documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Represents an edge, i.e., a directed connection between two nodes (represented by instances of class YNode) in the directed graph data type Graph.

Inheritance Hierarchy


The directed stems from the fact that an edge has a distinct source node and a distinct target node. Using pair notation, an edge would be written as (<source node>, <target node>).

Most notably, an edge provides access to its source node (source) and its target node (target). Note that an edge can have the same node as its source and target. Such an edge is then called "self-loop" and method selfLoop yields true.

Important: Class Graph is the single authority for any structural changes to the graph data type. Specifically, this means that there is no way to create or delete a node or an edge without using an actual Graph instance.

Type Details

yfiles module
yfiles-umd modules
All layout modules, view-layout-bridge
Legacy UMD name

See Also


