Interfacepublic interface IInputHandler
Implementors AbstractInputHandler, AttributeInputHandler, AutoMapperAttributeInputHandler, CompatResourceInputHandler, SharedDataInputHandler

Basic interface for data handlers that parse data sections with a specific key and scope. Data Handlers can be added to a GraphMLIOHandler instance.

See also

Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
acceptKey(keyElement:XML, scopeType:String):Boolean
Whether this data handler can parse a data section with the given key and scope type.
applyDefault(context:GraphMLParseContext, defaultElement:XML, value:Object):void
This method is invoked when no data tag is defined, and the default value should be applied.
parseData(context:GraphMLParseContext, defaultValue:Boolean, dataElement:XML):void
This method is invoked each time a data element with matching key is processed.
parseDefaultData(context:GraphMLParseContext, keyElement:XML):Object
This method is invoked when the default value of the key element for a data tag is parsed.
Method Detail
public function acceptKey(keyElement:XML, scopeType:String):Boolean

Whether this data handler can parse a data section with the given key and scope type.


keyElement:XML — the xml element which contains the key
scopeType:String — the scope type that contains the data section

Boolean — true if this data can parse a data section with this key and scopeType.
public function applyDefault(context:GraphMLParseContext, defaultElement:XML, value:Object):void

This method is invoked when no data tag is defined, and the default value should be applied.


context:GraphMLParseContext — the current parse context.
defaultElement:XML — he default xml element.
value:Object — the parsed value of the default element

public function parseData(context:GraphMLParseContext, defaultValue:Boolean, dataElement:XML):void

This method is invoked each time a data element with matching key is processed. Parse a data element of a graphml file.


context:GraphMLParseContext — the parse context
defaultValue:Booleantrue when the default value, which is included in the key element, is processed, false otherwise.
dataElement:XML — The data element of the graphml file.

public function parseDefaultData(context:GraphMLParseContext, keyElement:XML):Object

This method is invoked when the default value of the key element for a data tag is parsed.


context:GraphMLParseContext — The current parse context.
keyElement:XML — The xml node that represents the key element

Object — The parsed value of the xml element, may be null.