documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6


Detects SubstructureItemss that represent isolated chains in the specified graph.

Inheritance Hierarchy


A chain only consists of elements with the same edgeDirectedness and nodeTypes. More precisely, the edgeDirectedness is considered as follows: A substructure is only identified as such if all edges are either undirected or consistently directed with respect to the specified directedness.
  • A directedness value of 1 indicates that the edge is considered to be directed from source to target.
  • A directedness value of -1 indicates that the edge is considered to be directed from target to source.
  • A directedness value of 0 indicates that the edge is considered to be undirected.


Finding the chains in a graph
// prepare the chain detection algorithm
const algorithm = new ChainSubstructures()
// run the algorithm
const result =

// highlight the chains
for (const chain of result.chains) {
  for (const node of chain.nodes) {
    graph.setStyle(node, highlightNodeStyle)
  for (const edge of chain.edges) {
    graph.setStyle(edge, highlightEdgeStyle)
Finding only the chains in a graph whose nodes are of the same type
// prepare the chain detection algorithm
const algorithm = new ChainSubstructures({
  // only nodes with the same tags can be a chain
  nodeTypes: (node) => node.tag
// run the algorithm
const result =

// highlight the chains
for (const chain of result.chains) {
  for (const node of chain.nodes) {
    graph.setStyle(node, highlightNodeStyle)
  for (const edge of chain.edges) {
    graph.setStyle(edge, highlightEdgeStyle)
}// prepare the chain detection algorithm
const algorithm = new ChainSubstructures({
  // only nodes with the same tags can be a chain
  nodeTypes: (node: INode): any => node.tag
// run the algorithm
const result =

// highlight the chains
for (const chain of result.chains) {
  for (const node of chain.nodes) {
    graph.setStyle(node, highlightNodeStyle)
  for (const edge of chain.edges) {
    graph.setStyle(edge, highlightEdgeStyle)

Type Details

yfiles module
yfiles-umd modules
Legacy UMD name

See Also

The smallest minimumSize value that could be considered is 3.
A chain or star structure is also considered to be a tree.
If no edgeDirectedness is specified, all edges are treated as undirected. Furthermore, if no nodeTypes are specified, all node are considered to be of the same type.


