documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of IEdge


costsin AllPairsShortestPathsGets or sets a mapping for the cost for traversing an edge.
subgraphEdgesin AllPairsShortestPathsGets or sets the collection of edges which define a subset of the graph for the algorithms to work on.
subgraphEdgesin BetweennessCentralityGets or sets the collection of edges which define a subset of the graph for the algorithms to work on.
weightsin BetweennessCentralityGets or sets a mapping for edge weights.
edgeCentralityin BetweennessCentralityResultGets a mapping from each edge to its absolute centrality value.
normalizedEdgeCentralityin BetweennessCentralityResultGets a mapping from each edge to its normalized centrality value.
subgraphEdgesin BfsGets or sets the collection of edges which define a subset of the graph for the algorithms to work on.
edgesin BiconnectedComponentGets a collection of all edges which belong to this component.
subgraphEdgesin BiconnectedComponentClusteringGets or sets the collection of edges which define a subset of the graph for the algorithms to work on.
subgraphEdgesin BiconnectedComponentsGets or sets the collection of edges which define a subset of the graph for the algorithms to work on.
edgeComponentIdsin BiconnectedComponentsResultGets a map which returns for each edge the ID of the component the edge belongs to.
edgeComponentsin BiconnectedComponentsResultGets a map which returns for each edge the component the edge belongs to.
subgraphEdgesin BipartitionGets or sets the collection of edges which define a subset of the graph for the algorithms to work on.
edgeDirectednessin ChainSubstructuresGets or sets a mapping that stores the directedness of the edges.
subgraphEdgesin ChainSubstructuresGets or sets the collection of edges which define a subset of the graph for the algorithms to work on.
subgraphEdgesin ChainsGets or sets the collection of edges which define a subset of the graph for the algorithms to work on.
subgraphEdgesin CliqueSubstructuresGets or sets the collection of edges which define a subset of the graph for the algorithms to work on.
subgraphEdgesin ClosenessCentralityGets or sets the collection of edges which define a subset of the graph for the algorithms to work on.
weightsin ClosenessCentralityGets or sets a mapping for edge weights.
subgraphEdgesin ClusteringCoefficientGets or sets the collection of edges which define a subset of the graph for the algorithms to work on.
inducedEdgesin ComponentGets a collection of edges belonging to this component which are induced by the component's nodes.
subgraphEdgesin ConnectedComponentsGets or sets the collection of edges which define a subset of the graph for the algorithms to work on.
subgraphEdgesin CycleGets or sets the collection of edges which define a subset of the graph for the algorithms to work on.
subgraphEdgesin CycleEdgesGets or sets the collection of edges which define a subset of the graph for the algorithms to work on.
edgesin CycleEdgesResultGets a collection of all edges that are part of a cycle.
edgesin CycleResultGets the edges of the cycle.
edgeDirectednessin CycleSubstructuresGets or sets a mapping that stores the directedness of the edges.
subgraphEdgesin CycleSubstructuresGets or sets the collection of edges which define a subset of the graph for the algorithms to work on.
subgraphEdgesin DegreeCentralityGets or sets the collection of edges which define a subset of the graph for the algorithms to work on.
subgraphEdgesin EdgeBetweennessClusteringGets or sets the collection of edges which define a subset of the graph for the algorithms to work on.
weightsin EdgeBetweennessClusteringGets or sets a mapping for edge weights.
subgraphEdgesin EigenvectorCentralityGets or sets the collection of edges which define a subset of the graph for the algorithms to work on.
costsin FeedbackEdgeSetGets or sets a mapping for edge costs.
subgraphEdgesin FeedbackEdgeSetGets or sets the collection of edges which define a subset of the graph for the algorithms to work on.
feedbackEdgeSetin FeedbackEdgeSetResultGets a collection of edges whose removal or reversal would make the graph acyclic.
subgraphEdgesin GraphCentralityGets or sets the collection of edges which define a subset of the graph for the algorithms to work on.
weightsin GraphCentralityGets or sets a mapping for edge weights.
subgraphEdgesin GraphStructureAnalyzerGets or sets the collection of edges which define an induced subgraph for the algorithms to work on.
subgraphEdgesin HierarchicalClusteringGets or sets the collection of edges which define a subset of the graph for the algorithms to work on.
subgraphEdgesin IndependentSetsGets or sets the collection of edges which define a subset of the graph for the algorithms to work on.
subgraphEdgesin IntersectionsGets or sets the collection of edges which define a subset of the graph for the algorithms to work on.
subgraphEdgesin KCoreComponentsGets or sets the collection of edges which define a subset of the graph for the algorithms to work on.
subgraphEdgesin KMeansClusteringGets or sets the collection of edges which define a subset of the graph for the algorithms to work on.
edgeDirectednessin LabelPropagationClusteringGets or sets a mapping that stores the directedness of the edges.
edgeWeightsin LabelPropagationClusteringGets or sets a mapping for edge weights.
subgraphEdgesin LabelPropagationClusteringGets or sets the collection of edges which define a subset of the graph for the algorithms to work on.
costsin LongestPathGets or sets a mapping for edge costs.
subgraphEdgesin LongestPathGets or sets the collection of edges which define a subset of the graph for the algorithms to work on.
edgesin LongestPathResultGets the path's edges.
subgraphEdgesin LouvainModularityClusteringGets or sets the collection of edges which define a subset of the graph for the algorithms to work on.
weightsin LouvainModularityClusteringGets or sets a mapping for edge weights.
capacitiesin MaximumFlowGets or sets a mapping for capacities of edges.
subgraphEdgesin MaximumFlowGets or sets the collection of edges which define a subset of the graph for the algorithms to work on.
flowin MaximumFlowResultGets a mapping from each edge to its flow.
minimumCutin MaximumFlowResultGets a collection of edges in the minimum cut.
costsin MinimumCostFlowGets or sets a mapping for edge costs.
maximumCapacitiesin MinimumCostFlowGets or sets a mapping for maximum capacities of edges.
minimumCapacitiesin MinimumCostFlowGets or sets a mapping for the minimum capacities of edges.
subgraphEdgesin MinimumCostFlowGets or sets the collection of edges which define a subset of the graph for the algorithms to work on.
flowin MinimumCostFlowResultGets a mapping from each edge to the flow over that edge.
subgraphEdgesin NeighborhoodGets or sets the collection of edges which define a subset of the graph for the algorithms to work on.
edgeDirectednessin NodeAggregationGets or sets a mapping for specifying the directedness of edges.
edgeWeightsin NodeAggregationGets or sets a mapping for specifying the (non-negative) weights of the edges.
subgraphEdgesin NodeAggregationGets or sets the collection of edges which define a subset of the graph for the algorithms to work on.
edgeDirectednessin PageRankGets or sets a mapping that stores the directedness of the edges.
edgeWeightsin PageRankGets or sets a mapping for edge weights.
subgraphEdgesin PageRankGets or sets the collection of edges which define a subset of the graph for the algorithms to work on.
edgesin PathGets an ordered collection of edges defining this path.
subgraphEdgesin PathsGets or sets the collection of edges which define a subset of the graph for the algorithms to work on.
minimumEdgeLengthsin RankAssignmentGets or sets a mapping for each edge's desired minimum length.
subgraphEdgesin RankAssignmentGets or sets the collection of edges which define a subset of the graph for the algorithm to work on.
weightsin RankAssignmentGets or sets a mapping for edge weights.
subgraphEdgesin ReachabilityGets or sets the collection of edges which define a subset of the graph for the algorithms to work on.
costsin ShortestPathGets or sets a mapping for the cost for traversing an edge.
subgraphEdgesin ShortestPathGets or sets the collection of edges which define a subset of the graph for the algorithms to work on.
edgesin ShortestPathResultGets a collection of edges along the path.
predecessorsin ShortestPathResultGets a mapping from each node to the last incoming edge of the shortest path to this node.
costsin SingleSourceShortestPathsGets or sets a mapping for the cost for traversing an edge.
subgraphEdgesin SingleSourceShortestPathsGets or sets the collection of edges which define a subset of the graph for the algorithms to work on.
predecessorsin SingleSourceShortestPathsResultGets a mapping from each node to the last incoming edge of the shortest path to this node.
costsin SpanningTreeGets or sets a mapping for edge costs.
subgraphEdgesin SpanningTreeGets or sets the collection of edges which define a subset of the graph for the algorithms to work on.
edgesin SpanningTreeResultGets a collection of edges that form the spanning tree or forest.
edgeDirectednessin StarSubstructuresGets or sets a mapping that stores the directedness of the edges.
subgraphEdgesin StarSubstructuresGets or sets the collection of edges which define a subset of the graph for the algorithms to work on.
subgraphEdgesin StronglyConnectedComponentsGets or sets the collection of edges which define a subset of the graph for the algorithms to work on.
interComponentEdgesin StronglyConnectedComponentsResultGets a collections of the edges which connect nodes in different components.
edgesin SubstructureItemsGets the edges that belong to this substructure.
interEdgesin SubstructureItemsGets the edges connecting a node in the substructure with one outside of it.
edgesin SubtreeGets the edges that belong to this subtree.
subgraphEdgesin TransitiveClosureGets or sets the collection of edges which define a subset of the graph for the algorithms to work on.
subgraphEdgesin TransitiveEdgesGets or sets the collection of edges which define a subset of the graph for the algorithms to work on.
subgraphEdgesin TransitiveReductionGets or sets the collection of edges which define a subset of the graph for the algorithms to work on.
edgesToRemovein TransitiveReductionResultGets a collection of the transitive edges in the graph.
subgraphEdgesin TreeAnalysisGets or sets the collection of edges which define a subset of the graph for the algorithms to work on.
reversedEdgesin TreeAnalysisResultGets the edges that would need to be reversed in order to make the graph a directed, rooted tree.
edgeDirectednessin TreeSubstructuresGets or sets a mapping that stores the directedness of the edges.
subgraphEdgesin TreeSubstructuresGets or sets the collection of edges which define a subset of the graph for the algorithms to work on.
subgraphEdgesin WeightCentralityGets or sets the collection of edges which define a subset of the graph for the algorithms to work on.
weightsin WeightCentralityGets or sets a mapping for edge weights.
edgeBundleDescriptorsin CircularLayoutDataGets or sets the mapping of edges to their EdgeBundleDescriptor.
edgeDirectednessin CircularLayoutDataGets or sets the mapping from edges to their directedness.
exteriorEdgesin CircularLayoutDataGets or sets the collection of edges that are routed around the exterior of circle formed by each partition.
ownerin BendEventArgsGets the owner of the bend that owned the bend before the event happened.
edgesin DefaultGraph
bendCreatorDecoratorin EdgeDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the IBendCreator type for IEdges this instance has been created for.
bendSelectionTesterDecoratorin EdgeDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the IBendSelectionTester type for IEdges this instance has been created for.
clipboardHelperDecoratorin EdgeDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the IClipboardHelper type for IEdges this instance has been created for.
edgePortHandleProviderDecoratorin EdgeDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the IEdgePortHandleProvider type for IEdges this instance has been created for.
edgeReconnectionPortCandidateProviderDecoratorin EdgeDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the IEdgeReconnectionPortCandidateProvider type for IEdges this instance has been created for.
edgeSnapResultProviderDecoratorin EdgeDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the IEdgeSnapResultProvider type for IEdges this instance has been created for.
editLabelHelperDecoratorin EdgeDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the IEditLabelHelper type for IEdges this instance has been created for.
focusIndicatorDecoratorin EdgeDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the IFocusIndicatorInstaller type for IEdges this instance has been created for.
handleProviderDecoratorin EdgeDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the IHandleProvider type for IEdges this instance has been created for.
highlightDecoratorin EdgeDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the IHighlightIndicatorInstaller type for IEdges this instance has been created for.
lassoTestableDecoratorin EdgeDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the ILassoTestable type for IEdges this instance has been created for.
marqueeTestableDecoratorin EdgeDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the IMarqueeTestable type for IEdges this instance has been created for.
mementoSupportDecoratorin EdgeDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the IMementoSupport type for IEdges this instance has been created for.
obstacleProviderDecoratorin EdgeDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the IObstacleProvider type for IEdges this instance has been created for.
orthogonalEdgeHelperDecoratorin EdgeDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the IOrthogonalEdgeHelper type for IEdges this instance has been created for.
portCandidateProviderDecoratorin EdgeDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the IPortCandidateProvider type for IEdges this instance has been created for.
positionHandlerDecoratorin EdgeDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the IPositionHandler type for IEdges this instance has been created for.
selectionDecoratorin EdgeDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the ISelectionIndicatorInstaller type for IEdges this instance has been created for.
snapLineProviderDecoratorin EdgeDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the ISnapLineProvider type for IEdges this instance has been created for.
edgePredicatein FilteredGraphWrapperGets the predicate function for the edges.
edgesin FilteredGraphWrapper
masterEdgein FoldingEdgeStateIdGets the edge instance in the masterGraph that is represented by the folding edge in a view.
edgesin GraphWrapperBase
ownerin IBendGets the edge this bend instance belongs to.
edgesin IGraphGets a view of the edges contained in this graph.
ownerin SimpleBendGets or sets the edge this bend instance belongs to.
edgeIdsin GraphElementIdAcceptorGets a mapping between all GraphML ids for <edge> elements and the corresponding IEdge instances
alternativeEdgePathsin HierarchicLayoutDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to alternative paths for edges connecting to groups, group content or folder nodes.
busesin HierarchicLayoutDataGets or sets the mapping from edges to their bus descriptor which defines the bus structure they belong to.
constraintIncrementalLayererAdditionalEdgeWeightsin HierarchicLayoutDataGets or sets the mapping from edges to an additional weight used by the ConstraintIncrementalLayerer.
criticalEdgePrioritiesin HierarchicLayoutDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to their priority to be a 'critical' edge.
edgeCrossingCostsin HierarchicLayoutDataGets or sets the mapping from edges to their crossing cost.
edgeDirectednessin HierarchicLayoutDataGets or sets the mapping from edges to their directedness.
edgeLayoutDescriptorsin HierarchicLayoutDataGets or sets the mapping of edges to their HierarchicLayoutEdgeLayoutDescriptor.
edgeThicknessin HierarchicLayoutDataGets or sets the mapping from edges to their thickness.
sourceGroupIdsin HierarchicLayoutDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to an object representing their source edge group.
sourcePortCandidatesin HierarchicLayoutDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to a collection of their source port candidates.
sourcePortConstraintsin HierarchicLayoutDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to their source PortConstraint.
sourcePortGroupIdsin HierarchicLayoutDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to an object representing their source port group.
targetGroupIdsin HierarchicLayoutDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to an object representing their target edge group.
targetPortCandidatesin HierarchicLayoutDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to a collection of their target port candidates.
targetPortConstraintsin HierarchicLayoutDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to their target PortConstraint.
targetPortGroupIdsin HierarchicLayoutDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to an object representing their target port group.
minimumEdgeDistancesin SelfLoopCalculatorDataGets or sets the mapping from edges to their minimum distance to the next edge and to node sides.
minimumFirstSegmentLengthsin SelfLoopCalculatorDataGets or sets the mapping from edges to the minimum length of their first segment.
minimumLastSegmentLengthsin SelfLoopCalculatorDataGets or sets the mapping from edges to the minimum length of their last segment.
minimumOctilinearSegmentLengthsin SelfLoopCalculatorDataGets or sets the mapping from edges to the minimum length of their octilinear segments.
octilinearEdgesin SelfLoopCalculatorDataGets or sets the collection of edges that are routed in an octilinear fashion.
dummyEdgein CreateEdgeInputModeGets the dummy edge instance that will be used to render a preview of the edge to be created.
edgeCreatorin CreateEdgeInputModeGets or sets the ports based edge creation callback.
edgein EdgeSegmentSnapLineGets the edge that is associated with this snap line.
lockedPortEdgesin OrthogonalEdgeEditingContextGets the enumeration of IEdge instances whose ports have been locked at source and target end.
edgein PortRelocationHandleGets the edge this instance acts upon.
sourceGroupIdsin LabelingDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to an object representing their source edge group.
targetGroupIdsin LabelingDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to an object representing their target edge group.
edgeBundleDescriptorsin CactusGroupLayoutDataGets or sets the mapping of edges to their EdgeBundleDescriptor when using edgeBundling.
sourcePortConstraintsin FixGroupLayoutDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to their source PortConstraint.
targetPortConstraintsin FixGroupLayoutDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to their target PortConstraint.
sourcePortConstraintsin FixPortLocationStageDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to their source PortConstraint.
targetPortConstraintsin FixPortLocationStageDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to their target PortConstraint.
splitEdgesin GenericPartitionGridStageDataGets or sets the collection of edges that should not be considered when calculating the sub-components.
edgePathsin GivenCoordinatesStageDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to their initial edge paths.
edgeEndLayoutin LayoutExecutorAsyncGets a mapping from edges in the graph to their new layout, after the results are in.
sourcePortCandidatesin PartitionLayoutDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to a collection of their source port candidates.
sourcePortConstraintsin PartitionLayoutDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to their source PortConstraint.
targetPortCandidatesin PartitionLayoutDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to a collection of their target port candidates.
targetPortConstraintsin PartitionLayoutDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to their target PortConstraint.
sourcePortCandidatesin PortPlacementStageDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to a collection of their source port candidates.
sourcePortConstraintsin PortPlacementStageDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to their source PortConstraint.
sourcePortGroupIdsin PortPlacementStageDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to an object representing their source port group.
targetPortCandidatesin PortPlacementStageDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to a collection of their target port candidates.
targetPortConstraintsin PortPlacementStageDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to their target PortConstraint.
targetPortGroupIdsin PortPlacementStageDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to an object representing their target port group.
sourcePortCandidatesin RecursiveGroupLayoutDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to a collection of their source port candidates.
sourcePortConstraintsin RecursiveGroupLayoutDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to their source PortConstraint.
sourceSplitIdsin RecursiveGroupLayoutDataGets or sets a mapping from edges connecting to group nodes to source split ids.
targetPortCandidatesin RecursiveGroupLayoutDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to a collection of their target port candidates.
targetPortConstraintsin RecursiveGroupLayoutDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to their target PortConstraint.
targetSplitIdsin RecursiveGroupLayoutDataGets or sets a mapping from edges connecting to group nodes to target split ids.
affectedEdgesin ReverseEdgesStageDataGets or sets the collection of affected edges.
sourceGroupIdsin ReverseEdgesStageDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to an object representing their source edge group.
sourcePortConstraintsin ReverseEdgesStageDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to their source PortConstraint.
targetGroupIdsin ReverseEdgesStageDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to an object representing their target edge group.
targetPortConstraintsin ReverseEdgesStageDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to their target PortConstraint.
fixedSelfLoopsin SelfLoopRouterDataGets or sets the collection of self-loop edges that should keep their current path and not be routed by the SelfLoopRouter.
subgraphEdgesin SubgraphLayoutDataGets or sets the collection of subgraph edges that are included in the graph, thus, are visible for the core layout algorithm of the SubgraphLayout.
edgeIdsin MultiPageLayoutDataGets or sets the mapping from edges to their unique IDs.
edgeTypesin MultiPageLayoutDataGets or sets the mapping from edges to their type.
edgeDirectednessin OrganicLayoutDataGets or sets the mapping from edges to their directedness.
edgeOrientationsin OrganicLayoutDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to their orientation in the layout.
minimumEdgeLengthsin OrganicLayoutDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to their minimum lengths.
preferredEdgeLengthsin OrganicLayoutDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to their preferred lengths.
sourceGroupIdsin OrganicLayoutDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to an object representing their source edge group.
targetGroupIdsin OrganicLayoutDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to an object representing their target edge group.
directedEdgesin OrthogonalLayoutDataGets or sets the collection of edges that should be routed in a way that point in the main layout direction.
edgeBendCostsin OrthogonalLayoutDataGets or sets the mapping from edges to their bend cost.
edgeCrossingCostsin OrthogonalLayoutDataGets or sets the mapping from edges to their crossing cost.
edgeDirectednessin OrthogonalLayoutDataGets or sets the mapping from edges to their directedness, which is considered for the detection of substructures.
edgeLayoutDescriptorsin OrthogonalLayoutDataGets or sets the mapping from edges to their OrthogonalLayoutEdgeLayoutDescriptor.
sourceGroupIdsin OrthogonalLayoutDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to an object representing their source edge group.
targetGroupIdsin OrthogonalLayoutDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to an object representing their target edge group.
expandedNodeOriginalEdgePathsin ClearAreaLayoutDataGets or sets the mapping from edges adjacent to the expandedNode to their original edges paths, that is, their paths before the node was expanded.
sourceGroupIdsin ClearAreaLayoutDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to an object representing their source edge group.
sourcePortCandidatesin ClearAreaLayoutDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to a collection of their source port candidates.
sourcePortConstraintsin ClearAreaLayoutDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to their source PortConstraint.
sourcePortGroupIdsin ClearAreaLayoutDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to an object representing their source port group.
targetGroupIdsin ClearAreaLayoutDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to an object representing their target edge group.
targetPortCandidatesin ClearAreaLayoutDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to a collection of their target port candidates.
targetPortConstraintsin ClearAreaLayoutDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to their target PortConstraint.
targetPortGroupIdsin ClearAreaLayoutDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to an object representing their target port group.
affectedEdgesin PartialLayoutDataGets or sets the collection of edges placed by the layout.
directedEdgesin PartialLayoutDataGets or sets the collection of edges that are considered as directed by the layout.
sourcePortCandidatesin PartialLayoutDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to a collection of their source port candidates.
sourcePortConstraintsin PartialLayoutDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to their source PortConstraint.
targetPortCandidatesin PartialLayoutDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to a collection of their target port candidates.
targetPortConstraintsin PartialLayoutDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to their target PortConstraint.
edgeBundleDescriptorsin RadialLayoutDataGets or sets the mapping of edges to their EdgeBundleDescriptor.
affectedEdgesin BusRouterDataGets or sets the collection of edges affected by this router.
edgeDescriptorsin BusRouterDataGets or sets the mapping of edges to their BusRouterBusDescriptor
sourcePortCandidatesin BusRouterDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to a collection of their source port candidates.
sourcePortConstraintsin BusRouterDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to their source PortConstraint.
targetPortCandidatesin BusRouterDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to a collection of their target port candidates.
targetPortConstraintsin BusRouterDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to their target PortConstraint.
affectedEdgesin ChannelEdgeRouterDataGets or sets the collection of edges affected by this router.
sourcePortCandidatesin ChannelEdgeRouterDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to a collection of their source port candidates.
sourcePortConstraintsin ChannelEdgeRouterDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to their source PortConstraint.
targetPortCandidatesin ChannelEdgeRouterDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to a collection of their target port candidates.
targetPortConstraintsin ChannelEdgeRouterDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to their target PortConstraint.
affectedEdgesin CurveRoutingStageDataGets or sets the collection of affected edges whose paths will be replaced by curved paths.
edgeLayoutDescriptorsin CurveRoutingStageDataGets or sets the mapping of edges to their CurveEdgeLayoutDescriptor
sourceGroupIdsin CurveRoutingStageDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to an object representing their source edge group.
targetGroupIdsin CurveRoutingStageDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to an object representing their target edge group.
edgeBundleDescriptorsin EdgeBundlingStageDataGets or sets the mapping of edges to their EdgeBundleDescriptor.
affectedEdgesin EdgeRouterDataGets or sets the collection of affected edges.
busesin EdgeRouterDataGets or sets the mapping from edges to their bus descriptor.
edgeLayoutDescriptorsin EdgeRouterDataGets or sets the mapping of edges to their EdgeRouterEdgeLayoutDescriptor
sourceGroupIdsin EdgeRouterDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to an object representing their source edge group.
sourcePortCandidatesin EdgeRouterDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to a collection of their source port candidates.
sourcePortConstraintsin EdgeRouterDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to their source PortConstraint.
sourcePortGroupIdsin EdgeRouterDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to an object representing their source port group.
targetGroupIdsin EdgeRouterDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to an object representing their target edge group.
targetPortCandidatesin EdgeRouterDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to a collection of their target port candidates.
targetPortConstraintsin EdgeRouterDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to their target PortConstraint.
targetPortGroupIdsin EdgeRouterDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to an object representing their target port group.
affectedEdgesin OrganicEdgeRouterDataGets or sets the collection of edges routed by this router.
affectedEdgesin OrthogonalPatternEdgeRouterDataGets or sets the collection of edges affected by this router.
sourcePortCandidatesin OrthogonalPatternEdgeRouterDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to a collection of their source port candidates.
sourcePortConstraintsin OrthogonalPatternEdgeRouterDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to their source PortConstraint.
targetPortCandidatesin OrthogonalPatternEdgeRouterDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to a collection of their target port candidates.
targetPortConstraintsin OrthogonalPatternEdgeRouterDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to their target PortConstraint.
affectedEdgesin ParallelEdgeRouterDataGets or sets the collection of edges affected by this router.
leadingEdgesin ParallelEdgeRouterDataGets or sets the collection of leading edges.
routedParallelEdgesin ParallelEdgeRouterDataGets or sets the edge collection that after the layout run will contain all parallel edges that were routed and not treated as leading edges.
affectedEdgesin StraightLineEdgeRouterDataGets or sets the collection of affected edges.
sourcePortConstraintsin StraightLineEdgeRouterDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to their source PortConstraint.
targetPortConstraintsin StraightLineEdgeRouterDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to their target PortConstraint.
edgeLayoutDescriptorsin SeriesParallelLayoutDataGets or sets the mapping from edges to their SeriesParallelLayoutEdgeLayoutDescriptor.
sourceGroupIdsin SeriesParallelLayoutDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to an object representing their source edge group.
targetGroupIdsin SeriesParallelLayoutDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to an object representing their target edge group.
edgein PathBasedEdgeStyleRendererGets or sets the currently configured edge.
outEdgeComparerin BalloonLayoutDataGets or sets the comparison function used to sort the nodes' outgoing edges.
criticalEdgePrioritiesin TreeLayoutDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to their priority to be a 'critical' edge.
sourcePortConstraintsin TreeLayoutDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to their source PortConstraint.
targetPortConstraintsin TreeLayoutDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to their target PortConstraint.
edgeBundleDescriptorsin TreeReductionStageDataGets or sets the mapping of edges to their EdgeBundleDescriptor.
nonTreeEdgesin TreeReductionStageDataGets or sets the collection of edges explicitly marked as not belonging to a tree.
edgeManagerin GraphModelManagerProvides access to the ItemModelManager<T> which handles the IEdges.
selectedEdgesin GraphSelection
selectedEdgesin IGraphSelectionGets an ISelectionModel<T> of the selected edges.


edgein PortRelocationHandleProviderThe edge this provider is working on.
ORIGINAL_EDGE_DP_KEYin LayoutGraphAdapterA data provider key that can be used to look up the original IEdge of an Edge.
PORT_DUMMY_NODE_DP_KEYin LayoutGraphAdapterThis key is used to provide information about dummy nodes that have been inserted into the graph to model edges at edges.

Method Return Values

getPredecessorsForSource (INode)in AllPairsShortestPathsResultGets a mapping from each node to the last incoming edge of the shortest path to source.
getMultipleEdges (IEdge, boolean?)in GraphStructureAnalyzerDetermines the multiple edges between the source and target node of the given edge of the directed or undirected graph.
createEdge (IGraph, INode, INode, TDataItem)in EdgeCreatorCreates an edge in the graph with the values of the bindings resolved against the dataItem.
createEdgeCore (IGraph, INode, INode, IEdgeStyle, Object)in EdgeCreatorCalled from createEdge and performs the actual edge creation in the graph.
getEdgeById (TId)in GraphBuilderReturns the IEdge that was created for a data item with the given id.
getEdgeForItem (TDataItem)in GraphBuilderReturns the IEdge that was created for the given item.
addFoldingEdge (IFoldingEdgeFactory, IFoldingView, IEdge, INode, boolean, INode, boolean)in DefaultFoldingEdgeConverterActually adds the folding edge as a separate edge to the view, reusing existing view ports of the original source and target port, if reuseMasterPorts is enabled and that is possible for the given edge.
createEdge (INode, INode, IEdgeStyle?, Object?)in DefaultGraphCreates and returns an edge that connects to the given node instances using the given style instance.
createEdge (IPort, IPort, IEdgeStyle?, Object?)in DefaultGraph
edgesAt (IPort, AdjacencyTypes?)in DefaultGraph
edgesAt (IPortOwner, AdjacencyTypes?)in DefaultGraph
getDecoratorFor (Class, boolean?, boolean?)in EdgeDecoratorCreates a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> for IEdges that can be used to decorate TInterface types of the edges.
addFoldingEdge (IFoldingEdgeFactory, IFoldingView, IEdge, INode, boolean, INode, boolean)in ExcludingFoldingEdgeConverterAlways calls excludeFoldingEdge
edgesAt (IPort, AdjacencyTypes?)in FilteredGraphWrapper
edgesAt (IPortOwner, AdjacencyTypes?)in FilteredGraphWrapper
addFoldingEdge (IFoldingEdgeFactory, IFoldingView, IEdge, INode, boolean, INode, boolean)in FoldingEdgeConverterBase
asEdge ()in FoldingEdgeStateReturns an IEdge instance which represents this edge state.
getFoldingEdgeState (IEdge, FoldingEdgeStateId)in GraphClipboardGets a folding state of an edge for a given FoldingEdgeStateId.
getTargetEdge (IBend)in GraphClipboardProvides an IEdge where the given clipboardBend can be added to.
copyEdge (IGraph, IGraph, IEdge, IPort, IPort)in GraphCopierAdds an edge to the targetGraph as a copy of the source edge.
createEdge (IPort, IPort, IEdgeStyle?, Object?)in GraphWrapperBase
createEdge (INode, INode, IEdgeStyle?, Object?)in GraphWrapperBase
edgesAt (IPort, AdjacencyTypes?)in GraphWrapperBase
edgesAt (IPortOwner, AdjacencyTypes?)in GraphWrapperBase
addFoldingEdge (IFoldingEdgeFactory, IFoldingView, IEdge, INode, boolean, INode, boolean)in IFoldingEdgeConverterThis method gets called by the IFoldingView implementation to determine whether a given edge in the masterGraph should be represented by a folding edge in the given view.
addAsSeparateEdge (IPort, IPort)in IFoldingEdgeFactoryTells the IFoldingView implementation to add the edge provided to the addFoldingEdge method as a separate folding edge to the view at the given ports.
addToExistingFoldingEdge (IEdge)in IFoldingEdgeFactoryTells the IFoldingView implementation to logically add the edge provided to the addFoldingEdge method to a folding edge that already exists in the view.
excludeFoldingEdge ()in IFoldingEdgeFactoryTells the IFoldingView implementation not to add a folding edge for the edge provided to the addFoldingEdge method in this view.
getExistingFoldingEdges (boolean)in IFoldingEdgeFactoryHelper methods that can be used by the implementation of the addFoldingEdge method to determine the folding edges that are currently part of the view and interconnect the same nodes as the folding edge would, if it was included in the view.
getMasterEdges (IEdge)in IFoldingViewHelper method that corresponds to the getMasterItem method, but is used for folding edges, only.
createEdge (IPort, IPort, IEdgeStyle?, Object?, )in IGraphCreates and returns an edge that connects to the given port instances.
createEdge (INode, INode, IEdgeStyle?, Object?, )in IGraphCreates and returns an edge that connects to the given node instances using the given style instance.
edgesAt (IPort, AdjacencyTypes?)in IGraphReturns an IEnumerable<T> for all edges that are adjacent to the given port as a sourcePort or targetPort.
edgesAt (IPortOwner, AdjacencyTypes?)in IGraphReturns an IListEnumerable<T> for all edges that have the given port owner as their target port's or source port's owner depending on the AdjacencyTypes
getEdge (IPortOwner, IPortOwner)in IGraphFinds an edge that connects from and to in the given graph.
getEdge (IPort, IPort)in IGraphFinds an edge that connects sourcePort and targetPort in the given graph.
inEdgesAt (IPortOwner)in IGraphConvenience method that yields the incoming edges at the given owner.
inEdgesAt (IPort)in IGraphConvenience method that yields the incoming edges at the given port.
outEdgesAt (IPortOwner)in IGraphConvenience method that yields the outgoing edges at the given owner.
outEdgesAt (IPort)in IGraphConvenience method that yields the outgoing edges at the given port.
createConstantMapper (EdgeDpKey<V>, V)in IMapperRegistryCreates a simple read-only IMapper<K,V> implementation with key type IEdge and adds it to the registry using the provided tag.
createDelegateMapper (EdgeDpKey<V>, function(IEdge):V)in IMapperRegistryCreates a delegate-based read-only IMapper<K,V> implementation with key type IEdge and adds it to the registry using the provided tag.
createMapper (EdgeDpKey<V>)in IMapperRegistryCreates and adds a new Mapper<K,V> with key type IEdge to the registry using the provided tag.
addFirstSeparateEdge (IFoldingEdgeFactory, IFoldingView, IEdge, INode, boolean, INode, boolean)in MergingFoldingEdgeConverterAdds the first separate edge to the source and target node pair using the addAsSeparateEdge method.
addFoldingEdge (IFoldingEdgeFactory, IFoldingView, IEdge, INode, boolean, INode, boolean)in MergingFoldingEdgeConverterTries to add the folding edge to an existing folding edge, considering the ignoreEdgeDirection property.
resolveEdge (IParseContext, string)in GraphElementIdAcceptor
createEdge (IParseContext, INode, IPort, INode, IPort)in IGraphElementFactoryCreates an edge for the given context and the provided source and target nodes or ports.
resolveEdge (IParseContext, string)in IGraphElementResolverResolve the GraphML id to an IEdge instance.
getEdge (Point)in CreateBendInputModeFinds the edge at the given coordinate.
createDummyEdge ()in CreateEdgeInputModeCreates the dummy edge that will be displayed by the input mode during the creation.
doStartEdgeCreation (IPortCandidate, IPoint?)in CreateEdgeInputModeSynthetically starts the interactive edge creation process using the provided IPortCandidate as the source port.
addEdgeItemCollection (string, ItemCollection<IEdge>?)in GenericLayoutDataAdds a set of IEdges in the graph that will be passed to the LayoutGraph
addEdgeItemCollection (EdgeDpKey<boolean>, ItemCollection<IEdge>?)in GenericLayoutDataAdds a set of edges in the graph that will be passed to the LayoutGraph
addEdgeItemMapping (EdgeDpKey<TValue>, ItemMapping<IEdge,TValue>?)in GenericLayoutDataAdds data per IEdge in the graph that will be added to the LayoutGraph
addEdgeItemMapping (string, ItemMapping<IEdge,TValue>?)in GenericLayoutDataAdds data per edge in the graph that will be added to the LayoutGraph
createEdgeEnumerable (EdgeList)in YGraphAdapterCreates an enumerable of edges that maps the edges from the EdgeList to their original ones.
createEdgeMapper (IEdgeMap)in YGraphAdapterCreates an IMapper<K,V> that delegates to the provided IEdgeMap when queried for items in the IGraph.
getOriginalEdge (Edge)in YGraphAdapterYields the original edge from the original IGraph that the given edge has been created for.
createEdgeModelManager (ICanvasObjectDescriptor, function(IEdge):ICanvasObjectGroup)in GraphModelManagerFactory method for creating the ItemModelManager<T> that handles the visual representation of edges.
createEdgeSelectionModel ()in GraphSelectionFactory method that creates the DefaultSelectionModel<T> to use for the edges.

Method Parameters

AllPairsShortestPaths ()in AllPairsShortestPathsCreates a new AllPairsShortestPaths instance.
BetweennessCentrality ()in BetweennessCentralityCreates a new BetweennessCentrality instance.
Bfs ()in BfsCreates a new Bfs instance.
BiconnectedComponentClustering ()in BiconnectedComponentClusteringCreates a new BiconnectedComponentClustering instance.
BiconnectedComponents ()in BiconnectedComponentsCreates a new BiconnectedComponents instance.
Bipartition ()in BipartitionCreates a new Bipartition instance.
ChainSubstructures ()in ChainSubstructuresCreates a new instance of this class.
Chains ()in ChainsCreates a new Chains instance.
CliqueSubstructures ()in CliqueSubstructuresCreates a new instance of this class.
ClosenessCentrality ()in ClosenessCentralityCreates a new ClosenessCentrality instance.
ClusteringCoefficient ()in ClusteringCoefficientCreates a new instance of this class.
ConnectedComponents ()in ConnectedComponentsCreates a new ConnectedComponents instance.
Cycle ()in CycleCreates a new Cycle instance.
CycleEdges ()in CycleEdgesCreates a new CycleEdges instance.
CycleSubstructures ()in CycleSubstructuresCreates a new instance of this class.
DegreeCentrality ()in DegreeCentralityCreates a new DegreeCentrality instance.
EdgeBetweennessClustering ()in EdgeBetweennessClusteringCreates a new EdgeBetweennessClustering instance.
EigenvectorCentrality ()in EigenvectorCentralityCreates a new instance of this class.
FeedbackEdgeSet ()in FeedbackEdgeSetCreates a new FeedbackEdgeSet instance.
GraphCentrality ()in GraphCentralityCreates a new GraphCentrality instance.
GraphStructureAnalyzer (IGraph, )in GraphStructureAnalyzerCreates a new instance for the given graph.
getAverageWeightedDegree (IMapper<IEdge,number>, boolean?)in GraphStructureAnalyzerComputes the average weighted degree of the graph.
getDiameter (IMapper<IEdge,number>, boolean?)in GraphStructureAnalyzerComputes the diameter of the graph.
getMultipleEdges (IEdge, boolean?)in GraphStructureAnalyzerDetermines the multiple edges between the source and target node of the given edge of the directed or undirected graph.
HierarchicalClustering ()in HierarchicalClusteringCreates a new HierarchicalClustering instance.
IndependentSets ()in IndependentSetsCreates a new IndependentSets instance.
Intersections ()in IntersectionsCreates a new Intersections instance with default settings.
KCoreComponents ()in KCoreComponentsCreates a new KCoreComponents instance.
KMeansClustering ()in KMeansClusteringCreates a new instance of this class.
LabelPropagationClustering ()in LabelPropagationClusteringCreates a new instance of this class.
LongestPath ()in LongestPathCreates a new LongestPath instance.
LouvainModularityClustering ()in LouvainModularityClusteringCreates a new instance of this class.
MaximumFlow ()in MaximumFlowCreates a new MaximumFlow instance.
MinimumCostFlow ()in MinimumCostFlowCreates a new MinimumCostFlow instance.
Neighborhood ()in NeighborhoodCreates a new Neighborhood instance.
NodeAggregation ()in NodeAggregationCreates a new instance with default settings.
PageRank ()in PageRankCreates a new instance of this class.
Paths ()in PathsCreates a new Paths instance.
RankAssignment ()in RankAssignmentCreates a new instance of this class.
Reachability ()in ReachabilityCreates a new Reachability instance.
ShortestPath ()in ShortestPathCreates a new ShortestPath instance.
SingleSourceShortestPaths ()in SingleSourceShortestPathsCreates a new SingleSourceShortestPaths instance.
SpanningTree ()in SpanningTreeCreates a new SpanningTree instance.
StarSubstructures ()in StarSubstructuresCreates a new instance of this class.
StronglyConnectedComponents ()in StronglyConnectedComponentsCreates a new StronglyConnectedComponents instance.
TransitiveClosure ()in TransitiveClosureCreates a new TransitiveClosure instance.
TransitiveEdges ()in TransitiveEdgesCreates a new instance of this class.
TransitiveReduction ()in TransitiveReductionCreates a new TransitiveReduction instance.
TreeAnalysis ()in TreeAnalysisCreates a new instance of this class.
TreeSubstructures ()in TreeSubstructuresCreates a new instance of this class.
WeightCentrality ()in WeightCentralityCreates a new WeightCentrality instance.
getDataItem (IEdge)in AdjacencyGraphBuilderReturns the data item the given edge was created for.
onEdgeCreated (IEdge, Object)in AdjacencyGraphBuilderTriggers the EdgeCreated event.
onEdgeRemoved (IEdge, Object)in AdjacencyGraphBuilderTriggers the EdgeRemoved event.
onEdgeUpdated (IEdge, Object)in AdjacencyGraphBuilderTriggers the EdgeUpdated event.
applyStyleBindings (IGraph, IEdge, TDataItem)in EdgeCreatorResolves the styleBindings against the given dataItem and applies them to the given edge style.
getUpdatedBends (IGraph, IEdge, TDataItem)in EdgeCreatorResolves the bendsProvider on the given data item.
getUpdatedStyle (IGraph, IEdge, TDataItem)in EdgeCreatorResolves the styleProvider and then applies the style bindings.
getUpdatedTag (IGraph, IEdge, TDataItem)in EdgeCreatorResolves the tagProvider on the given data item.
onEdgeCreated (IGraph, IEdge, TDataItem)in EdgeCreatorTriggers the EdgeCreated event.
onEdgeUpdated (IGraph, IEdge, TDataItem)in EdgeCreatorTriggers the EdgeUpdated event.
updateBends (IGraph, IEdge, TDataItem)in EdgeCreatorUpdates the bends of the edge with the given dataItem by calling getUpdatedBends and updating the bends on the edge in the graph.
updateEdge (IGraph, IEdge, TDataItem)in EdgeCreatorUpdates the edge.
updateLabels (IGraph, IEdge, TDataItem)in EdgeCreatorCan be used to update the labels of the edge that have been added with this EdgeCreator<TDataItem>.
updateStyle (IGraph, IEdge, TDataItem)in EdgeCreatorUpdates the style of the edge with the given dataItem by calling getUpdatedStyle and applying the style to the edge in the graph.
updateTag (IGraph, IEdge, TDataItem)in EdgeCreatorUpdates the tag of the edge with the given dataItem by calling getUpdatedTag and setting the new tag on the edge.
getDataItem (IEdge)in GraphBuilderReturns the data item the given edge was created for.
onEdgeCreated (IEdge, Object)in GraphBuilderTriggers the EdgeCreated event.
onEdgeRemoved (IEdge, Object)in GraphBuilderTriggers the EdgeRemoved event.
onEdgeUpdated (IEdge, Object)in GraphBuilderTriggers the EdgeUpdated event.
getDataItem (IEdge)in TreeBuilderReturns the data item the given edge was created for.
onEdgeCreated (IEdge, Object)in TreeBuilderTriggers the EdgeCreated event.
onEdgeRemoved (IEdge, Object)in TreeBuilderTriggers the EdgeRemoved event.
onEdgeUpdated (IEdge, Object)in TreeBuilderTriggers the EdgeUpdated event.
CircularLayoutData ()in CircularLayoutDataCreates a new instance of CircularLayoutData which helps configuring CircularLayout.
BendEventArgs (IBend, IEdge, number)in BendEventArgsInitializes a new instance of the BendEventArgs class.
addFoldingEdge (IFoldingEdgeFactory, IFoldingView, IEdge, INode, boolean, INode, boolean)in DefaultFoldingEdgeConverterActually adds the folding edge as a separate edge to the view, reusing existing view ports of the original source and target port, if reuseMasterPorts is enabled and that is possible for the given edge.
addBend (IEdge, Point, number?)in DefaultGraph
createUndoUnitForEdgeCreation (IEdge)in DefaultGraphCreates the edge creation undo unit for the given edge.
createUndoUnitForEdgeReconnection (IEdge, IPort, IPort)in DefaultGraphCreates the edge reconnection undo unit for the given edge.
createUndoUnitForEdgeRemoval (IEdge)in DefaultGraphCreates the edge removal undo unit for the given edge.
createUndoUnitForEdgeStyleChange (IEdge, IEdgeStyle)in DefaultGraphCreates the undo unit for changing the style of the given edge.
createUndoUnitForEdgeTagChange (IEdge, Object)in DefaultGraphCreates the undo unit for changing the tag of the given edge.
onAddingBend (IEdge, IBend, number)in DefaultGraphCalled before a bend is added to this graph's structure.
onAddingEdgeLabel (IEdge, ILabel)in DefaultGraphCalled just before an edge label is added to an edge.
onBendRemoved (IEdge, IBend, number)in DefaultGraphCalled just after a bend has been removed from its edge.
onChangingEdgePorts (IEdge, IPort, IPort)in DefaultGraphCalled before the ports of an edge are being changed.
onChangingEdgeStyle (IEdge, IEdgeStyle)in DefaultGraphCalled before an edge style is being changed.
onCreatingEdge (IEdge, IPort, IPort)in DefaultGraphCalled before the edge is added to this graph's structure.
onEdgeCreated (IEdge)in DefaultGraphTriggers the EdgeCreated event.
onEdgePortsChanged (IEdge, IPort, IPort)in DefaultGraphCalled after the ports of an edge has changed.
onEdgeRemoved (IEdge, IPort, IPort)in DefaultGraphTriggers the EdgeRemoved event.
onEdgeStyleChanged (IEdge, IEdgeStyle)in DefaultGraphCalled after the style of an edge has changed.
onEdgeTagChanged (IEdge, Object)in DefaultGraphCalled after the tag of an edge has changed.
onRemovingEdge (IEdge)in DefaultGraphCalled before the node will be removed.
setEdgePorts (IEdge, IPort, IPort)in DefaultGraphSets the ports of the given edge to the new values.
setStyle (IEdge, IEdgeStyle)in DefaultGraph
EdgeEventArgs (IEdge, IPort?, IPort?, IPortOwner?, IPortOwner?)in EdgeEventArgsInitializes a new instance of the EdgeEventArgs class.
addFoldingEdge (IFoldingEdgeFactory, IFoldingView, IEdge, INode, boolean, INode, boolean)in ExcludingFoldingEdgeConverterAlways calls excludeFoldingEdge
initializeFoldingEdgeState (FoldingEdgeState, IFoldingView, IEdge, IList<IEdge>)in ExcludingFoldingEdgeConverterDoes nothing and should not normally be called by the view since all folding edges are excluded from it.
updateFoldingEdgeState (FoldingEdgeState, IFoldingView, IEdge, IList<IEdge>)in ExcludingFoldingEdgeConverterDoes nothing and should not normally be called by the view since all folding edges are excluded from it.
FilteredGraphWrapper (IGraph, function(INode):boolean, function(IEdge):boolean?)in FilteredGraphWrapperCreates a new graph instance that wraps the original graph and uses the predicates to determine which nodes and edges should be contained in the graph.
edgePredicateChanged (IEdge)in FilteredGraphWrapperShould be called by the client if the edgePredicate changed for the given edge in the graph.
addFoldingEdge (IFoldingEdgeFactory, IFoldingView, IEdge, INode, boolean, INode, boolean)in FoldingEdgeConverterBase
createEdgeStyle (IFoldingView, IEdge, IList<IEdge>)in FoldingEdgeConverterBaseCreates the IEdgeStyle for use in initializeFoldingEdgeStyle.
createSourcePortLocationParameter (IFoldingView, IEdge, IList<IEdge>)in FoldingEdgeConverterBaseCreates the IPortLocationModelParameter of the source port for use in initializeFoldingEdgePorts.
createSourcePortStyle (IFoldingView, IEdge, IList<IEdge>)in FoldingEdgeConverterBaseCreates the IPortStyle of the source port for use in initializeFoldingEdgePorts.
createTargetPortLocationParameter (IFoldingView, IEdge, IList<IEdge>)in FoldingEdgeConverterBaseCreates the IPortLocationModelParameter of the target port for use in initializeFoldingEdgePorts.
createTargetPortStyle (IFoldingView, IEdge, IList<IEdge>)in FoldingEdgeConverterBaseCreates the IPortStyle of the target port for use in initializeFoldingEdgePorts.
initializeFoldingEdgeBends (FoldingEdgeState, IFoldingView, IEdge, IList<IEdge>)in FoldingEdgeConverterBaseInitializes the bends of the folding edge.
initializeFoldingEdgeLabels (FoldingEdgeState, IFoldingView, IEdge, IList<IEdge>)in FoldingEdgeConverterBaseInitializes the initial labels of the folding edge.
initializeFoldingEdgePorts (FoldingEdgeState, IFoldingView, IEdge, IList<IEdge>)in FoldingEdgeConverterBaseInitializes the ports of the folding edge.
initializeFoldingEdgeState (FoldingEdgeState, IFoldingView, IEdge, IList<IEdge>)in FoldingEdgeConverterBaseImplements the initializeFoldingEdgeState method and initializes the folding edge appearance.
initializeFoldingEdgeStyle (FoldingEdgeState, IFoldingView, IEdge, IList<IEdge>)in FoldingEdgeConverterBaseInitializes the style property of the folding edge.
synchronizeLabels (FoldingEdgeState, IFoldingView, IEdge, IList<IEdge>)in FoldingEdgeConverterBaseCalled by updateFoldingEdgeState to synchronize the first label if copyFirstLabel is enabled.
updateFoldingEdgeState (FoldingEdgeState, IFoldingView, IEdge, IList<IEdge>)in FoldingEdgeConverterBaseImplements the updateFoldingEdgeState method and changes the folding edge appearance.
FoldingEdgeStateId (IEdge, INode, boolean, INode, boolean)in FoldingEdgeStateIdInitializes an id for a folding edge in a view that represent a master edge and connects a specific pair of nodes.
FoldingEdgeStateId (IFoldingView, IEdge)in FoldingEdgeStateIdInitializes an id for a folding edge that is currently part of the given view.
updateFoldingEdgeStates (IEdge)in FoldingManagerTriggers a call to updateFoldingEdgeState for all folder edges that represent the given masterEdge.
getFoldingEdgeState (IEdge, FoldingEdgeStateId)in GraphClipboardGets a folding state of an edge for a given FoldingEdgeStateId.
getTargetPort (IEdge, boolean)in GraphClipboardProvides an IPort where the given clipboardEdge can be added to.
addBend (IGraph, IGraph, IEdge, IBend, Point, number)in GraphCopierAdds a bend to the targetEdge in the targetGraph as a copy of the source bend.
copyEdge (IGraph, IGraph, IEdge, IPort, IPort)in GraphCopierAdds an edge to the targetGraph as a copy of the source edge.
copyEdgeStyle (IGraph, IEdge)in GraphCopierCopies an IEdgeStyle instance.
copyEdgeTag (IEdge, Object)in GraphCopierCopies the tag of an IEdge.
onEdgeCopied (IEdge, IEdge)in GraphCopierCalled after an edge has been copied.
addBend (IEdge, Point, number?)in GraphWrapperBase
onEdgeCreated (ItemEventArgs<IEdge>)in GraphWrapperBaseRaises the EdgeCreated event
onEdgeStyleChanged (ItemChangedEventArgs<IEdge,IEdgeStyle>)in GraphWrapperBaseRaises the EdgeStyleChanged event
onEdgeTagChanged (ItemChangedEventArgs<IEdge,Object>)in GraphWrapperBaseRaises the EdgeTagChanged event
setEdgePorts (IEdge, IPort, IPort)in GraphWrapperBase
setStyle (IEdge, IEdgeStyle)in GraphWrapperBase
getPathPoints (IEdge)in IEdgeGets a snapshot of the points describing the path of an edge.
addFoldingEdge (IFoldingEdgeFactory, IFoldingView, IEdge, INode, boolean, INode, boolean)in IFoldingEdgeConverterThis method gets called by the IFoldingView implementation to determine whether a given edge in the masterGraph should be represented by a folding edge in the given view.
create ()in IFoldingEdgeConverterCreates an implementation of the interface IFoldingEdgeConverter from the given definition.
initializeFoldingEdgeState (FoldingEdgeState, IFoldingView, IEdge, IList<IEdge>)in IFoldingEdgeConverterTriggered by the view to initially create the appearance of a folding edge.
updateFoldingEdgeState (FoldingEdgeState, IFoldingView, IEdge, IList<IEdge>)in IFoldingEdgeConverterTriggered by the view to adjust the appearance of a folding edge
addToExistingFoldingEdge (IEdge)in IFoldingEdgeFactoryTells the IFoldingView implementation to logically add the edge provided to the addFoldingEdge method to a folding edge that already exists in the view.
create ()in IFoldingEdgeFactoryCreates an implementation of the interface IFoldingEdgeFactory from the given definition.
getMasterEdges (IEdge)in IFoldingViewHelper method that corresponds to the getMasterItem method, but is used for folding edges, only.
addBend (IEdge, Point, number?)in IGraphAdds a bend at the given index to the given edge using the coordinates provided.
addBends (IEdge, IEnumerable<Point>)in IGraphAdds bends with the given locations to the end of the bend list of the given edge.
clearBends (IEdge)in IGraphRemoves all bends from the given edge.
reverse (IEdge)in IGraphReverses an edge by setting source and target port to targetPort and sourcePort.
setEdgePorts (IEdge, IPort, IPort)in IGraphSets the source and target ports of the given edge to the new values.
setStyle (IEdge, IEdgeStyle)in IGraphAssigns the given style instance by reference to the edge.
createDelegateMapper (EdgeDpKey<V>, function(IEdge):V)in IMapperRegistryCreates a delegate-based read-only IMapper<K,V> implementation with key type IEdge and adds it to the registry using the provided tag.
addFirstSeparateEdge (IFoldingEdgeFactory, IFoldingView, IEdge, INode, boolean, INode, boolean)in MergingFoldingEdgeConverterAdds the first separate edge to the source and target node pair using the addAsSeparateEdge method.
addFoldingEdge (IFoldingEdgeFactory, IFoldingView, IEdge, INode, boolean, INode, boolean)in MergingFoldingEdgeConverterTries to add the folding edge to an existing folding edge, considering the ignoreEdgeDirection property.
SimpleBend (IEdge?, IPoint?, )in SimpleBendInitializes a new instance of the SimpleBend class using the given owner and location.
storeEdgeId (IParseContext, IEdge, string)in GraphElementIdAcceptor
create ()in IGraphElementIdAcceptorCreates an implementation of the interface IGraphElementIdAcceptor from the given definition.
storeEdgeId (IParseContext, IEdge, string)in IGraphElementIdAcceptorStore the value of the id attribute for the given edge.
getEdgeId (IWriteContext, IEdge)in IGraphElementIdProviderGet an ID for the specified edge object
HierarchicLayoutData ()in HierarchicLayoutDataCreates a new instance of HierarchicLayoutData which helps configuring HierarchicLayout.
SelfLoopCalculatorData ()in SelfLoopCalculatorDataCreates a new instance of SelfLoopCalculatorData which helps configuring SelfLoopCalculator.
createBend (IEdge, Point)in CreateBendInputModeCreates the bend.
dragSegment (IEdge, Point)in CreateBendInputModeUpdates the splitOrthogonalSegment property and then delegates to createBend.
CreateEdgeInputMode ()in CreateEdgeInputModeCreates a new instance that will use the IGraph from the inputModeContext to create edges in.
createBend (IInputModeContext, IGraph, IEdge, Point)in DefaultBendCreator
EdgeSegmentSnapLine (IEdge, Point, Point, number, number)in EdgeSegmentSnapLineInitializes a new instance of the PointBasedSnapLine class.
EdgeSegmentSnapLine (IEdge, Point, Point, Point, Point, number, number, Object, number)in EdgeSegmentSnapLineInitializes a new instance of the PointBasedSnapLine class.
addHorizontalSegmentSnapLines (GraphSnapContext, CollectGraphSnapLinesEventArgs, IEdge, Point, Point)in EdgeSnapLineProviderAdds horizontal snap lines for a horizontally oriented fixed segment snap lines.
addVerticalSegmentSnapLines (GraphSnapContext, CollectGraphSnapLinesEventArgs, IEdge, Point, Point)in EdgeSnapLineProviderAdds vertical snap lines for a vertically oriented fixed segment snap lines.
reverseEdge (IEdge)in GraphEditorInputModeReverses the given edges.
reverseEdges (IEnumerable<IEdge>)in GraphEditorInputModeReverses the given edges.
shouldReverseEdge (IEdge)in GraphEditorInputModeCalled to determine whether the given edge should be reversed by reverseEdge, reverseEdges, or reverseEdges.
getMovementInfos (IEdge)in GraphSnapContextGets the movement information for the provided edge.
create (function(IInputModeContext, IGraph, IEdge, Point):number)in IBendCreatorCreates an implementation of the interface IBendCreator by using the given function as implementation for its createBend method.
createBend (IInputModeContext, IGraph, IEdge, Point)in IBendCreatorCreates a bend at the given graph for the given edge at the position supplied.
create (function(IInputModeContext, IEdge, boolean):IHandle)in IEdgePortHandleProviderCreates an implementation of the interface IEdgePortHandleProvider by using the given function as implementation for its getHandle method.
getHandle (IInputModeContext, IEdge, boolean)in IEdgePortHandleProviderGets an IHandle implementation for one end of the provided edge.
fromSourceAndTarget (IEdge)in IEdgeReconnectionPortCandidateProviderCreates an implementation of the IEdgeReconnectionPortCandidateProvider interface that returns the candidates provided by the source and target port's owner's IPortCandidateProvider implementations or the existing edge's port, if no such provider is registered.
collectSnapResults (GraphSnapContext, CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, IListEnumerable<MovementInfo>, IEdge)in IEdgeSnapResultProviderCalled to during the snapping operation whenever snap results are collected.
create (function(GraphSnapContext, CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, IListEnumerable<MovementInfo>, IEdge):void)in IEdgeSnapResultProviderCreates an implementation of the interface IEdgeSnapResultProvider by using the given function as implementation for its collectSnapResults method.
cleanUpEdge (IInputModeContext, IGraph, IEdge)in IOrthogonalEdgeHelperInvoked after the provided edge has been edited orthogonally.
create ()in IOrthogonalEdgeHelperCreates an implementation of the interface IOrthogonalEdgeHelper from the given definition.
getSegmentOrientation (IInputModeContext, IEdge, number)in IOrthogonalEdgeHelperGets the declared orientation of the given segment at the provided edge.
shouldEditOrthogonally (IInputModeContext, IEdge)in IOrthogonalEdgeHelperDetermines whether the provided edge should be edited orthogonally in the specified input mode context.
shouldMoveEndImplicitly (IInputModeContext, IEdge, boolean)in IOrthogonalEdgeHelperDetermines whether this end of the provided edge can be moved in the input mode context.
cleanUpEdgePath (IGraph, IEdge)in OrthogonalEdgeEditingContextCleans up the edge's path after a successfully finished drag.
getMovementInfos (IEdge)in OrthogonalEdgeEditingContextGets the movement infos that describe the orthogonal path of the edge.
getOrthogonalEdgeHelper (IEdge)in OrthogonalEdgeEditingContextGets the IOrthogonalEdgeHelper instance associated with the given edge.
getSegmentOrientation (IEdge, number)in OrthogonalEdgeEditingContextGets the declared segment orientation for the provided segment at the given edge.
isOrthogonallyEditedEdge (IInputModeContext, IEdge)in OrthogonalEdgeEditingContextCalled by IDragHandlers and the like to determines whether the given edge is orthogonally edited edge in the specified input mode context.
lockPortMovement (IEdge)in OrthogonalEdgeEditingContextLocks the movement of the ports of the edges so that shouldMoveEndImplicitly will yield false for the provided edge during the current edit.
prepareOrthogonalEdge (IGraph, IEdge, IListEnumerable<SegmentOrientation>, IListEnumerable<MovementInfo>)in OrthogonalEdgeEditingContextHelper method that inspects and prepares an orthogonal edge for the upcoming edit process.
shouldMoveEndImplicitly (IEdge, boolean)in OrthogonalEdgeEditingContextCalled by IDragHandlers and the like to determines whether the specified end of the provided edge should be moved implicitly.
cleanUpEdge (IInputModeContext, IGraph, IEdge)in OrthogonalEdgeHelperInvoked after the provided edge has been edited orthogonally.
getSegmentOrientation (IInputModeContext, IEdge, number)in OrthogonalEdgeHelperGets the orientation of the given segment by looking at the geometry of the segment.
shouldEditOrthogonally (IInputModeContext, IEdge)in OrthogonalEdgeHelperDetermines whether the provided edge should be edited orthogonally in the specified input mode context.
shouldMoveEndImplicitly (IInputModeContext, IEdge, boolean)in OrthogonalEdgeHelperDetermines whether this end of the provided edge can be moved in the input mode context.
PortRelocationHandle (IGraph, IEdge, boolean)in PortRelocationHandleCreates a new instance of the PortRelocationHandle class.
createDummyEdge (IEdge)in PortRelocationHandleFactory method that creates the dummy edge that will be shown during the drag operation.
getPortCandidates (IInputModeContext, IEdge, boolean)in PortRelocationHandleGets the possible candidates for the given edge.
getPortCandidatesDuringMove (IInputModeContext, IEdge, boolean)in PortRelocationHandleRetrieves the port candidates during handleMove.
hideOriginalEdge (IInputModeContext, IEdge)in PortRelocationHandleHides the original edge that during the drag operation.
setPort (IInputModeContext, IEdge, boolean, IPortCandidate, Point)in PortRelocationHandleTriggered by dragFinished to actually change the port.
setPorts (IInputModeContext, IEdge, IPort, IPort)in PortRelocationHandleFinally sets the ports for the edge to the new values.
unhideOriginalEdge (IEdge, CanvasComponent)in PortRelocationHandleUnhides the original edge that was hidden during the drag operation.
PortRelocationHandleProvider (IGraph, IEdge)in PortRelocationHandleProviderInitializes a new instance of the PortRelocationHandleProvider class using the given graph and edge.
createPortRelocationHandle (IGraph, IEdge, boolean)in PortRelocationHandleProviderFactory method that creates the handle for this provider.
getHandle (IInputModeContext, IEdge, boolean)in PortRelocationHandleProvider
LabelingData ()in LabelingDataCreates a new instance of LabelingData which helps configuring GenericLabeling.
CactusGroupLayoutData ()in CactusGroupLayoutDataCreates a new instance of this class.
FixGroupLayoutData ()in FixGroupLayoutDataCreates a new instance of FixGroupLayoutData which helps configuring FixGroupLayoutStage.
FixPortLocationStageData ()in FixPortLocationStageDataCreates a new instance of FixPortLocationStageData which helps configuring FixPortLocationStage.
addEdgeItemCollection (string, ItemCollection<IEdge>?)in GenericLayoutDataAdds a set of IEdges in the graph that will be passed to the LayoutGraph
addEdgeItemCollection (EdgeDpKey<boolean>, ItemCollection<IEdge>?)in GenericLayoutDataAdds a set of edges in the graph that will be passed to the LayoutGraph
addEdgeItemMapping (EdgeDpKey<TValue>, ItemMapping<IEdge,TValue>?)in GenericLayoutDataAdds data per IEdge in the graph that will be added to the LayoutGraph
addEdgeItemMapping (string, ItemMapping<IEdge,TValue>?)in GenericLayoutDataAdds data per edge in the graph that will be added to the LayoutGraph
GenericPartitionGridStageData ()in GenericPartitionGridStageDataCreates a new instance of GenericPartitionGridStageData which helps configuring GenericPartitionGridStage.
GivenCoordinatesStageData ()in GivenCoordinatesStageDataCreates a new instance of GivenCoordinatesStageData which helps configuring GivenCoordinatesStage.
createEdgeLayout (IEdge)in LayoutGraphAdapterFactory method that creates an IEdgeLayout implementation that wraps the given IEdge
PartitionLayoutData ()in PartitionLayoutDataCreates a new instance of PartitionLayoutData which helps configuring PartitionLayout.
PortPlacementStageData ()in PortPlacementStageDataCreates a new instance of PortPlacementStageData which helps configuring the PortPlacementStage.
RecursiveGroupLayoutData ()in RecursiveGroupLayoutDataCreates a new instance of RecursiveGroupLayoutData which helps configuring RecursiveGroupLayout.
ReverseEdgesStageData ()in ReverseEdgesStageDataCreates a new instance of ReverseEdgesStageData which helps configuring ReverseEdgesStage.
SelfLoopRouterData ()in SelfLoopRouterDataCreates a new instance of SelfLoopRouterData which helps configuring SelfLoopRouter.
SubgraphLayoutData ()in SubgraphLayoutDataCreates a new instance of SubgraphLayoutData which helps configuring SubgraphLayout.
YGraphAdapter (IGraph, IEnumerable<INode>?, IEnumerable<IEdge>?)in YGraphAdapterInitializes a new instance of the YGraphAdapter class.
createEdgeList (IEnumerable<IEdge>)in YGraphAdapterCreates an EdgeList that maps the edges from the IEnumerable<T> to their copied ones.
createEdgeMap (IMapper<IEdge,V>)in YGraphAdapterCreates an IEdgeMap that delegates to the provided IMapper<K,V> when queried for Edges in the yGraph.
createEdgeMap (function(IEdge):V)in YGraphAdapterCreates an IEdgeMap that delegates to the provided delegate when queried for Edges in the yGraph.
getCopiedEdge (IEdge)in YGraphAdapterYields the edge that has been created as a copy in yGraph to represent the given edge.
MultiPageLayoutData ()in MultiPageLayoutDataCreates a new instance of MultiPageLayoutData which helps configuring MultiPageLayout.
OrganicLayoutData ()in OrganicLayoutDataCreates a new instance of OrganicLayoutData which helps configuring OrganicLayout.
OrthogonalLayoutData ()in OrthogonalLayoutDataCreates a new instance of OrthogonalLayoutData which helps configuring OrthogonalLayout.
ClearAreaLayoutData ()in ClearAreaLayoutDataCreates a new instance of ClearAreaLayoutData.
PartialLayoutData ()in PartialLayoutDataCreates a new instance of PartialLayoutData which helps configuring PartialLayout.
RadialLayoutData ()in RadialLayoutDataCreates a new instance of RadialLayoutData which helps configuring RadialLayout.
BusRouterData ()in BusRouterDataCreates a new instance of BusRouterData which helps configuring BusRouter.
ChannelEdgeRouterData ()in ChannelEdgeRouterDataCreates a new instance of ChannelEdgeRouterData which helps configuring ChannelEdgeRouter.
CurveRoutingStageData ()in CurveRoutingStageDataCreates a new instance of CurveRoutingStageData which helps configuring the CurveRoutingStage.
EdgeBundlingStageData ()in EdgeBundlingStageDataCreates a new instance of EdgeBundlingStageData which helps configuring EdgeBundlingStage.
EdgeRouterData ()in EdgeRouterDataCreates a new instance of EdgeRouterData which helps configuring EdgeRouter.
OrganicEdgeRouterData ()in OrganicEdgeRouterDataCreates a new instance of OrganicEdgeRouterData which helps configuring OrganicEdgeRouter.
OrthogonalPatternEdgeRouterData ()in OrthogonalPatternEdgeRouterDataCreates a new instance of OrthogonalPatternEdgeRouterData which helps configuring OrthogonalPatternEdgeRouter.
ParallelEdgeRouterData ()in ParallelEdgeRouterDataCreates a new instance of ParallelEdgeRouterData which helps configuring ParallelEdgeRouter.
StraightLineEdgeRouterData ()in StraightLineEdgeRouterDataCreates a new instance of StraightLineEdgeRouterData which helps configuring StraightLineEdgeRouter.
SeriesParallelLayoutData ()in SeriesParallelLayoutDataCreates a new instance of SeriesParallelLayoutData which helps configuring SeriesParallelLayout.
getBoundsProvider (IEdge, boolean, Point, Point)in Arrow
getVisualCreator (IEdge, boolean, Point, Point)in Arrow
cropEdgePath (IEdge, boolean, IArrow, GeneralPath)in DefaultEdgePathCropperCrops the provided path at one end of an edge.
cropEdgePathAtPortGeometry (IEdge, boolean, IArrow, GeneralPath)in DefaultEdgePathCropperCrops an edge's path at the source or target side at the port geometry with respect to the given arrow.
getIntersection (INode, IShapeGeometry, IEdge, Point, Point)in DefaultEdgePathCropperFinds the intersection between a node and the edge.
handleEmptyPath (IEdge, boolean, IArrow, GeneralPath)in DefaultEdgePathCropperHandles the edge path cropping if cropEdgePath would result in a cleared path.
isInside (Point, INode, IShapeGeometry, IEdge)in DefaultEdgePathCropperChecks whether a given point is inside a node's shape geometry with respect to the edge that is being calculated.
addArrows (IRenderContext, SVGGElement, IEdge, GeneralPath, IArrow, IArrow)in EdgeStyleBaseAdds the arrows to a given container.
createVisual (IRenderContext, IEdge)in EdgeStyleBaseCreates the visual.
cropPath (IEdge, IArrow, IArrow, GeneralPath)in EdgeStyleBaseCrops the edge's path at the nodes.
getBounds (ICanvasContext, IEdge)in EdgeStyleBaseGets the bounds of the visual for the edge in the given context.
getPath (IEdge)in EdgeStyleBaseGets the path of the edge.
getSegmentCount (IEdge)in EdgeStyleBaseGets the number of segments of the edge.
getTangent (IEdge, number)in EdgeStyleBaseGets the tangent to the edge at the specified ratio and the corresponding touch point.
getTangentForSegment (IEdge, number, number)in EdgeStyleBaseGets the tangent to the edge at the specified ratio of a segment of the edge and the corresponding touch point.
isHit (IInputModeContext, Point, IEdge)in EdgeStyleBaseDetermines whether the visual representation of the edge has been hit at the given location.
isInBox (IInputModeContext, Rect, IEdge)in EdgeStyleBaseDetermines whether the visualization for the specified edge is included in the marquee selection.
isInPath (IInputModeContext, GeneralPath, IEdge)in EdgeStyleBaseDetermines whether the visualization for the specified edge is included in the lasso selection.
isVisible (ICanvasContext, Rect, IEdge)in EdgeStyleBaseDetermines whether the visualization for the specified edge is visible in the context.
lookup (IEdge, Class)in EdgeStyleBasePerforms the lookup operation for the getContext that has been queried from the renderer.
updateArrows (IRenderContext, SVGGElement, IEdge, GeneralPath, IArrow, IArrow)in EdgeStyleBaseUpdates the arrows in a given container.
updateVisual (IRenderContext, TVisual, IEdge)in EdgeStyleBaseUpdates the visual previously created by createVisual.
getEdgeStyle (IEdge)in GraphOverviewSvgVisualCreatorReturns and/or configures a edge style for the given edge to render.
getEdgeVisualCreator (IRenderContext, IEdge)in GraphOverviewSvgVisualCreatorObtains the IVisualCreator for the given edge.
getBoundsProvider (IEdge, boolean, Point, Point)in IArrowGets an IBoundsProvider implementation that can yield this arrow's bounds if painted at the given location using the given direction for the given edge.
getVisualCreator (IEdge, boolean, Point, Point)in IArrowGets an IVisualCreator implementation that will paint this arrow at the given location using the given direction for the given edge.
create (function(IEdge, boolean, IArrow, GeneralPath):GeneralPath)in IEdgePathCropperCreates an implementation of the interface IEdgePathCropper by using the given function as implementation for its cropEdgePath method.
cropEdgePath (IEdge, boolean, IArrow, GeneralPath)in IEdgePathCropperCrops the provided path at one end of an edge.
getBoundsProvider (IEdge, IEdgeStyle)in IEdgeStyleRendererGets an implementation of the IBoundsProvider interface that can handle the provided edge and its associated style.
getContext (IEdge, IEdgeStyle)in IEdgeStyleRendererGets a temporary context instance that can be used to query additional information for the edge's style.
getHitTestable (IEdge, IEdgeStyle)in IEdgeStyleRendererGets an implementation of the IHitTestable interface that can handle the provided edge and its associated style.
getMarqueeTestable (IEdge, IEdgeStyle)in IEdgeStyleRendererGets an implementation of the IMarqueeTestable interface that can handle the provided edge and its associated style.
getPathGeometry (IEdge, IEdgeStyle)in IEdgeStyleRendererGets an implementation of the IPathGeometry interface that can handle the provided edge and its associated style.
getVisibilityTestable (IEdge, IEdgeStyle)in IEdgeStyleRendererGets an implementation of the IVisibilityTestable interface that can handle the provided edge and its associated style.
getVisualCreator (IEdge, IEdgeStyle)in IEdgeStyleRendererGets an implementation of the IVisualCreator interface that can handle the provided edge and its associated style.
getBoundsProvider (IEdge, IEdgeStyle)in PathBasedEdgeStyleRendererConfigures the style and edge parameters, calls configure and returns this.
getContext (IEdge, IEdgeStyle)in PathBasedEdgeStyleRendererConfigures the style and edge parameters, does not call configure and returns this.
getHitTestable (IEdge, IEdgeStyle)in PathBasedEdgeStyleRendererConfigures the style and edge parameters and returns this.
getMarqueeTestable (IEdge, IEdgeStyle)in PathBasedEdgeStyleRendererConfigures the style and edge parameters, calls configure and returns this.
getPathGeometry (IEdge, IEdgeStyle)in PathBasedEdgeStyleRendererGets an implementation of the IPathGeometry interface that can handle the provided edge and its associated style.
getVisibilityTestable (IEdge, IEdgeStyle)in PathBasedEdgeStyleRendererConfigures the style and edge parameters, does not call configure and returns this.
getVisualCreator (IEdge, IEdgeStyle)in PathBasedEdgeStyleRendererConfigures the style and edge parameters, calls configure and returns this.
getBoundsProvider (IEdge, IEdgeStyle)in VoidEdgeStyleRendererYields the EMPTY that will return empty bounds.
getContext (IEdge, IEdgeStyle)in VoidEdgeStyleRendererYields a lookup that will only return NEVER if an ILassoTestable is queried.
getHitTestable (IEdge, IEdgeStyle)in VoidEdgeStyleRendererYields the NEVER that will always report misses.
getMarqueeTestable (IEdge, IEdgeStyle)in VoidEdgeStyleRendererYields the NEVER that will always report misses.
getPathGeometry (IEdge, IEdgeStyle)in VoidEdgeStyleRendererThis method always returns the VoidPathGeometry instance.
getVisibilityTestable (IEdge, IEdgeStyle)in VoidEdgeStyleRendererYields the NEVER that will always claim invisibility.
getVisualCreator (IEdge, IEdgeStyle)in VoidEdgeStyleRendererYields the INSTANCE that will do nothing.
BalloonLayoutData ()in BalloonLayoutDataCreates a new instance of BalloonLayoutData which helps configuring BalloonLayout.
TreeLayoutData ()in TreeLayoutDataCreates a new instance of TreeLayoutData which helps configuring TreeLayout.
TreeReductionStageData ()in TreeReductionStageDataCreates a new instance of TreeReductionStageData which helps configuring TreeReductionStage.
getBendDrawing (CanvasComponent, IEdge)in EdgeDecorationInstallerRetrieves the drawing of the bend for the context.
getStroke (CanvasComponent, IEdge)in EdgeDecorationInstallerRetrieves the Stroke for the context.
getBendDrawing (CanvasComponent, IEdge)in EdgeFocusIndicatorInstallerRetrieves the drawing of the bend for the context.
getStroke (CanvasComponent, IEdge)in EdgeFocusIndicatorInstallerRetrieves the Stroke for the context.
getBendDrawing (CanvasComponent, IEdge)in EdgeHighlightIndicatorInstallerRetrieves the drawing of the bend for the context.
getStroke (CanvasComponent, IEdge)in EdgeHighlightIndicatorInstallerRetrieves the Stroke for the context.
getBendDrawing (CanvasComponent, IEdge)in EdgeSelectionIndicatorInstallerRetrieves the drawing of the bend for the context.
getStroke (CanvasComponent, IEdge)in EdgeSelectionIndicatorInstallerRetrieves the Stroke for the context.
createEdgeModelManager (ICanvasObjectDescriptor, function(IEdge):ICanvasObjectGroup)in GraphModelManagerFactory method for creating the ItemModelManager<T> that handles the visual representation of edges.
getEdgeCanvasObjectGroup (IEdge)in GraphModelManagerRetrieves the ICanvasObjectGroup containing the canvas object of a given edge.
paintEdge (IRenderContext, CanvasRenderingContext2D, IEdge)in GraphOverviewCanvasVisualCreatorCallback that paints the specified edge.
createEdgeSegmentAnimation (IGraph, IEdge, IPoint, Point, Point, TimeSpan)in IAnimationCreates a new IAnimation that animates the given edge's bends from its current shape linearly to the shape given by the endBends and final port locations.
createGraphAnimation (IGraph, IMapper<INode,IRectangle>?, IMapper<IEdge,yfiles.geometry.IPoint[]>?, IMapper<IPort,IPortLocationModelParameter>?, IMapper<ILabel,ILabelModelParameter>?, TimeSpan?)in IAnimationCreates a new IAnimation that animates the given layout of all types of graph items.
getStyle (IEdge)in WebGL2GraphModelManagerReturns the currently associated style to use for the edge when rendered in WebGL mode.
getWebGL2EdgeStyle (IEdge)in WebGL2GraphModelManagerGets a WebGL2 edge style that is similar to the IEdgeStyle of the given edge.
setAnimations (IEdge, WebGL2Animation)in WebGL2GraphModelManagerSets the animations to apply to the edge.
setStyle (IEdge, WebGL2PolylineEdgeStyle | WebGL2ArcEdgeStyle | WebGL2BridgeEdgeStyle)in WebGL2GraphModelManagerSets the style to use for the edge when rendered in WebGL2 mode.
updateStyle (IEdge)in WebGL2GraphModelManagerExplicitly updates the WebGL2 style of an edge
getWebGL2EdgeStyle (IEdge)in WebGL2GraphOverviewVisualCreatorGets a WebGL2 edge style that is similar to the IEdgeStyle of the given edge.

Extending Types

EdgeEventArgsA specialized subclass of the ItemEventArgs<T> class that is bound to the IEdge type and carries additional source and target port information.

Implementing Types

SimpleEdgeA mutable implementation of the IEdge interface that can be used without an IGraph.
IEdgeHitTesterThis is a flagging interface for instances of IHitTester<T> that enumerate over a collection of IEdges.