Classpublic class MementoUndoableEdit
InheritanceMementoUndoableEdit Inheritance Object
Implements IUndoableEdit

An IUndoableEdit implementation that uses IMementoSupport to track changes on a set of items.

Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
MementoUndoableEdit(engine:UndoEngine, mementos:Iterable, undoName:String, redoName:String)
Creates a new instance using a set of MementoStateStructs.
create(undoSupport:IUndoSupport, mementos:Iterable, undoName:String, redoName:String):MementoUndoableEdit
[static] Creates a new instance using a set of MementoStateStructs.
Ends the editing and enqueues appropriate IUndoUnits into the undo engine.
Constructor Detail
public function MementoUndoableEdit(engine:UndoEngine, mementos:Iterable, undoName:String, redoName:String)

Creates a new instance using a set of MementoStateStructs.

engine:UndoEngine — The engine that will be used to enqueue the undo units.
mementos:Iterable — The structs that hold the state information about a set of items.
undoName:String — The name for the undo units to create.
redoName:String — The name for the undo units to create.
Method Detail
public static function create(undoSupport:IUndoSupport, mementos:Iterable, undoName:String, redoName:String):MementoUndoableEdit

Creates a new instance using a set of MementoStateStructs.


undoSupport:IUndoSupport — The support item that will be used to enqueue the undo units.
mementos:Iterable — The MementoStateStructs that hold the state information about a set of items.
undoName:String — The name for the undo units to create.
redoName:String — The name for the undo units to create.

public function endEdit():void

Ends the editing and enqueues appropriate IUndoUnits into the undo engine. This method ends the editing process that has been initialized in IUndoSupport.beginEdit.

Calling this method will automatically enqueue the corresponding IUndoUnits into the corresponding IUndoSupport instance. The edits will be enqueued at the time of the creation of this instance.