documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of Edge


associatedEdgein DartGets the edge associated with this dart.
nextInEdgein EdgeGets the successor of this edge in the list of incoming edges at its target node.
nextOutEdgein EdgeGets the successor of this edge in the list of outgoing edges at its source node.
prevInEdgein EdgeGets the predecessor of this edge in the list of incoming edges at its target node.
prevOutEdgein EdgeGets the predecessor of this edge in the list of outgoing edges at its source node.
edgesin GraphYields a dynamic IEnumerable<T> for Edges that can be used to iterate over the edges that are contained in this instance.
firstEdgein GraphGets the first edge in this graph.
lastEdgein GraphGets the last edge in this graph.
edgein IEdgeCursorGets the edge at the current location of the cursor.
edgesin YNodeYields a dynamic IEnumerable<T> for Edges that can be used to iterate over the adjacent edges at this instance.
firstInEdgein YNodeGets the first incoming edge at this node, or null if it does not exist.
firstOutEdgein YNodeGets the first outgoing edge at this node, or null if it does not exist.
inEdgesin YNodeYields a dynamic IEnumerable<T> for Edges that can be used to iterate over ingoing edges at this instance.
lastInEdgein YNodeGets the last incoming edge at this node, or null if it does not exist.
lastOutEdgein YNodeGets the last outgoing edge at this node, or null if it does not exist.
outEdgesin YNodeYields a dynamic IEnumerable<T> for Edges that can be used to iterate over outgoing edges at this instance.
associatedEdgein IEdgeDataGets the Edge associated with this IEdgeData instance.
associatedEdgein INodeDataGets the associated Edge of the YNode of this INodeData instance (in case of e.g.
representedEdgein IEdgeInfoGets the original edge associated with this IEdgeInfo.
edgein EdgeInfoGets the edge whose route is described by this EdgeInfo instance.
currentEdgein PathSearchContextGets or sets the edge that is currently routed.
edgein SegmentInfoGets the edge to which the segment of this info belongs.

Method Return Values

createCopy (Graph, YNode, YNode)in EdgeCreates a copy of this edge that will be inserted into the given graph connecting the given source and target nodes.
firstEdge ()in EdgeListReturns the first edge in this list, or null when the list is empty.
getEnumerator ()in EdgeListReturns an enumerator for this collection.
lastEdge ()in EdgeListReturns the last edge in this list, or null when the list is empty.
popEdge ()in EdgeListRemoves the first edge from this list and returns it.
toEdgeArray ()in EdgeListReturns an edge array containing all elements of this list in the canonical order.
createEdge (YNode, YNode)in GraphCreates a new edge in this graph.
createEdge (YNode, Edge, YNode, Edge, GraphElementInsertion, GraphElementInsertion)in GraphCreates a new edge in this graph to be ordered before or after a given edge.
firstOutEdge (YNode)in GraphLow-level iteration support for adjacent edges.
getEdgeArray ()in GraphReturns an array containing all edges of this graph.
getEdge (YNode)in YNodeReturns an edge that connects this node with the given node, if such an edge exists.
getEdgeFrom (YNode)in YNodeReturns an incoming edge that connects the given node with this node, if such an edge exists.
getEdgeTo (YNode)in YNodeReturns an outgoing edge that connects this node with the given node, if such an edge exists.
calcDelauneyTriangulation (Graph, IDataProvider, IEdgeMap)in TriangulationAlgorithmComputes a Delauney triangulation of the given points.
triangulatePoints (Graph, IDataProvider, IEdgeMap)in TriangulationAlgorithmComputes a triangulation of the given points.
triangulatePoints (YList, Graph, INodeMap, IEdgeMap)in TriangulationAlgorithmComputes a triangulation of the given points.
getOriginalEdge (Edge, ILayoutDataProvider)in HierarchicLayoutReturns the corresponding original edge instance for a given edge.
createBusDummyEdge (YNode, YNode, HierarchicLayoutEdgeLayoutDescriptor, Object, boolean)in IItemFactoryCreates a dummy edge that models the bus segment of a bus substructure.
createDummyEdge (YNode, YNode, Edge, boolean, boolean)in IItemFactoryCreates a dummy Edge using the given data.
createGroupBorderEdge (YNode, YNode)in IItemFactoryCreates an Edge that connects two group border YNodes.
createGroupNodeConnectorEdge (YNode, YNode, Edge)in IItemFactoryCreates a group node connector Edge between two group YNodes.
createRecursiveDummyEdge (YNode, YNode, Edge, boolean, boolean)in IItemFactoryCreates a dummy edge that belongs to a recursive Edge.
createRedirectedGroupEdge (YNode, YNode, Edge)in IItemFactoryCreates a redirected Edge to replace an Edge connected to a group YNode.
createReverseDummyEdge (YNode, YNode, Edge, boolean, boolean)in IItemFactoryCreates a reversed dummy Edge using the given data.
createSameLayerProxy (ILayer, Edge, YNode)in IItemFactoryCreates a same-layer Edge proxy connecting a newly created proxy YNode and a given proxy YNode in the given ILayer.
destroyProxyNode (YNode)in IItemFactoryDestroys a proxy YNode created using createProxyNode for the drawing phase.
destroySameLayerProxy (Edge)in IItemFactoryDestroys a same-layer Edge proxy created using createSameLayerProxy.
destroySameLayerSwitchProxy (YNode)in IItemFactoryDestroys a same-layer switch proxy YNode created using createSameLayerSwitchProxy.
getOriginalEdge (YNode)in PortConstraintOptimizerSameLayerDataReturns the original (same-layer) edge associated with the given dummy YNode.
createCopiedEdge (Object)in CopiedLayoutGraphCreates an edge in the copied graph that corresponds to the given original edge.
getCopiedEdge (Object)in CopiedLayoutGraphReturns the copied edge that corresponds to the given original edge.
getOwnerEdge (IEdgeLabelLayout)in CopiedLayoutGraphReturns the edge of the copied graph to which the given IEdgeLabelLayout belongs.
getOwnerEdge (IEdgeLabelLayout)in DefaultLayoutGraph
getOwnerEdge (IEdgeLabelLayout)in LayoutGraphReturns the edge to which the given IEdgeLabelLayout belongs.
getCopiedEdge (IEdge)in YGraphAdapterYields the edge that has been created as a copy in yGraph to represent the given edge.
createConnectorEdge (LayoutContext, YNode, YNode, Object, boolean)in DefaultElementFactory
createProxyEdge (LayoutContext, YNode, YNode, Object, Object)in DefaultElementFactory
createProxyReferenceEdge (LayoutContext, YNode, YNode, Object)in DefaultElementFactory
createConnectorEdge (LayoutContext, YNode, YNode, Object, boolean)in IElementFactoryCallback method for creating an edge of type CONNECTOR.
createProxyEdge (LayoutContext, YNode, YNode, Object, Object)in IElementFactoryCallback method for creating an edge of type PROXY.
createProxyReferenceEdge (LayoutContext, YNode, YNode, Object)in IElementFactoryCallback method for creating an edge of type PROXY_REFERENCE.
createEdge (YNode, YNode, Object)in LayoutContextAll methods of the IElementFactory have to use this method to create an edge.
getOriginalEdge (Object)in LayoutContextReturns the edge of the input graph with the given ID or null if there is no such edge.
getPageEdge (Object)in LayoutContextReturns the edge of a page graph (a graph that represents the result of the multi-page layout) with the given ID or null if there is no such edge.

Method Parameters

postTraverse (Edge, YNode)in DfsAlgorithmCallback method that will be invoked after the DFS has returned from the given node.
preTraverse (Edge, YNode, boolean)in DfsAlgorithmCallback method that will be invoked if the given edge will be considered the first (and only) time during the DFS.
Edge (Graph, YNode, Edge, YNode, Edge, GraphElementInsertion, GraphElementInsertion)in EdgeCreates a new edge that belongs to the given graph.
EdgeList (Edge)in EdgeListCreates a list that is initialized with the edges provided by the given array of edges.
EdgeList (Edge)in EdgeListCreates a list that is initialized with a single edge provided.
changeEdge (Edge, Edge, Edge, GraphElementInsertion, GraphElementInsertion)in GraphRedefines an edge's end points.
changeEdge (Edge, YNode, Edge, GraphElementInsertion, YNode, Edge, GraphElementInsertion)in GraphRedefines an edge's end points.
changeEdge (Edge, YNode, YNode)in GraphRedefines an edge's end points.
contains (Edge)in GraphWhether or not this graph contains the given edge.
createEdge (YNode, Edge, YNode, Edge, GraphElementInsertion, GraphElementInsertion)in GraphCreates a new edge in this graph to be ordered before or after a given edge.
hide (Edge)in GraphHides the given edge from this graph.
moveToFirst (Edge)in GraphMoves the given edge to the first position within the sequence of edges in this graph.
moveToLast (Edge)in GraphMoves the given edge to the last position within the sequence of edges in this graph.
reInsertEdge (Edge)in GraphReinserts a formerly removed edge into this graph.
removeEdge (Edge)in GraphRemoves the given edge from this graph.
reverseEdge (Edge)in GraphReverses the given edge.
unhide (Edge)in GraphUnhides the given edge in this graph.
hide (Edge)in GraphPartitionManagerHides the given edge from the graph.
unhide (Edge)in GraphPartitionManagerThis method will be called whenever the partition manager is requested to unhide the given edge from the graph.
hide (Edge)in LayoutGraphHiderHides the given edge from the graph.
unhide (Edge)in LayoutGraphHiderThis method will be called whenever the hider is requested to unhide the given edge from the graph.
unhideEdge (Edge)in LayoutGraphHiderUnhides the given edge.
getInEdgeCursor (Edge?)in YNodeReturns an edge cursor for incoming edges at this node.
getOutEdgeCursor (Edge?)in YNodeReturns an edge cursor for outgoing edges at this node.
st (Graph, number, Edge?)in NodeOrderAlgorithmAssigns an st-ordering to the nodes of a biconnected graph given the edge between source node s and sink node t.
getDarts (Edge)in PlanarEmbeddingReturns the two darts associated with the given edge.
acyclic (Graph, YNode, number, number, Edge?)in ShortestPathAlgorithmSolves the single-source shortest path problem for acyclic directed graphs.
aStar (Graph, YNode, YNode, boolean, number, number, Edge)in ShortestPathAlgorithmSolves the single-source single-sink shortest path problem for arbitrary graphs using an implementation of the well-known a-star algorithm (A*).
bellmanFord (Graph, YNode, boolean, number, number, Edge?)in ShortestPathAlgorithmSolves the single-source shortest path problem for arbitrary graphs.
constructEdgePath (YNode, YNode, Edge)in ShortestPathAlgorithmConvenience method that constructs an explicit path of edges from the result returned by one of the shortest paths methods defined in this class.
constructNodePath (YNode, YNode, Edge)in ShortestPathAlgorithmConvenience method that constructs an explicit path of nodes from the result returned by one of the shortest paths methods defined in this class.
dijkstra (Graph, YNode, boolean, number, number, Edge?)in ShortestPathAlgorithmSolves the single-source shortest path problem for arbitrary graphs and additionally, this method yields the path edges of each calculated shortest path.
singleSource (Graph, YNode, boolean, number, number, Edge?)in ShortestPathAlgorithmThis method solves the single-source shortest path problem for arbitrary graphs.
singleSourceSingleSink (Graph, YNode, YNode, boolean, number, Edge)in ShortestPathAlgorithmThis method solves the single-source single-sink shortest path problem for arbitrary graphs.
uniform (Graph, YNode, boolean, number, Edge?)in ShortestPathAlgorithmSolves the single-source shortest path problem for arbitrary graphs in which each edge has a uniform cost of 1.0.
getCrossingCost (Edge, Edge, ILayoutDataProvider)in DefaultLayerSequencerReturns the cost of an edge crossing between the two given edges.
getOriginalEdge (Edge, ILayoutDataProvider)in HierarchicLayoutReturns the corresponding original edge instance for a given edge.
reverse (LayoutGraph, ILayoutDataProvider, Edge)in IEdgeReverserReverses a given edge which points to the wrong direction.
createBendNode (ILayer, Edge, SwimlaneDescriptor?)in IItemFactoryCreates a bend YNode for the given Edge in the given ILayer and assigns it to the given SwimlaneDescriptor instance.
createBendNodeData (YNode, Edge, SwimlaneDescriptor?)in IItemFactoryCreates a INodeData object for a bend YNode and associates it with the YNode.
createBusDummyEdgeData (Edge, HierarchicLayoutEdgeLayoutDescriptor, Object, boolean)in IItemFactoryCreates an IEdgeData instance for a bus dummy edge.
createConnectorProxyForGroup (YNode, Object, ILayer, Edge)in IItemFactoryCreates a dummy YNode that mimics a connector to a group YNode.
createContentConnectorProxyForGroup (YNode, Object, ILayer, Edge)in IItemFactoryCreates a dummy node that mimics a connector to a group node from a descendant.
createDistanceNode (ILayer, Rectangle2D, Edge)in IItemFactoryCreates a spacer YNode for the drawing phase using the given bounds in the given ILayer.
createDummyEdge (YNode, YNode, Edge, boolean, boolean)in IItemFactoryCreates a dummy Edge using the given data.
createGroupNodeConnectorEdge (YNode, YNode, Edge)in IItemFactoryCreates a group node connector Edge between two group YNodes.
createNormalEdgeData (Edge)in IItemFactoryCreates an IEdgeData object for a normal Edge and associates it with the edge.
createProxyNode (Edge, boolean, SwimlaneDescriptor?)in IItemFactoryCreates a proxy YNode for an Edge during the drawing phase, changing the Edge to end/start at the proxy and assigns it to a SwimlaneDescriptor instance.
createProxyNodeData (YNode, YNode, Edge)in IItemFactoryCreates a INodeData object for a proxy YNode and associates it with the proxy node.
createRecursiveDummyEdge (YNode, YNode, Edge, boolean, boolean)in IItemFactoryCreates a dummy edge that belongs to a recursive Edge.
createRecursiveEdgeDummy (ILayer, Edge, SwimlaneDescriptor)in IItemFactoryCreates a dummy YNode that represents a bend node of a recursive Edge.
createRecursiveEdgeNodeData (YNode, Edge, SwimlaneDescriptor)in IItemFactoryCreates a INodeData for a dummy YNode of a recursive Edge.
createRecursiveSameLayerEdgeData (Edge, IEdgeData, boolean)in IItemFactoryCreates an IEdgeData object for a same-layer recursive Edge and associates it with the edge.
createRedirectedGroupEdge (YNode, YNode, Edge)in IItemFactoryCreates a redirected Edge to replace an Edge connected to a group YNode.
createReverseDummyEdge (YNode, YNode, Edge, boolean, boolean)in IItemFactoryCreates a reversed dummy Edge using the given data.
createSameLayerEdgeData (Edge)in IItemFactoryCreates an IEdgeData object for a same-layer Edge and associates it with the edge.
createSameLayerProxy (ILayer, Edge, YNode)in IItemFactoryCreates a same-layer Edge proxy connecting a newly created proxy YNode and a given proxy YNode in the given ILayer.
createSameLayerSideProxy (ILayer, YNode, Edge, SwimlaneDescriptor?)in IItemFactoryCreates a proxy YNode for a same-layer Edge during the drawing phase that ends at the side of a node.
createSameLayerSwitchProxy (ILayer, Edge)in IItemFactoryCreates a same-layer switch proxy YNode (switching between two same-layer Edges on two different sides of the layer).
createSelfLoopEdgeData (Edge)in IItemFactoryCreates an IEdgeData object for a self-loop Edge and associates it with the edge.
destroySameLayerProxy (Edge)in IItemFactoryDestroys a same-layer Edge proxy created using createSameLayerProxy.
insertEdge (Edge)in IItemFactoryInserts a same-layer Edge or an Edge that may span multiple layers into the data structure and returns the resulting list of Edges that has been created if this edge spans multiple layers.
registerSameLayerEdge (Edge)in IItemFactoryRegisters an Edge as a same-layer Edge appropriately into all data structures.
setDirectlyConnectSameLayerEdge (Edge)in IItemFactoryConverts a same-layer Edge to an Edge of type DIRECT_SAME_LAYER_EDGE.
setTemporaryCriticalEdgePriority (Edge, number)in IItemFactorySpecifies the critical edge priority for an Edge and defines it in an IEdgeData object.
setTemporaryCrossingCost (Edge, number)in IItemFactorySpecifies the crossing cost for an Edge and defines it in an IEdgeData object.
setTemporaryEdgeGroups (Edge, Object, Object)in IItemFactorySpecifies an edge group constraint for an Edge and assigns it to an IEdgeData object.
setTemporaryEdgeThickness (Edge, number)in IItemFactorySpecifies the thickness for an Edge and defines it in an IEdgeData object.
setTemporaryPortConstraint (Edge, boolean, PortConstraint)in IItemFactorySpecifies a port constraint for an Edge at the given side and assigns it to an IEdgeData object.
addSameLayerEdge (Edge)in ILayerAdds a same-layer Edge to this ILayer instance.
getEdgeData (Edge)in ILayoutDataProviderReturns the IEdgeData instance associated with the given Edge.
addDummyNode (YNode, Edge)in PortConstraintOptimizerSameLayerDataAdds a given dummy YNode to this PortConstraintOptimizerSameLayerData instance and associates it with the given original (same-layer) Edge.
getMinimumDistance (LayoutGraph, Edge)in SelfLoopCalculatorReturns the minimum length between two edges associated with the given edge.
getMinimumFirstSegmentLength (LayoutGraph, Edge)in SelfLoopCalculatorReturns the minimum length of the first segment of the given edge.
getMinimumLastSegmentLength (LayoutGraph, Edge)in SelfLoopCalculatorReturns the minimum length of the last segment of the given edge.
getMinimumOctilinearSegmentLength (LayoutGraph, Edge)in SelfLoopCalculatorReturns the minimum octilinear segment length of the given edge.
isOctilinearEdge (LayoutGraph, Edge)in SelfLoopCalculatorReturns whether or not the given edge is octilinear.
getWeight (Edge)in WeightedLayererReturns the edge weight of the given edge using the weight based cycle removal heuristic.
foundEdgeOverlap (LabelCandidate, Edge, LineSegment)in MISLabelingBaseIndicates that an overlap between a LabelCandidate and an Edge of the input graph has been found.
foundLabelOverlap (LabelCandidate, LabelCandidate, Edge)in MISLabelingBaseIndicates that an overlap between two LabelCandidates has been found.
addedPathForEdge (LayoutGraph, Edge, YNodeList)in BendConverterAdds information to newly created dummy nodes.
getLabelLayout (Edge)in CopiedLayoutGraphReturns the layout information for all labels associated with the given edge of the copied graph.
getLayout (Edge)in CopiedLayoutGraphReturns the layout information for the given edge of the copied graph.
getOriginalEdge (Edge)in CopiedLayoutGraphReturns the original edge that corresponds to the given copied edge.
getLabelLayout (Edge)in DefaultLayoutGraph
getLayout (Edge)in DefaultLayoutGraph
setLabelLayout (Edge, IEdgeLabelLayout)in DefaultLayoutGraphSpecifies the layout information for all associated labels of the given edge.
setLayout (Edge, IEdgeLayout)in DefaultLayoutGraphSpecifies the layout information for the given edge.
isNormalEdge (Edge)in LayoutGroupingSupportDetermines whether or not the given edge is a normal edge as opposed to an edge that crosses any group node bounds.
addLabelLayout (Edge, IEdgeLabelLayout)in ILabelLayoutFactoryAdds the given IEdgeLabelLayout to the given edge.
createLabelLayout (Edge, YOrientedRectangle)in ILabelLayoutFactoryCreates a new ILabelLayout for the given edge.
createLabelLayout (Edge, YOrientedRectangle, IEdgeLabelLayoutModel, PreferredPlacementDescriptor)in ILabelLayoutFactoryCreates a new ILabelLayout for the given edge.
removeLabelLayout (Edge, IEdgeLabelLayout)in ILabelLayoutFactoryRemoves the given IEdgeLabelLayout from the given edge.
findMatchingCandidate (Edge, boolean, number, number, PortDirections)in IPortCandidateMatcherReturns the next best matching IPortCandidateSetEntry for the given parameters.
findMatchingCandidate (Edge, boolean, PortDirections)in IPortCandidateMatcherReturns the next best matching IPortCandidateSetEntry for the given parameters.
getLabelLayout (Edge)in LayoutGraphReturns the layout information for all labels associated with the given edge.
getLayout (Edge)in LayoutGraphReturns the layout information for the given edge.
getPath (Edge)in LayoutGraphReturns the path of an edge, including the ports.
getPathList (Edge)in LayoutGraphReturns the path of an edge, including the ports.
getPointList (Edge)in LayoutGraphReturns the control points of an edge.
getPoints (Edge)in LayoutGraphReturns the control points of an edge.
getSourcePointAbs (Edge)in LayoutGraphReturns the absolute coordinates of the source point of the given edge.
getSourcePointRel (Edge)in LayoutGraphReturns the relative coordinates of the source point of the given edge.
getTargetPointAbs (Edge)in LayoutGraphReturns the absolute coordinates of the target point of the given edge.
getTargetPointRel (Edge)in LayoutGraphReturns the relative coordinates of the target point of the given edge.
setEndPointsAbs (Edge, YPoint, YPoint)in LayoutGraphSpecifies the two end points of the given edge in absolute coordinates.
setPath (Edge, YPointPath)in LayoutGraphSets the path of the given edge.
setPath (Edge, YList)in LayoutGraphSets the path of the given edge.
setPoints (Edge, YPointPath)in LayoutGraphSets the control points of the given edge.
setPoints (Edge, YList)in LayoutGraphSets the control points of the given edge.
setSourcePointAbs (Edge, YPoint)in LayoutGraphSpecifies the absolute coordinates of the source point of the given edge.
setSourcePointRel (Edge, YPoint)in LayoutGraphSpecifies the relative coordinates of the source point of the given edge.
setTargetPointAbs (Edge, YPoint)in LayoutGraphSpecifies the absolute coordinates of the target point of the given edge.
setTargetPointRel (Edge, YPoint)in LayoutGraphSpecifies the relative coordinates of the target point of the given edge.
assignReverseLayout (LayoutGraph, Edge, Edge)in LayoutGraphUtilitiesApplies the reversed layout of the first edge to the second edge.
clipEdgeOnBounds (LayoutGraph, Edge)in LayoutGraphUtilitiesClips the path of the given edge on the bounding box of the source and target points.
clipEdgePathOnBounds (LayoutGraph, Edge)in LayoutGraphUtilitiesReturns the path of an edge clipped on the bounding box of the source and target node.
edgeLayoutString (LayoutGraph, Edge)in LayoutGraphUtilitiesReturns a string representation of the path of the given edge.
getBoundingBox (LayoutGraph, Edge)in LayoutGraphUtilitiesReturns the bounding box of the given edge.
getPathLength (LayoutGraph, Edge)in LayoutGraphUtilitiesReturns the length of the path of the given edge.
isEdgeOutsideNodes (LayoutGraph, Edge)in LayoutGraphUtilitiesChecks whether or not the path of an edge is outside the bounding box of the source and target node.
moveEdge (LayoutGraph, Edge, number, number)in LayoutGraphUtilitiesMoves all control points of the given edge by the vector (dx,dy).
pathIntersectsRect (LayoutGraph, Edge, Rectangle2D)in LayoutGraphUtilitiesChecks whether or not the path of the given edge intersects the interior of a given rectangular area.
removeDuplicateBends (LayoutGraph, Edge)in LayoutGraphUtilitiesRemoves successive bends that have the same coordinates from the given edge.
resetPath (LayoutGraph, Edge, boolean?)in LayoutGraphUtilitiesAssigns a trivial path which has no control points to the specified edge.
roundEdgeLayout (LayoutGraph, Edge)in LayoutGraphUtilitiesRounds the locations of the control points and ports of the given edge to integer values.
routeEdgesParallel (LayoutGraph, Edge, Edge, number, boolean?, number?, number?)in LayoutGraphUtilitiesRoutes two edges which are incident to the same nodes in parallel, optionally joining the end points.
routeEdgesParallel (LayoutGraph, Edge, EdgeList, number, boolean?, boolean?, number?, number?)in LayoutGraphUtilitiesRoutes a list of edges which are incident to the same nodes in parallel, optionally joining the end points.
routeSelfLoop (LayoutGraph, Edge)in LayoutGraphUtilitiesRoutes a self-loop.
getCost (IPortCandidateSetEntry, Edge, boolean, number, number)in PortCandidateSetCalculates the penalty cost for the usage of the given entry and the given parameters.
getPriority (IPortCandidateSetEntry, Edge, boolean)in PortCandidateSetCalculates the priority of the given entry.
getSPC (LayoutGraph, Edge)in PortConstraintReturns the source PortConstraint associated with the given edge.
getTPC (LayoutGraph, Edge)in PortConstraintReturns the target PortConstraint associated with the given edge.
hasPC (LayoutGraph, Edge)in PortConstraintChecks whether or not there exist source or target PortConstraints associated with the given edge.
hasSPC (LayoutGraph, Edge)in PortConstraintChecks whether or not there exist source PortConstraints associated with the given edge.
hasTPC (LayoutGraph, Edge)in PortConstraintChecks whether or not there exist target PortConstraints associated with the given edge.
createPortConstraintFromSketch (LayoutGraph, Edge, boolean, boolean)in PortConstraintConfiguratorCreates a PortConstraint for the given edge.
reverseEdge (LayoutGraph, Edge)in ReverseEdgesStageReverses the specified edge in the specified graph.
getOriginalEdge (Edge)in YGraphAdapterYields the original edge from the original IGraph that the given edge has been created for.
getEdgeInfo (Edge)in IElementInfoManagerReturns the edge information object of the given edge.
addEdgeLabel (IEdgeLabelLayout, Edge)in LayoutContextAdds a label to a given edge.
getEdgeInfo (Edge)in LayoutContext
removeEdgeLabel (IEdgeLabelLayout, Edge)in LayoutContextRemoves a label from a given edge.
getEdgeInfo (Edge)in MultiPageLayoutResult
setPreferredEdgeLength (Edge, number)in InteractiveOrganicLayoutSchedules an update for the preferred length of the given edge.
EdgeInfo (Edge, EdgeRouterPath, PathSearchConfiguration)in EdgeInfoCreates a new EdgeInfo instance.
getEdgeLayoutDescriptor (Edge)in EdgeRouterReturns the EdgeRouterEdgeLayoutDescriptor instance for a given edge that is provided by a IDataProvider which is registered with the graph with key EDGE_LAYOUT_DESCRIPTOR_DP_KEY.
isAffected (Edge, Graph)in EdgeRouterReturns whether or not a given edge is selected.
calculateBendCost (Edge, YList, PortCandidate, PortCandidate)in OrthogonalPatternEdgeRouterCalculates the costs for all bends of the given path.
calculateCost (Edge, YList, PortCandidate, PortCandidate)in OrthogonalPatternEdgeRouterCalculates the edge cost of a possible edge path, in order to determine which path is the best, i.e., the cheapest.
calculateCrossingCosts (Edge, YList, PortCandidate, PortCandidate)in OrthogonalPatternEdgeRouterCalculates the overall crossing costs of the given path, including edge crossings, edge overlaps and node crossings.
calculateEdgeLength (Edge, YList, PortCandidate, PortCandidate)in OrthogonalPatternEdgeRouterCalculates the costs for the length of the given path.
calculatePortCandidateCost (Edge, YList, PortCandidate, PortCandidate)in OrthogonalPatternEdgeRouterCalculates the costs for the chosen PortCandidates.
calculateSelfLoopSelfSidePenaltyCost (Edge, YList, PortCandidate, PortCandidate)in OrthogonalPatternEdgeRouterCalculates the extra penalty that is added to the path's cost if the edge is a self-loop and source and target ports have the same direction.
getFinalizedPath (Edge)in PathSearchReturns the path for the given edge if it has already been finalized.
getEdgeInfo (Edge)in PathSearchResultReturns an EdgeInfo for the given edge.
getPath (Edge)in PathSearchResultReturns the previously registered path found for the edge.
setPath (Edge, EdgeRouterPath)in PathSearchResultSpecifies a found path for an edge.
SegmentInfo (Edge, number, Direction, Interval, Interval, Interval, IList<Object>)in SegmentInfoCreates a new instance of SegmentInfo with the given information.
SegmentInfo (Edge, number, LineSegment)in SegmentInfoCreates a new instance of SegmentInfo using a LineSegment to describe the edge segment.
calculateParentConnector (LayoutGraph, YNode, INodeLayout, SubtreeShape, Edge, IEdgeLayout, number)in DefaultNodePlacerCalculates the bends for the connector to the parent node.
calculateSlopedSourceEdgeLayout (INodeLayout, SubtreeShape, Edge, number, number)in DefaultNodePlacerCalculates the routing of the source side of the edge to the given child node.
calculateSourceEdgeLayout (INodeLayout, SubtreeShape, Edge)in DefaultNodePlacerCalculates the routing of the source side of the edge to the given child node.
calculateTargetEdgeLayout (INodeLayout, SubtreeShape, Edge)in DefaultNodePlacerCalculates the routing of the target side of the edge to the given child node.
assignChildEdgeSourcePort (LayoutGraph, YNode, Edge, number)in DefaultTreeLayoutPortAssignmentAssigns relative coordinates to the source port of the outgoing edge to a child of the given node.
assignParentEdgeTargetPort (LayoutGraph, YNode, Edge)in DefaultTreeLayoutPortAssignmentAssigns relative coordinates to the target port of the incoming edge from the parent of the given node.
getSourcePortConstraint (LayoutGraph, Edge, number)in DefaultTreeLayoutPortAssignmentRetrieves the source PortConstraint for the given edge.
getTargetPortConstraint (LayoutGraph, Edge)in DefaultTreeLayoutPortAssignmentRetrieves the target PortConstraint for the given edge.
getSourcePointAbs (Edge)in RotatableNodePlacerBaseReturns the absolute source point of the given edge depending on the rotation of this ITreeLayoutNodePlacer.
addEdgeSegments (LayoutGraph, Edge)in SubtreeShapeAdds all edge segments of the given edge to this SubtreeShape instance.

Implementing Types

EdgeListSpecialized list implementation for instances of type Edge.