 Collection A collection of data.
 ICloneable Interface for Objects which can create a clone of themselves.
 ICompoundEdit The interface used by IUndoSupport's and "UndoEngine's UndoEngine.beginCompoundEdit implementation.
 IContextLookup An interface for instances that can provide a ILookup capabilities for a given object.
 IContextLookupChainLink An interface for instances that can be used to chain lookup operations.
 IEnum Tagging interface for enum classes that should be serialized automatically using the ReflectionBasedSerializer In order to support automatic deserialization, a static method valueOf(s:String):IEnum has to be provided by the enum class.
 IEquatable Defines a generalized method that a value type or class implements to create a type-specific method for determining equality of instances.
 ILookup The basic lookup interface that allows for retrieving implementations for different aspects of the current instance.
 ILookupDecorator Interface that can be used to decorate the lookup result for a set of types.
 IMapper A simple interface for a dictionary-like implementation.
 IMarkupExtensionFactory Classes implementing the IMarkupExtensionFactory thereby provide a subclass of MarkupExtension that can be used for a more convenient serialization and deserialization of it's content.
 IMementoSupport Utility interface that can be used in conjunction with MementoUndoUnit to create IUndoUnit implementations.
 IMutableLookup Mutable version of the ILookup interface.
 ITagOwner Interface implemented by items that can be tagged with arbitrary objects.
 Iterable Interface for an object that can return an Iterator over elements related to that object
 Iterator Interface for implementations that can iterate over a set of elements.
 ITypeConverter Implementations of this interface can convert instances of one default class type into or back from instances of other class types.
 IUndoableEdit The interface used by IUndoSupport's IUndoSupport.beginEdit implementation.
 IUndoSupport Interface that is mostly used in ILookup.lookup for entities that support undoability.
 IUndoUnit Implements a unit that can be undone and redone.
 AbstractContextLookupChainLink Abstract base class that simplifies the implementation of IContextLookupChainLink.
 AbstractUndoUnit An abstract base implementation of IUndoUnit.
 ArrayList A basic list implementation that is backed by an Array.
 BooleanTypeConverter This class can convert Boolean values into Strings and back.
 CallbackLookup Utility class that implements the ILookup interface by delegating to a callback function.
 CollectionIterator An iterator implementation that iterates over the elements of a Collection
 CompositeIterable A composite iterable that enumerates two given enumerables one after the other.
 CompositeIterator A composite Iterator that iterates two given Iterators one after the other.
 CompoundUndoUnit A generic support class that can manage IUndoUnit instances to support undoability.
 Config Configuration mechanism that allows to change the application configuration of a compiled yFiles FLEX application using arbitrary configuration parameters.
 DelegateUndoUnit A convenience implementation of the IUndoUnit interface that uses simple delegate functions for the actual undo and redo operations.
 DictionaryMapper A dictionary-like mapper based on a Dictionary
 EmptyIterable A utility class that implements an immutable always empty Iterable.
 EmptyIterator A utility class that implements an always empty Iterator.
 EmptyList A utility class that implements an immutable always empty list.
 FontManager Class which provides convenience methods for font handling.
 HashSet A Collection that obeys the 'set' semantics.
 IMarkupExtensionFactoryTypeConverter A simple type converter that converts an object of type IMarkupExtensionFactory into a MarkupExtension by calling the objectsIMarkupExtensionFactory.createMarkupExtension method with an EmptyServiceProvider. Converting the MarkupExtension back to it's base class it calls it's provideValue method with an EmptyServiceProvider.
 IntegerTypeConverter This class can convert int values into Strings and back.
 ListCell The cells used inside YList
 LookupChain An implementation of a chain of IContextLookupChainLinks.
 LookupChainEvent Dispatched by a when a chain link has been added or removed.
 Lookups Static utility class that servers as a factory for various ILookup implementations.
 MarkupExtension Provides a base class for all XAML markup extensions.
 MementoStateStruct A simple struct that holds a tuple consisting of an implementation of IMementoSupport, a object instance and its state memento.
 MementoUndoableEdit An IUndoableEdit implementation that uses IMementoSupport to track changes on a set of items.
 MementoUndoUnit A simple IUndoUnit implementation that uses a IMementoSupport to track, undo, and redo state changes on a given subject.
 NullTypeConverter Converts "null"s into null.
 NumberTypeConverter This class can convert Number values into Strings and back.
 ReadOnlyList A List implementation that acts as an immutable wrapper for a List.
 SingleIterable An iterable that iterates a single item, only.
 SingleIterator An iterator that iterates a single item.
 SingletonList A lightweight list that contains exactly one single item.
 SizeTypeConverter This class can convert com.yworks.canvas.geom.Size values into Strings and back.
 State A state for use in a stateMachine A state may be connected to other states via Transitions.
 StateMachine A state machine implementation that can be used to manage complex state and transitions.
 StateMachineEvent Event class that is dispatched by a StateMachineInputMode
 StateMachineEventKind Possible values for the kind property of StateMachineEvents
 StringTypeConverter Converts Strings into Strings.
 Transition A transition for use in a StateMachine.
 TypeConverters Manages the mapping of different Class types to implementations of ITypeConverter for these Class types.
 UndoEngine A generic support class that can manage IUndoUnit instances to support undoability.
 UnsignedIntegerTypeConverter This class can convert uint values into Strings and back.
 WeakReference This class allows to create weak references to arbitrary instances.
 YList An implementation of a double linked list
 YPointTypeConverter This class can convert YPoint values into Strings and back.