null, style:INodeStyle = null, tag:Object = null):IRow

Create a new row as the indexth child of owner with the given parameters.


owner:IRow (default = null) — The owner of the new row. If none is provided the row is added to the table's root row.
index:int (default = -1) — The position in the child list. An index of -1 (default) will add the new row at the end of the list.
height:Number (default = -1) — The actual height of the row. A height of -1 (default) will cause the table to get the height from its rowDefaults.
minHeight:Number (default = -1) — The minimal height of the row. A height of -1 (default) will cause the table to get the minimal height from its rowDefaults.
insets:IRectangle (default = null) — The insets of the row. If none are provided they will be taken from the rowDefaults.
style:INodeStyle (default = null) — The style of the row. If none is provided it will be taken from the rowDefaults.
tag:Object (default = null) — The tag of the row. May be null

IRow — A new row instance.
public function remove(stripe:IStripe):void

Removes the given stripe from its parent container.

This method reparents all children of stripe to the parent of the stripe.


stripe:IStripe — The stripe to remove.

public function removeLabel(label:ILabel):void

Removes the given label from its owner. This will trigger the corresponding event.


label:ILabel — The label to remove.

public function setInsets(stripe:IStripe, insets:IRectangle):void

Sets the insets of the given stripe.


stripe:IStripe — The stripe to change.
insets:IRectangle — The new insets of the stripe.

public function setLabelModelParameter(label:ILabel, parameter:ILabelModelParameter):void

Sets the label model parameter for the given label.


label:ILabel — The label.
parameter:ILabelModelParameter — The new parameter.

ArgumentError — If the parameter cannot be used for this label.
public function setLabelStyle(label:ILabel, style:ILabelStyle):void

Assigns the given style instance by reference to the label. Style instances can be shared.


label:ILabel — The label that will be assigned the new style.
style:ILabelStyle — The style instance that will be assigned to the label.

See also

public function setLabelText(label:ILabel, text:String):void

Sets the label text of the given label.


label:ILabel — The label to modify.
text:String — The new text of the label.

See also

public function setMinimumSize(stripe:IStripe, newSize:Number):void

Sets the minimum size of the given stripe.

This method sets the IStripe.minimumSize of stripe.


stripe:IStripe — The stripe to change.
newSize:Number — The new minimum size of the stripe.

public function setParentColumn(owner:IColumn, column:IColumn, index:int):void

Sets owner as new parent of column.

The column will be inseted at position index in the child list of the new parent.


owner:IColumn — The new parent.
column:IColumn — The child column.
index:int — The position to insert the child column in the parent's child list.

public function setParentRow(owner:IRow, row:IRow, index:int):void

Sets owner as new parent of row.

The row will be inseted at position index in the child list of the new parent.


owner:IRow — The new parent.
row:IRow — The child row.
index:int — The position to insert the child row in the parent's child list.

public function setPreferredSize(label:ILabel, width:Number, height:Number):void

Sets the preferred size of the label.


label:ILabel — The label.
width:Number — The new preferred width.
height:Number — The new preferred height.

See also

public function setSize(stripe:IStripe, newSize:Number):void

Sets the actual size of the given stripe.

This method sets the IStripe.size of stripe.


stripe:IStripe — The stripe to change.
newSize:Number — The new size of the stripe.

public function setStyle(stripe:IStripe, style:INodeStyle):void

Sets the style of the given stripe.


stripe:IStripe — The stripe to change.
style:INodeStyle — The new style of the stripe.

Event Detail
labelAdded Event
Event Object Type: com.yworks.graph.model.StripeEvent
StripeEvent.type property = com.yworks.graph.model.StripeEvent.LABEL_ADDED

Dispatched when a new label has been added to a stripe (column or row).

The label can be retrieved from the event's label property, its new owner from the stripe property. The parent property is always null.

Event which is dispatched when a new label has been added to a stripe (column or row).
labelChanged Event  
Event Object Type: com.yworks.graph.model.StripeEvent
StripeEvent.type property = com.yworks.graph.model.StripeEvent.LABEL_CHANGED

Dispatched when the label of a stripe (column or row) has been changed.

The label can be retrieved from the event's label property, its owner from the stripe property. The parent property is always null.

Event which is dispatched when the label of a stripe (column or row) has been changed.
labelRemoved Event  
Event Object Type: com.yworks.graph.model.StripeEvent
StripeEvent.type property = com.yworks.graph.model.StripeEvent.LABEL_REMOVED

Dispatched when a label has been removed from its stripe (column or row).

The label can be retrieved from the event's label property, its former owner from the stripe property. The parent property is always null.

Event which is dispatched when a label has been removed from its stripe (column or row).
stripeChanged Event  
Event Object Type: com.yworks.graph.model.StripeEvent
StripeEvent.type property = com.yworks.graph.model.StripeEvent.STRIPE_CHANGED

Dispatched when a stripe (column or row) has been changed.

The new stripe can be retrieved from the event's stripe property, its owner from the parent property.

Event which is dispatched when a stripe (column or row) has been changed.
stripeCreated Event  
Event Object Type: com.yworks.graph.model.StripeEvent
StripeEvent.type property = com.yworks.graph.model.StripeEvent.STRIPE_CREATED

Dispatched when a new stripe (column or row) is created.

The new stripe can be retrieved from the event's stripe property, its new owner from the parent property.

Event which is dispatched when a new stripe (column or row) is created.
stripeRemoved Event  
Event Object Type: com.yworks.graph.model.StripeEvent
StripeEvent.type property = com.yworks.graph.model.StripeEvent.STRIPE_REMOVED

Dispatched when a stripe (column or row) is removed from its parent.

The new stripe can be retrieved from the event's stripe property, its former owner from the parent property.

Event which is dispatched when a stripe (column or row) is removed from its parent.