documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6


Extension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.

Inheritance Hierarchy


yFiles includes the following specialized exception types indicated by the name:

  • ArgumentError – Indicates that the value of a parameter of the current method is illegal.
  • ArgumentNullError – Indicates that the value of a parameter of the current method is null but a non-null value was expected.
  • ArgumentOutOfRangeError – Indicates that the value of a parameter of the current method is not in the legal range of values.
  • IndexOutOfRangeError – Indicates that an array index is not in the legal range.
  • NullReferenceError – Indicates that a value is null when it shouldn't.
  • InvalidOperationError – Indicates that the current operation is not valid in the instances's current state.
  • NotImplementedError – Indicates that the called method is not implemented.
  • NotSupportedError – Indicates that the operation is not supported.
  • ArithmeticError – Indicates an error in an arithmetic operation.
  • IOError – Indicates an error during an IO operation.
  • KeyNotFoundError – Indicates that a mapping does not contain the given key.
  • AlgorithmAbortedError – Indicates that an immediate termination request was detected by an algorithm.
  • InvalidGraphStructureError – Indicates that a graph cannot be used with a certain algorithm. Some graph algorithms require a specific graph structure, for example trees or planar graph. These algorithms throw this error if a non-matching graph is used.

This type also provides the static catchErrors property, which when enabled, causes most entry points (e.g. event listeners) to use try/catch blocks to catch possible errors that could be thrown during event handling. The errors are handled by the handleError function, which calls the handler function, if it has been set. Note that for some browsers/plugins, try/catch blocks prevent error debugging functionality. Hence, catchErrors should be turned off while debugging.

Type Details

yfiles module
yfiles-umd modules
All modules
Legacy UMD name



Default Properties

Static Methods