documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of Exception

Method Parameters

Exception (string?, string?, Exception?)in ExceptionCreates a new exception with the given message and an optional error name.

In Throws

check ()in AbortHandlerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
check (Graph)in AbortHandlerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
copyHandler (Graph, Graph)in AbortHandlerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
createForGraph (Graph)in AbortHandlerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
getFromGraph (Graph)in AbortHandlerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
hasHandler (Graph)in AbortHandlerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
removeFromGraph (Graph)in AbortHandlerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
getLayers (Graph, YNodeList, BfsDirection, INodeMap, number?)in BfsAlgorithmExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
getValueAt (number)in BorderLineExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
getValueAt (ListCell, number)in BorderLineExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
getValueAt (BorderLineSegment, number)in BorderLineExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
setSloped (number, number, number, number)in BorderLineExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
get (Object)in DataProviderBaseExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
getBoolean (Object)in DataProviderBaseExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
getInt (Object)in DataProviderBaseExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
getNumber (Object)in DataProviderBaseExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
getNodeAtLevel (number)in DendrogramExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
edgeBetweennessClustering (Graph, INodeMap, boolean, number, number, IDataProvider)in GroupAlgorithmExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
edgeBetweennessClustering (Graph, INodeMap, number, number, number, boolean)in GroupAlgorithmExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
getModularity (Graph, IDataProvider, IDataProvider?)in GroupAlgorithmExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
hierarchicalClustering (Graph, INodeDistanceProvider, Linkage)in GroupAlgorithmExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
hierarchicalClustering (Graph, INodeMap, INodeDistanceProvider, Linkage, number)in GroupAlgorithmExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
hierarchicalClustering (Graph, number, INodeMap, INodeDistanceProvider, Linkage)in GroupAlgorithmExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
kMeansClustering (Graph, INodeMap, IDataProvider, DistanceMetric, number, number?, YPoint?)in GroupAlgorithmExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
topological (Graph)in NodeOrderAlgorithmExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
PlanarEmbedding (Graph)in PlanarEmbeddingExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
addAll (number, ICollection<Object>)in YListExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
getCell (number)in YListExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
run (IGraph)in AllPairsShortestPathsExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
run (IGraph)in BetweennessCentralityExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
run (IGraph)in BfsExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
run (IGraph)in BiconnectedComponentClusteringExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
run (IGraph)in BiconnectedComponentsExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
run (IGraph)in BipartitionExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
run (IGraph)in ChainSubstructuresExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
run (IGraph)in ChainsExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
run (IGraph)in CliqueSubstructuresExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
run (IGraph)in ClosenessCentralityExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
run (IGraph)in ClusteringCoefficientExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
run (IGraph)in ConnectedComponentsExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
run (IGraph)in CycleExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
run (IGraph)in CycleEdgesExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
run (IGraph)in CycleSubstructuresExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
run (IGraph)in DegreeCentralityExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
run (IGraph)in EdgeBetweennessClusteringExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
run (IGraph)in EigenvectorCentralityExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
run (IGraph)in FeedbackEdgeSetExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
run (IGraph)in GraphCentralityExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
getMultipleEdges (boolean?)in GraphStructureAnalyzerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
getMultipleEdges (INode, boolean?)in GraphStructureAnalyzerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
getMultipleEdges (IEdge, boolean?)in GraphStructureAnalyzerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
isAcyclic (boolean?)in GraphStructureAnalyzerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
isBiconnected ()in GraphStructureAnalyzerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
isBipartite ()in GraphStructureAnalyzerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
isConnected ()in GraphStructureAnalyzerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
isCyclic (boolean?)in GraphStructureAnalyzerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
isForest (boolean?)in GraphStructureAnalyzerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
isNaryTree (number)in GraphStructureAnalyzerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
isPlanar ()in GraphStructureAnalyzerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
isStronglyConnected ()in GraphStructureAnalyzerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
isTree (boolean?)in GraphStructureAnalyzerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
run (IGraph)in HierarchicalClusteringExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
run (IGraph)in IndependentSetsExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
run (IGraph)in IntersectionsExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
run (IGraph)in KCoreComponentsExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
run (IGraph)in KMeansClusteringExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
run (IGraph)in LabelPropagationClusteringExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
run (IGraph)in LongestPathExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
run (IGraph)in LouvainModularityClusteringExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
run (IGraph)in MaximumFlowExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
run (IGraph)in MinimumCostFlowExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
run (IGraph)in NeighborhoodExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
run (IGraph)in NodeAggregationExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
run (IGraph)in PageRankExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
run (IGraph)in PathsExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
run (IGraph)in RankAssignmentExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
run (IGraph)in ReachabilityExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
get (TKey)in ResultItemMappingExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
set (TKey, TValue)in ResultItemMappingExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
run (IGraph)in ShortestPathExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
run (IGraph)in SingleSourceShortestPathsExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
run (IGraph)in SpanningTreeExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
run (IGraph)in StarSubstructuresExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
run (IGraph)in StronglyConnectedComponentsExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
run (IGraph)in TransitiveClosureExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
run (IGraph)in TransitiveEdgesExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
run (IGraph)in TransitiveReductionExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
run (IGraph)in TreeAnalysisExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
getChildren (INode)in TreeAnalysisResultExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
getDepth (INode)in TreeAnalysisResultExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
getDescendants (INode)in TreeAnalysisResultExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
getNearestCommonAncestor (INode)in TreeAnalysisResultExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
getNearestCommonAncestor (IEnumerable<INode>)in TreeAnalysisResultExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
getParent (INode)in TreeAnalysisResultExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
getSubtree (INode)in TreeAnalysisResultExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
getDepth (INode)in TreeAnalyzerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
getLeafNodes ()in TreeAnalyzerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
getNearestCommonAncestor (INode)in TreeAnalyzerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
getNearestCommonAncestor (IEnumerable<INode>)in TreeAnalyzerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
getParent (INode)in TreeAnalyzerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
getRoot ()in TreeAnalyzerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
getSubtree (INode)in TreeAnalyzerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
run (IGraph)in TreeSubstructuresExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
run (IGraph)in WeightCentralityExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
elementAt (number)in IEnumerableExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
every (function(T, number, IEnumerable<T>):boolean, Object?)in IEnumerableExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
first (function(T, number, IEnumerable<T>):boolean?, Object?)in IEnumerableExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
last (function(T, number, IEnumerable<T>):boolean?, Object?)in IEnumerableExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
get (number)in IListEnumerableExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
applyLayoutCore (LayoutGraph)in FamilyTreeLayoutExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
redo ()in CompositeUndoUnitExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
undo ()in CompositeUndoUnitExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
addPort (IPortOwner, IPortLocationModelParameter?, IPortStyle?, Object?)in DefaultGraphExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
createEdge (INode, INode, IEdgeStyle?, Object?)in DefaultGraphExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
setBendLocation (IBend, Point)in DefaultGraphExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
setLabelText (ILabel, string)in DefaultGraphExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
setNodeLayout (INode, Rect)in DefaultGraphExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
setStyle (INode, INodeStyle)in DefaultGraphExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
setStyle (ILabel, ILabelStyle)in DefaultGraphExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
FilteredGraphWrapper (IGraph, function(INode):boolean, function(IEdge):boolean?)in FilteredGraphWrapperExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
addBend (Point, number?)in FoldingEdgeStateExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
remove (FoldingBendState)in FoldingEdgeStateExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
FoldingManager (IGraph, )in FoldingManagerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
getFolderNodeState (INode)in FoldingManagerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
getFoldingEdgeState (FoldingEdgeStateId)in FoldingManagerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
updateFolderNodeStates (INode)in FoldingManagerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
updateFoldingEdgeStates (IEdge)in FoldingManagerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
createCanonicalParameter (Rect, IOrientedRectangle, Point?)in FreeNodeLabelModelExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
createParameter (Point, Point, Point, Point?, number?)in FreeNodeLabelModelExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
createParameterForRatios (Point, Point?)in FreeNodePortLocationModelExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
createParameter (Point, Point, Point?, number?)in FreePortLabelModelExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
GenericLabelModel (ILabelModelParameter, ILabelCandidateDescriptor?)in GenericLabelModelExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
createParameter (IPortOwner, Point)in GenericPortLocationModelExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
copy (IGraph, function(IModelItem):boolean, IGraph, INode, Point?, function(IModelItem, IModelItem):void?)in GraphCopierExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
opposite (IPortOwner)in IEdgeExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
opposite (IPort)in IEdgeExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
addBend (IEdge, Point, number?)in IGraphExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
addBends (IEdge, IEnumerable<Point>)in IGraphExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
addLabel (ILabelOwner, string, ILabelModelParameter?, ILabelStyle?, Size?, Object?)in IGraphExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
addPort (IPortOwner, IPortLocationModelParameter?, IPortStyle?, Object?)in IGraphExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
addPortAt (IPortOwner, Point, IPortStyle?, Object?)in IGraphExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
addRelativePort (INode, Point)in IGraphExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
adjustGroupNodeLayout (INode)in IGraphExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
clearBends (IEdge)in IGraphExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
createDefaultPortLocationParameter (IPortOwner, Point?)in IGraphExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
createGroupNode (INode?, Rect?, INodeStyle?, Object?, )in IGraphExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
createNode (Rect, INodeStyle?, Object?, )in IGraphExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
createNode (INode?, Rect?, INodeStyle?, Object?, )in IGraphExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
createNodeAt (Point, INodeStyle?, Object?, )in IGraphExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
degree (IPortOwner)in IGraphExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
degree (IPort)in IGraphExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
edgesAt (IPort, AdjacencyTypes?)in IGraphExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
edgesAt (IPortOwner, AdjacencyTypes?)in IGraphExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
getChildren (INode)in IGraphExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
getEdge (IPortOwner, IPortOwner)in IGraphExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
getEdge (IPort, IPort)in IGraphExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
getParent (INode)in IGraphExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
groupNodes (INode, IEnumerable<INode>)in IGraphExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
groupNodes (IEnumerable<INode>, )in IGraphExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
inDegree (IPortOwner)in IGraphExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
inDegree (IPort)in IGraphExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
inEdgesAt (IPortOwner)in IGraphExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
inEdgesAt (IPort)in IGraphExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
isGroupNode (INode)in IGraphExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
neighbors (INode)in IGraphExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
outDegree (IPortOwner)in IGraphExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
outDegree (IPort)in IGraphExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
outEdgesAt (IPortOwner)in IGraphExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
outEdgesAt (IPort)in IGraphExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
predecessors (INode)in IGraphExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
remove (IModelItem)in IGraphExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
reverse (IEdge)in IGraphExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
setBendLocation (IBend, Point)in IGraphExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
setEdgePorts (IEdge, IPort, IPort)in IGraphExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
setIsGroupNode (INode, boolean)in IGraphExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
setLabelLayoutParameter (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in IGraphExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
setLabelPreferredSize (ILabel, Size)in IGraphExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
setLabelText (ILabel, string)in IGraphExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
setNodeCenter (INode, Point)in IGraphExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
setNodeLayout (INode, Rect)in IGraphExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
setParent (INode, INode)in IGraphExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
setPortLocation (IPort, Point)in IGraphExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
setPortLocationParameter (IPort, IPortLocationModelParameter)in IGraphExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
setRelativePortLocation (IPort, Point)in IGraphExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
setStyle (INode, INodeStyle)in IGraphExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
setStyle (ILabel, ILabelStyle)in IGraphExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
setStyle (IEdge, IEdgeStyle)in IGraphExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
setStyle (IPort, IPortStyle)in IGraphExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
successors (INode)in IGraphExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
deserializeParameter (Object)in ILabelModelParameterExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
setMapperMetadata (Object, MapperMetadata)in IMapperRegistryExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
createParameter (IPortOwner, Point)in IPortLocationModelExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
deserializeParameter (Object)in IPortLocationModelParameterExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
getCellBounds (INode, IColumn, IRow)in ITableExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
getCellBounds (IColumn, IRow)in ITableExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
placeNodeInCell (IGraph, INode, INode, IColumn, IRow, boolean?, boolean?)in ITableExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
setLabelLayoutParameter (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in ITableExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
remove (ILabel)in TableExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
setLabelLayoutParameter (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in TableExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
setLabelPreferredSize (ILabel, Size)in TableExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
setLabelText (ILabel, string)in TableExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
setStyle (ILabel, ILabelStyle)in TableExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
redo ()in UndoEngineExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
undo ()in UndoEngineExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
addNamespace (string, string)in GraphMLIOHandlerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
addSchemaLocation (string, string)in GraphMLIOHandlerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
onQueryReferenceId (QueryReferenceIdEventArgs)in GraphMLIOHandlerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
readFromDocument (IGraph, Document)in GraphMLIOHandlerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
readFromURL (IGraph, string)in GraphMLIOHandlerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
serialize (Class, IWriteContext, T)in GraphMLWriterExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
deserialize (Class, Node)in IParseContextExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
serialize (Class, T)in IWriteContextExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
serializeCore (Class, IWriteContext, T)in IWriteContextExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
serializeReplacement (Class, Object, T)in IWriteContextExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
parseDataCore (IParseContext, Node)in MapperInputHandlerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
AspectRatioComponentLayerer (ILayerer, )in AspectRatioComponentLayererExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
ConstraintIncrementalLayerer (ILayerer, )in ConstraintIncrementalLayererExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
checkConstraints ()in ConstraintIncrementalLayererExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
DefaultLayeredComponentsMerger (MergingPolicy)in DefaultLayeredComponentsMergerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
createBorderLine (number, INodeLayout)in INodeDataExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
MultiComponentLayerer (ILayerer, ILayeredComponentsMerger?, IComparer<Object>?)in MultiComponentLayererExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
setPortBorderGapRatio (number, number)in HierarchicLayoutNodeLayoutDescriptorExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
RoutingStyle (HierarchicLayoutEdgeRoutingStyle, boolean?)in HierarchicLayoutRoutingStyleExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
SwimlaneDescriptor (Object, IComparer<Object>?)in SwimlaneDescriptorExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
requestMutex ()in ConcurrencyControllerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
initializeDrag (IInputModeContext, Point)in GraphSnapContextExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
createPort (IInputModeContext)in IPortCandidateExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
requestMutex ()in InputModeBaseExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
add (IInputMode)in MultiplexingInputModeExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
initializeDrag (IInputModeContext)in OrthogonalEdgeEditingContextExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
initializeDrag (IInputModeContext, Point)in SnapContextExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
getName (Class, number)in EnumExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
getValues (Class)in EnumExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
BendConverter (number)in BendConverterExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
toString ()in DirectionExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
createPositionParameter (number)in DiscreteEdgeLabelLayoutModelExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
getPosition (Object)in DiscreteEdgeLabelLayoutModelExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
EdgeBundling (number?, number?, )in EdgeBundlingExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
markPortLabelForFallbackPlacement (LabelLayoutData)in EdgeLabelOrientationSupportExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
calculateFixPoint (Rectangle2D)in FixNodeLayoutStageExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
createModelParameter (YOrientedRectangle, IEdgeLayout, INodeLayout, INodeLayout)in FreeEdgeLabelLayoutModelExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
createModelParameter (YOrientedRectangle, INodeLayout)in FreeNodeLabelLayoutModelExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
preferredLayoutSize (number, number)in GraphTransformerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
setScaleFactors (number, number)in GraphTransformerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
getParent (YNode)in LayoutGroupingSupportExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
getRepresentative (YNode, YNode)in LayoutGroupingSupportExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
addLabelLayout (YNode, INodeLabelLayout)in ILabelLayoutFactoryExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
addLabelLayout (Edge, IEdgeLabelLayout)in ILabelLayoutFactoryExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
start ()in LayoutExecutorAsyncExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
arrangeRectangleGrid (Rectangle2D, Rectangle2D, number)in LayoutGraphUtilitiesExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
arrangeRectangleRows (Rectangle2D, Rectangle2D, number, RowAlignment?)in LayoutGraphUtilitiesExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
create (number, number, number, number)in NodeHaloExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
create (number)in NodeHaloExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
applyLayout (LayoutGraph)in NormalizeGraphElementOrderStageExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
OrientationLayout (LayoutOrientation, )in OrientationLayoutExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
createCellId (RowDescriptor, ColumnDescriptor)in PartitionGridExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
createCellId (number, number)in PartitionGridExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
applyLayout (LayoutGraph)in PartitionLayoutExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
add (PortCandidate, number?)in PortCandidateSetExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
create (PortSide, boolean?)in PortConstraintExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
fromParameter (ILabelModelParameter)in PreferredPlacementDescriptorExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
findReversedTreeEdges (LayoutGraph, YNode, IDataAcceptor)in ReverseEdgesStageExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
YGraphAdapter (IGraph, IEnumerable<INode>?, IEnumerable<IEdge>?)in YGraphAdapterExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
calculateLayout (LayoutGraph)in MultiPageLayoutExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
getPage (number)in MultiPageLayoutResultExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
setInertia (YNode, number)in InteractiveOrganicLayoutExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
setStress (YNode, number)in InteractiveOrganicLayoutExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
syncStructure ()in InteractiveOrganicLayoutExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
addAlignmentConstraint (OrganicLayoutConstraintOrientation, number?)in OrganicConstraintDataExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
addEllipse (boolean, number?)in OrganicConstraintDataExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
addFloatingBoundingBox (number, number)in OrganicConstraintDataExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
addMaximumDistance (INode, INode, number, OrganicLayoutConstraintOrientation)in OrganicConstraintDataExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
addMinimumDistance (INode, INode, number)in OrganicConstraintDataExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
addPinnedBoundingBox (number, number, number, number)in OrganicConstraintDataExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
addRectangle (number?)in OrganicConstraintDataExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
addSeparationConstraint (OrganicLayoutConstraintOrientation, number)in OrganicConstraintDataExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
addAlignmentConstraint (IList<Object>, OrganicLayoutConstraintOrientation)in OrganicLayoutConstraintFactoryExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
addAlignmentConstraint (IList<Object>, OrganicLayoutConstraintOrientation, number)in OrganicLayoutConstraintFactoryExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
addEllipse (IList<Object>, boolean, number?)in OrganicLayoutConstraintFactoryExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
addFloatingBoundingBox (IList<Object>, number, number)in OrganicLayoutConstraintFactoryExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
addMaximumDistanceConstraint (Object, Object, number, OrganicLayoutConstraintOrientation)in OrganicLayoutConstraintFactoryExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
addMinimumDistanceConstraint (Object, Object, number)in OrganicLayoutConstraintFactoryExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
addPinnedBoundingBox (IList<Object>, number, number, number, number)in OrganicLayoutConstraintFactoryExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
addRectangle (IList<Object>, number?)in OrganicLayoutConstraintFactoryExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
addRegularAlignmentConstraint (IList<Object>, OrganicLayoutConstraintOrientation)in OrganicLayoutConstraintFactoryExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
addRegularAlignmentConstraint (IList<Object>, OrganicLayoutConstraintOrientation, number)in OrganicLayoutConstraintFactoryExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
addSeparationConstraint (IList<Object>, IList<Object>, OrganicLayoutConstraintOrientation, number)in OrganicLayoutConstraintFactoryExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
applyLayout (LayoutGraph)in OrganicPartitionGridLayoutStageExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
createAspectRatioRestriction (number)in OutputRestrictionExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
createCircularCageRestriction (number, number, number)in OutputRestrictionExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
createEllipticalCageRestriction (number, number, number, number)in OutputRestrictionExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
createRectangularCageRestriction (number, number, number, number)in OutputRestrictionExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
RemoveOverlapsStage (number, )in RemoveOverlapsStageExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
replaceSubgraphByHubs (LayoutGraph, IEdgeCursor, IDataProvider, IDataAcceptor)in BusRepresentationsExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
Channel (SegmentInfo)in ChannelExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
addSegment (SegmentInfo)in ChannelExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
route (EdgeList, PathSearchResult)in ChannelBasedPathRoutingExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
getCellsForNode (YNode)in GraphPartitionExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
OrthogonalInterval (number, number, number, boolean)in OrthogonalIntervalExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
OrthogonalInterval (Interval, number, boolean)in OrthogonalIntervalExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
calculateIntersection (OrthogonalInterval, OrthogonalInterval)in OrthogonalIntervalExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
calculateUnion (OrthogonalInterval, OrthogonalInterval)in OrthogonalIntervalExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
coveredBy (OrthogonalInterval)in OrthogonalIntervalExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
crosses (OrthogonalInterval)in OrthogonalIntervalExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
distanceTo (OrthogonalInterval)in OrthogonalIntervalExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
hasSameRange (OrthogonalInterval)in OrthogonalIntervalExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
intersects (OrthogonalInterval, number?)in OrthogonalIntervalExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
DefaultPortAssignment (SeriesParallelLayoutPortAssignmentMode?, number?, )in DefaultSeriesParallelLayoutPortAssignmentExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
applyLayoutCore (LayoutGraph)in SeriesParallelLayoutExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
createAspectRatioInstance (GeneralPath)in GeneralPathNodeStyleExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
applyLayoutCore (LayoutGraph)in AspectRatioTreeLayoutExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
determineChildConnector (YNode)in AssistantNodePlacerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
placeSubtreeOfNode (YNode, ParentConnectorDirection)in AssistantNodePlacerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
applyLayoutCore (LayoutGraph)in BalloonLayoutExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
determineChildConnector (YNode)in BusNodePlacerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
DefaultNodePlacer (ChildPlacement, number, number)in DefaultNodePlacerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
DefaultNodePlacer (ChildPlacement, RootAlignment, number, number)in DefaultNodePlacerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
DefaultNodePlacer (ChildPlacement, RootAlignment, TreeLayoutEdgeRoutingStyle, number?, number?, number?, number?, number?, number?)in DefaultNodePlacerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
DefaultPortAssignment (TreeLayoutPortAssignmentMode?, number?, )in DefaultTreeLayoutPortAssignmentExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
DelegatingNodePlacer (RotatableNodePlacerMatrix, ITreeLayoutNodePlacer, ITreeLayoutNodePlacer, )in DelegatingNodePlacerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
determineChildConnector (YNode)in DelegatingNodePlacerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
placeSubtreeOfNode (YNode, ParentConnectorDirection)in DelegatingNodePlacerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
determineChildConnector (YNode)in LeftRightNodePlacerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
RotatableNodePlacerBase (RotatableNodePlacerMatrix)in RotatableNodePlacerBaseExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
translateDirectionToModel (ParentConnectorDirection)in RotatableNodePlacerBaseExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
translateDirectionToReal (ParentConnectorDirection)in RotatableNodePlacerBaseExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
SimpleNodePlacer (RotatableNodePlacerMatrix?, RootNodeAlignment?, )in SimpleNodePlacerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
getBorderLine (number)in SubtreeShapeExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
TreeComponentLayout (ILayoutAlgorithm, )in TreeComponentLayoutExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
CanvasComponent (HTMLDivElement)in CanvasComponentExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
CanvasComponent (string)in CanvasComponentExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
GraphComponent (HTMLDivElement, )in GraphComponentExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
GraphComponent (string, )in GraphComponentExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
GraphOverviewComponent (HTMLDivElement, GraphComponent?, )in GraphOverviewComponentExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
GraphOverviewComponent (string, GraphComponent?, )in GraphOverviewComponentExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
install (CanvasComponent)in ModelManagerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
getAnimations (IModelItem)in WebGL2GraphModelManagerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
getStyle (IEdge)in WebGL2GraphModelManagerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
getStyle (INode)in WebGL2GraphModelManagerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
getStyle (ILabel)in WebGL2GraphModelManagerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
setAnimations (INode, WebGL2Animation)in WebGL2GraphModelManagerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
setAnimations (IEdge, WebGL2Animation)in WebGL2GraphModelManagerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
setAnimations (ILabel, WebGL2Animation)in WebGL2GraphModelManagerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
setStyle (INode, WebGL2ShapeNodeStyle | WebGL2IconNodeStyle | WebGL2GroupNodeStyle)in WebGL2GraphModelManagerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
setStyle (IEdge, WebGL2PolylineEdgeStyle | WebGL2ArcEdgeStyle | WebGL2BridgeEdgeStyle)in WebGL2GraphModelManagerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
setStyle (ILabel, WebGL2DefaultLabelStyle | WebGL2IconLabelStyle)in WebGL2GraphModelManagerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
updateStyle (INode)in WebGL2GraphModelManagerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
updateStyle (IEdge)in WebGL2GraphModelManagerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.
updateStyle (ILabel)in WebGL2GraphModelManagerExtension of the native JavaScript Error type that includes a stack trace.