 IAttributeFactory Interface for storing parsed attribute values in the graph.
 IDeserializer Interface fo classes that provide deserialization of Xml content in GraphML.
 IDeserializerRegistry Management interface to handle the registration and deregistration of IDeserializer instances, as well as the actual retrieval of IDeserializer instances for a given target content.
 IGraphItemFactory This interface defines a factory for the creation of graphs and graph elements.
 IGraphMLParseErrorHandler Error handler class to manage errors during the parsing process.
 IIdAcceptor Interface for classes that can store the GraphML id attribute of GraphML core elements
 IInputHandler Basic interface for data handlers that parse data sections with a specific key and scope.
 IInputHandlerProvider Interface that allows to dynamically retrieve IInputHandler instances for a specific key.
 IXmlAttributesParser Interface for classes that handle the parsing of XML attributes of GraphML elements (not GraphML attributes defined with data elements)
 Precedence Interface that can be used to assign a invokation precedence to input handlers.
 AbstractDeserializer Abstract IDeserializer implementation that provides a default implementation of canHandle.
 AbstractInputHandler Abstract implementation of the IInputHandler interface.
 AttributeInputHandler A data handler that stores attributes given as data elements in graphml files.
 AutoMapperAttributeInputHandler An input handler that parses simple mapper attributes into a mapper that has been registered with the graph's mapper registry.
 AutoMapperInputHandlerProvider An input handler provider that dynamically adds attribute input handlers if the fallback provider doesn't return any input handlers for a given key.
 DefaultGraphElementFactory Default implementation of the IGraphItemFactory interface.
 EdgeStyleInputHandler This class manages the deserialization of all edge styles in the graphml input.
 GraphMLParseContext A GraphMLContext that is used for storing state during the parsing process.
 GraphMLParser A parser that can handle GraphML data.
 LabelInputHandler This class manages the deserialization of all labels in the graphml input.
 MapperAttributeFactory An IAttributeFactory implementation that stores parsed attributes in an IMapper instance.
 MapperAttributeInputHandler An AttributeInputHandler which uses a MapperAttributeFactory for storing attribute values.
 MapperRegistryAttributeFactory An IAttributeFactory implementation that stores parsed attributes in an IMapper instance.
 MapperRegistryAttributeInputHandler An AttributeInputHandler which uses a MapperRegistryAttributeFactory for storing attribute values.
 NodeInsetsInputHandler This class manages the deserialization of node insets in the graphml input.
 NodeStyleInputHandler This class manages the deserialization of all node styles in the graphml input.
 ObjectMapperAttributeInputHandler Input handler for reading complex mapper data using a provided IDeserializer instance.
 PortLocationModelInputHandler This class manages the deserialization of all port location model parameter in the graphml input. To deserialize a custom style, AbstractDeserialzer instances can be registered with GraphMLIOHandler.registerDeserializer, which will be used automatically by this handler.
 PortStyleInputHandler This class manages the deserialization of all port styles in the graphml input.
 ReadEdgeLayoutHandler The main edge data handler responsible for parsing edges in a graphml file.
 ReadNodeLayoutHandler Input handler that parses geometric node data.
 ReadPortLayoutHandler The main port data handler responsible for parsing ports in a graphml file.
 ReferenceResolver This class is responsible for resolving reference stubs
 SharedDataInputHandler Specialized input handler for shared data sections
 XmlAttributesParserAdapter Implementation stub of IXmlAttributesParser.