Interfacepublic interface IUndoSupport

Interface that is mostly used in ILookup.lookup for entities that support undoability.

See also


Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
Directly enqueues a custom IUndoUnit into the queue that this instance represents.
beginCompoundEdit(undoName:String, redoName:String):ICompoundEdit
Starts a compound unit of edits.
beginEdit(undoName:String, redoName:String, items:Iterable):IUndoableEdit
Calling this method indicates to the callee that items are going to be modified.
Method Detail
public function addUnit(unit:IUndoUnit):void

Directly enqueues a custom IUndoUnit into the queue that this instance represents.


unit:IUndoUnit — The unit to place onto the undo stack.

See also

public function beginCompoundEdit(undoName:String, redoName:String):ICompoundEdit

Starts a compound unit of edits.

This method can be used to create a bracketing effect. All edits added to the queue after this call and before a call to ICompoundEdit.cancel or ICompoundEdit.end will be placed into the queue as a single block. Client code needs to make sure that either the ICompoundEdit.cancel or ICompoundEdit.end method is called on the returned instance. Implementations should store the state of the current subject at this point and track subsequent changes, until ICompoundEdit.end has been called.


undoName:String — The undo name for the compound edit.
redoName:String — The redo name for the compound edit.

ICompoundEdit — The handle to call ICompoundEdit.cancel or ICompoundEdit.end on.
public function beginEdit(undoName:String, redoName:String, items:Iterable):IUndoableEdit

Calling this method indicates to the callee that items are going to be modified.

The implementation will return an implementation of IUndoableEdit whose IUndoableEdit.endEdit method needs to be called by the client after the changes to items have been done. Calling this method will immediately enqueue an IUndoUnit into the undo queue. Subsequent additions to the queue will be added after the created instance, even if they are added to the queue before the IUndoableEdit.endEdit method has been called.


undoName:String — The IUndoUnit.undoName of the IUndoUnit that will be placed into the undo queue after IUndoableEdit.endEdit has been called.
redoName:String — The IUndoUnit.redoName of the IUndoUnit that will be placed into the undo queue after IUndoableEdit.endEdit has been called.
items:Iterable — The items that will be changed after this call and before the call to IUndoableEdit.endEdit.

IUndoableEdit — An implementation of the IUndoableEdit interface whose endEdit method needs to be called after the items have been modified.