documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6


Detects SubstructureItemss that represent the (undirected) cliques in the specified graph.

Inheritance Hierarchy


A clique is a subset of nodes of the same type (nodeTypes) that are all adjacent (i.e., connected) to each other.

Cliques with less than minimumSize nodes are ignored.

Note that finding a maximum clique is NP-hard. Hence, we only use a simple heuristic approach that doesn't guarantee to find all/the largest clique. It only identifies cliques that have at least one node with at most one non-clique neighbor. Furthermore, a node can only be contained in a single clique, i.e., the returned cliques are non-overlapping.


Finding the cliques in a graph
// prepare the clique detection algorithm
const algorithm = new CliqueSubstructures()
// run the algorithm
const result =

// highlight the cliques
for (const clique of result.cliques) {
  for (const node of clique.nodes) {
    graph.setStyle(node, highlightNodeStyle)
  for (const edge of clique.edges) {
    graph.setStyle(edge, highlightEdgeStyle)
Finding only the cliques in a graph whose nodes are of the same type
// prepare the clique detection algorithm
const algorithm = new CliqueSubstructures({
  // only nodes with the same tags can be a clique
  nodeTypes: (node) => node.tag
// run the algorithm
const result =

// highlight the cliques
for (const clique of result.cliques) {
  for (const node of clique.nodes) {
    graph.setStyle(node, highlightNodeStyle)
  for (const edge of clique.edges) {
    graph.setStyle(edge, highlightEdgeStyle)
}// prepare the clique detection algorithm
const algorithm = new CliqueSubstructures({
  // only nodes with the same tags can be a clique
  nodeTypes: (node: INode): any => node.tag
// run the algorithm
const result =

// highlight the cliques
for (const clique of result.cliques) {
  for (const node of clique.nodes) {
    graph.setStyle(node, highlightNodeStyle)
  for (const edge of clique.edges) {
    graph.setStyle(edge, highlightEdgeStyle)

Type Details

yfiles module
yfiles-umd modules
Legacy UMD name

See Also

A clique only consists of elements with the same nodeTypes, i.e., nodes associated with equal objects. If no nodeTypes is specified, all node are considered to be of the same type.


