Interfacepublic interface IContextLookupChainLink extends IContextLookup
Implementors AbstractContextLookupChainLink, DefaultItemLookup

An interface for instances that can be used to chain lookup operations.

Implementations will perform the lookup in the IContextLookup.lookup() method and delegate to the next implementation in the chain if they cannot satisfy the request.

Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
lookupForItem(item:Object, type:Class):Object
Tries to create or retrieve an implementation of the given type for a given item.
This method is called by the framework to register the fallback lookup implementation that should be used during a call to IContextLookup.lookup().
Method Detail
public function setNext(next:IContextLookup):void

This method is called by the framework to register the fallback lookup implementation that should be used during a call to IContextLookup.lookup().

If the implementation cannot satisfy the query, it will use the provided context as a fallback. Note that implementations can also use the results returned by the next lookup and decorate it appropriately.


next:IContextLookup — The context to use as a fallback.