 IActionButtonProvider A simple interface that can be used to simulate simple buttons for INodeStyles etc.
 ILabelConfiguration A set of parameters which determine a label's configuration.
 IOrthogonalEdgeHelper Interface used by OrthogonalEdgeEditingContext and the like that can be decorated to the ILookup of IEdges.
 IPortLocationModelParameterProvider Helper interface used by IPortLocationModel implementations to provide possible candidate IPortLocationModelParameters for a given port and model.
 IReparentNodeHandler Interface used for implementations that recognize, approve and disapprove node reparenting gestures.
 IReparentStripeHandler Interface used for implementations that recognize, approve and disapprove stripe reparenting gestures, as well as actually performs the reparenting.
 AdjustContentRectPolicy Enumeration for the different possible policies that can be assigned to the GraphEditorInputMode using its autoAdjustContentRect property.
 BendCreatedEvent An Event which is dispatched when a new bend was created.
 CompoundMovePortHandle A handle implementation that delegates to either a PortRelocationHandle to reassign an edge to a different port or to a handle that moves a port.
 CompoundMovePortHandleProvider A handle provider that provides CompoundMovePortHandle instances for the source and target ports of an edge.
 CreateBendInputMode An IInputMode used for recognizing the gesture of creating IBends in an IGraph.
 CreateEdgeInputMode A specialized IInputMode used for creating edges between nodes in an IGraph displayed in a CanvasControl.
 CroppedPortLocationModelParameterHandle A PortLocationModelParameterHandle that restricts the new location of the port to the bounding box of it's owning INode.
 EdgeDragInputModeBase A base class IInputMode that can be used to detect mouse drags on IEdges.
 EdgeSegmentDirection Defines the direction of an edge segment.
 GraphEditorEvent An Event which is dispatched by the GraphEditorInput mode when a model item was manipulated by the user.
 GraphEditorHierarchyEvent An Event which is dispatched by the GraphEditorInputMode when a node was reparented by the user.
 GraphEditorInputMode A complex IInputMode that can be used in a GraphCanvasComponent to edit an IGraph instance.
 GraphMoveInputMode A MoveInputMode that supports partial invalidation of canvas objects using a CanvasObjectDependencyManager.
 LabelConfiguration Simple implementation of the interface ILabelConfiguration.
 NodeDropEvent An Event which is dispatched by the NodeDropInputMode mode when a node was created by the user.
 NodeDropInputMode A DropInputMode specialized to drag 'n' drop INodes.
 PortLocationModelParameterHandle An implementation of the IHandle that can be used to move an IPort interactively by assigning new IPortLocationModelParameters to the IPort.locationModelParameter property.
 ReparentGesture Enumeration for the possible results of a reparent gesture.
 ReparentNodeHandler Simple default implementation of IReparentNodeHandler that treats control key presses as reparent gestures and allows for reparenting all nodes.
 ReparentStripeHandler Default implementation of the IReparentStripeHandler interface.
 ReparentStripeInputMode Specialized input mode that is used to reparent a stripe inside an ITable structure.
 ReparentStripePositionHandler Customized IPositionHandler implementation that moves a stripe in the table hierarchy when the stripe is dragged.
 ResizeStripeInputMode Specialized input mode that is used to resize a stripe by dragging one of its borders.
 SimpleEdgePositionHandler An IPositionHandler implementation for edges which moves the bends on selected edges during move operations.
 StripeDropInputMode A DropInputMode specialized to drag 'n' drop of IStripes.
 TableEditorInputMode Input mode that can be used to interactively edit a table.
 TableReshapeHandler IReshapeHandler implementation that constrains node resizes so that minimum size constraints of an associated ITable are satisfied and which resizes the outer IStripes of such a table when the node is resized.