Interfacepublic interface IReparentStripeHandler
Implementors ReparentStripeHandler

Interface used for implementations that recognize, approve and disapprove stripe reparenting gestures, as well as actually performs the reparenting.

See also


Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
canReparent(context:IInputModeContext, stripe:IStripe):Boolean
Determines whether the user may detach the given stripe from its current parent in order to reparent it.
isValidParent(context:IInputModeContext, stripe:IStripe, newParent:IStripe, index:int, gesture:ReparentGesture):Boolean
Determines whether the provided node may be reparented to the given new parent.
reparent(context:IInputModeContext, movedStripe:IStripe, newParent:IStripe, index:int, gesture:ReparentGesture):void
Performs the actual reparenting after the reparent gesture has been finalized.
Method Detail
public function canReparent(context:IInputModeContext, stripe:IStripe):Boolean

Determines whether the user may detach the given stripe from its current parent in order to reparent it.


context:IInputModeContext — The context that provides information about the user input.
stripe:IStripe — The stripe that is about to be detached from its current parent.

Boolean — Whether the stripe may be detached and reparented.
public function isValidParent(context:IInputModeContext, stripe:IStripe, newParent:IStripe, index:int, gesture:ReparentGesture):Boolean

Determines whether the provided node may be reparented to the given new parent.

This method is called to determine whether a reparent operation should actually be executed.


context:IInputModeContext — The context that provides information about the user input.
stripe:IStripe — The stripe that will be reparented.
newParent:IStripe — The potential new parent.
index:int — The index where the stripe would be reparented.
gesture:ReparentGesture — The gesture that would be used for the reparent operation.

Boolean — Whether newParent is a valid new parent for stripe for the given index.
public function reparent(context:IInputModeContext, movedStripe:IStripe, newParent:IStripe, index:int, gesture:ReparentGesture):void

Performs the actual reparenting after the reparent gesture has been finalized.

Implementations should use ITable.setParentColumn(IColumn,IColumn,int) or ITable.setParentRow(IRow,IRow,int) to set the parent of movedStripe to newParent.


context:IInputModeContext — The context that provides information about the user input.
movedStripe:IStripe — The stripe that will be reparented.
newParent:IStripe — The potential new parent.
index:int — The index where the stripe should be inserted.
gesture:ReparentGesture — The gesture that triggered the reparent operation.

See also