Interfacepublic interface IActionButtonProvider

A simple interface that can be used to simulate simple buttons for INodeStyles etc.

GraphEditorInputMode will query the IModelItem's lookup method for this interface if it has detected mouse clicks. If the item yields an instance of this interface and the click was inside the provided bounds, then the associated action is invoked.

See also


Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
Gets a IHitTestable that can be used to query the button bounds.
invokeAction(context:IInputModeContext, x:Number, y:Number):void
Called by the framework to indicate that the button has been clicked by the user at the specified location.
Method Detail
public function getButtonBounds():IHitTestable

Gets a IHitTestable that can be used to query the button bounds.

IHitTestable — A hit testable that can determine whether the button has been hit by a given click.
public function invokeAction(context:IInputModeContext, x:Number, y:Number):void

Called by the framework to indicate that the button has been clicked by the user at the specified location.

This method is called by GraphEditorInputMode#click for the IModelItems that yielded an instance of this interface.


context:IInputModeContext — The context to use for the click operation.
x:Number — The absolute x coordinate where the click occured in the world coordinate system.
y:Number — The absolute y coordinate where the click occured in the world coordinate system.