Classpublic class ReparentStripeHandler
InheritanceReparentStripeHandler Inheritance Object
Implements IReparentStripeHandler

Default implementation of the IReparentStripeHandler interface.

This implementation allows to specify a maximal nesting depth for reparent operations.

Public Properties
 PropertyDefined By
  maxColumnLevel : int
The maximum nesting level the column hierarchy may acquire during a reparent gesture.
  maxRowLevel : int
The maximum nesting level the row hierarchy may acquire during a reparent gesture.
Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
canReparent(context:IInputModeContext, stripe:IStripe):Boolean
Determines whether the user may detach the given stripe from its current parent in order to reparent it.
isValidParent(context:IInputModeContext, stripe:IStripe, newParent:IStripe, index:int, gesture:ReparentGesture):Boolean
Checks the constraints imposed by maxRowLevel or maxColumnLevel for a valid gesture.
reparent(context:IInputModeContext, movedStripe:IStripe, newParent:IStripe, index:int, gesture:ReparentGesture):void
Performs the actual reparenting after the reparent gesture has been finalized.
Protected Methods
 MethodDefined By
adjustSize(context:IInputModeContext, movedStripe:IStripe, newParent:IStripe, gesture:ReparentGesture, index:int, originalStripeSize:Number, originalParentSize:Number):void
Adjust the size of the source or the target stripe.
Property Detail

The maximum nesting level the column hierarchy may acquire during a reparent gesture.

Note that it is always possible to decrease the nesting depth, even if the resulting depth would still be too high. This allows to interactively reduce an invalid nesting depth in multiple steps.

The default value is int.MAX_VALUE.

    public function get maxColumnLevel():int
    public function set maxColumnLevel(value:int):void

The maximum nesting level the row hierarchy may acquire during a reparent gesture.

Note that it is always possible to decrease the nesting depth, even if the resulting depth would still be too high. This allows to interactively reduce an invalid nesting depth in multiple steps.

The default value is int.MAX_VALUE.

    public function get maxRowLevel():int
    public function set maxRowLevel(value:int):void
Method Detail
protected function adjustSize(context:IInputModeContext, movedStripe:IStripe, newParent:IStripe, gesture:ReparentGesture, index:int, originalStripeSize:Number, originalParentSize:Number):void

Adjust the size of the source or the target stripe.

This implementation adjusts the size of the moved stripe to Math.Max(originalStripeSize, originalParentSize) if the reparenting operation is to add the child.


context:IInputModeContext — The context that provides information about the user input.
movedStripe:IStripe — The stripe that will be reparented.
newParent:IStripe — The potential new parent.
gesture:ReparentGesture — The gesture that triggered the reparent operation.
index:int — The index where the stripe should be inserted.
originalStripeSize:Number — The original size of the given stripe.
originalParentSize:Number — The original size of the given parent.

public function canReparent(context:IInputModeContext, stripe:IStripe):Boolean

Determines whether the user may detach the given stripe from its current parent in order to reparent it.


context:IInputModeContext — The context that provides information about the user input.
stripe:IStripe — The stripe that is about to be detached from its current parent.

Boolean — This implementation returns always true.
public function isValidParent(context:IInputModeContext, stripe:IStripe, newParent:IStripe, index:int, gesture:ReparentGesture):Boolean

Checks the constraints imposed by maxRowLevel or maxColumnLevel for a valid gesture.


context:IInputModeContext — The context that provides information about the user input.
stripe:IStripe — The stripe that will be reparented.
newParent:IStripe — The potential new parent.
index:int — The index where the stripe would be reparented.
gesture:ReparentGesture — The gesture that would be used for the reparent operation.

Booleantrue iff the resulting nesting depth is smaller than maxRowLevel or maxColumnLevel, or if the nesting depth would not be increased by the operation.
public function reparent(context:IInputModeContext, movedStripe:IStripe, newParent:IStripe, index:int, gesture:ReparentGesture):void

Performs the actual reparenting after the reparent gesture has been finalized.

This implementation adjusts the size of the moved and/or the target stripe by calling adjustSize.


context:IInputModeContext — The context that provides information about the user input.
movedStripe:IStripe — The stripe that will be reparented.
newParent:IStripe — The potential new parent.
index:int — The index where the stripe should be inserted.
gesture:ReparentGesture — The gesture that triggered the reparent operation.