Classpublic class DefaultDummyEdgeConverter
InheritanceDefaultDummyEdgeConverter Inheritance AbstractDummyEdgeConverter Inheritance Object

The default implementation of the IDummyEdgeConverter that is used by the FoldingManager initially and can be customized to suit the application's needs.

See also


Public Properties
 PropertyDefined By
 InheritedcloneEdgeStyle : Boolean
Indicates whether the dummyEdgeStyle instance should be assigned as a clone or not.
 InheritedcopyFirstLabel : Boolean
Indicates whether the first label of the master edge should be recreated for the dummy edge.
 InheriteddummyEdgeStyle : IEdgeStyle
Gets or sets the IEdgeStyle to use for the dummy edge.
 InheriteddummySourcePortStyle : IPortStyle
Gets or sets the IPortStyle to use for the dummy source port.
 InheriteddummyTargetPortStyle : IPortStyle
Gets or sets the IPortStyle to use for the dummy target port.
 InheritedfirstLabelModelparameter : ILabelModelParameter
[read-only] Gets or sets the ILabelModelParameter to use for the first label of the dummy edge.
 InheritedfirstLabelModelParameter : ILabelModelParameter
 InheritedfirstLabelStyle : ILabelStyle
Gets or sets the ILabelStyle to use for the first label of the dummy edge.
 InheritedresetBends : Boolean
Indicates whether to reset and clear the bends of a dummy edge initially.
 InheritedresetDummyPorts : Boolean
Indicates whether to reset the location of dummy ports to the center of the node.
  reuseDummyNodePorts : Boolean
Gets or sets a property that determines whether this implementation should reuse the ports of dummy nodes for the dummy edges.
  reuseMasterPorts : Boolean
Gets or sets a property that determines whether this implementation should reuse the ports of the FoldingManager#masterGraph at non-dummy nodes for the dummy edges.
Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
addDummyEdge(callback:IAddDummyEdgeCallback, foldedGraph:IFoldedGraph, masterEdge:IEdge, localSourceNode:INode, sourceDummy:Boolean, localTargetNode:INode, targetDummy:Boolean):IEdge
[override] Actually adds the dummy edge as a separate edge to the view, reusing existing port representatives of the original source and target port, if reuseMasterPorts is enabled and that is possible for the given edge.
changeDummyEdgeAppearance(callback:IChangeDummyEdgeAppearanceCallback, foldedGraph:IFoldedGraph, localDummyEdge:IEdge, masterEdges:List):void
Callback that is triggered by the IFoldedGraph view to adjust the appearance of a dummy edge, e.g.
createDummyEdgeAppearance(callback:IChangeDummyEdgeAppearanceCallback, foldedGraph:IFoldedGraph, localDummyEdge:IEdge, masterEdges:List):void
Callback that is triggered by the IFoldedGraph view to initially create the appearance of a dummy edge.
Protected Methods
 MethodDefined By
createEdgeStyle(foldedGraph:IFoldedGraph, dummyEdge:IEdge, masterEdges:List):IEdgeStyle
Callback factory method that creates the IEdgeStyle for use in createInitialStyle().
createInitialBends(callback:IChangeDummyEdgeAppearanceCallback, foldedGraph:IFoldedGraph, dummyEdge:IEdge, masterEdges:List):void
Callback method that initializes the bends of the dummy edge.
createInitialLabels(callback:IChangeDummyEdgeAppearanceCallback, foldedGraph:IFoldedGraph, dummyEdge:IEdge, masterEdges:List):void
Callback method that initializes the initial labels of the dummy edge.
createInitialPorts(callback:IChangeDummyEdgeAppearanceCallback, foldedGraph:IFoldedGraph, dummyEdge:IEdge, masterEdges:List):void
Callback method that initializes the ports of the dummy edge.
createInitialStyle(callback:IChangeDummyEdgeAppearanceCallback, foldedGraph:IFoldedGraph, dummyEdge:IEdge, masterEdges:List):void
Callback method that initializes the style of the dummy edge.
Callback method that creates the source port location parameter.
Callback method that creates the target port location parameter.
synchronizeLabels(callback:IChangeDummyEdgeAppearanceCallback, foldedGraph:IFoldedGraph, dummyEdge:IEdge, masterEdges:List):void
Called by changeDummyEdgeAppearance to synchronize the first label if copyFirstLabel is enabled.
Property Detail

Gets or sets a property that determines whether this implementation should reuse the ports of dummy nodes for the dummy edges.

The IFoldedGraph view can be configured to use separate port instances for dummy edges. This makes it possible to assign different styles and locations to source and target ports of dummy edges, which may be desirable if the style and geometry of dummy edges differs a lot from the style of the master edges. Dummy nodes (collapsed group nodes), will have all of their master's ports represented in the view. This property can be used to make dummy edges that connect to the master ports connect to these dummy port instances instead of creating extra dummy ports for the edges. Note that ports can only be automatically reused by dummy edges if they still connect to the same nodes. Otherwise the view will have to create new dummy ports to let the edges connect to the representing adjacent nodes. This property can be set to true, iff the graph model used is port-centric, i.e. each edge connects to specific ports and even dummy edges should still connect to those specific port instances, if possible.

The default value is false.

    public function get reuseDummyNodePorts():Boolean
    public function set reuseDummyNodePorts(value:Boolean):void

See also


Gets or sets a property that determines whether this implementation should reuse the ports of the FoldingManager#masterGraph at non-dummy nodes for the dummy edges.

The IFoldedGraph view can be configured to use separate port instances for dummy edges. This makes it possible to assign different styles and locations to source and target ports of dummy edges, which may be desirable if the style and geometry of dummy edges differs a lot from the style of the master edges. Dummy edges may of course still connect to non-dummy nodes at one of their ports. Setting this property to true will make the dummy edge connect to the represented port instance. This property can be set to true, iff the graph model used is port-centric, i.e. each edge connects to specific ports and even dummy edges should still connect to those specific port representatives.

The default value is false.

    public function get reuseMasterPorts():Boolean
    public function set reuseMasterPorts(value:Boolean):void

See also

Method Detail
override public function addDummyEdge(callback:IAddDummyEdgeCallback, foldedGraph:IFoldedGraph, masterEdge:IEdge, localSourceNode:INode, sourceDummy:Boolean, localTargetNode:INode, targetDummy:Boolean):IEdge

Actually adds the dummy edge as a separate edge to the view, reusing existing port representatives of the original source and target port, if reuseMasterPorts is enabled and that is possible for the given edge.


callback:IAddDummyEdgeCallback — The IAddDummyEdgeCallback implementation.
foldedGraph:IFoldedGraph — The instance into which the dummy edge is going to be inserted.
masterEdge:IEdge — The edge from the FoldingManager's masterGraph that needs to be represented by a dummy edge.
localSourceNode:INode — The source node that belongs to the IFoldedGraph view that will act as the local representative of the actual source node.
sourceDummy:Boolean — Determines whether the localSourceNode is currently a dummy node.
localTargetNode:INode — The target node that belongs to the IFoldedGraph view that will act as the local representative of the actual target node.
targetDummy:Boolean — Determines whether the localTargetNode is currently a dummy node.

IEdge — The edge as returned by the call to IAddDummyEdgeCallback#addAsSeparateEdge().

See also